Advances in Data-Driven Analytics Applications: From Methodology to Technology
UH, SIAM TX/LA, SPE (PD2A) Joint Workshop
Joint Workshop organized by SPE Petroleum Data-Driven Analytics (PD2A), Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), and University of Houston (UH)
As the ability to collect “data” continues to grow and the types of data continue to expand, scientists and professionals from many disciplines must find a way to manage, analyze and understand their large, complex, high dimensional datasets.
To help communicate and share recent advances in academia and industry, the Society of Petroleum Engineers’ PD2A Technical Section and the Texas-Louisiana Section of the Society for Industrial and Applied mathematics invite you to an afternoon mini-workshop in Data Analytics. The event brings together researchers and practitioners from mathematics, computational science, data science, data mining, knowledge discovery, large-scale data analytics, and big data. The format will feature a number speakers and allow time for networking and discussion.
See attached flyer for more details.