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University IT Support Center Email Message Generated in Error

UIT Alert: University IT Support Center Email Message Generated in Error

Current Status


Affected Services

  • Cougarnet

Event Updates

IssueMessages RE: New CougarNet Account and Password
February 22, 2020 , 11:45 PM

Early this morning you may have received messages from UIT that said you had a new Cougarnet account and that your password was reset. These messages were sent out in error from an automated system. Please disregard these messages. Your account has not changed and your password is the same as it was yesterday. We believe that we have fixed the problem so you should not be receiving any more of these messages.

IssueDisregard Email Message re: "New CougarNet Account Information"
February 23, 2020 , 7:00 AM

An email may be in your inbox regarding New Cougarnet Account Information. Please disregard this notification and a subsequent message with updated password information. Administrators are working to discover the source of these distributions.

IssueDisregard UIT Support Center Email Message re: "New CougarNet Account Information" that was generated in Error. THERE WERE NO Changes to Accounts. NO Modifications. Accounts were NOT Compromised.
February 23, 2020 , 10:45 AM
Administrators are continuing their investigation of processes that allowed this message to be distributed.
March 10, 2020 , 12:00 AM