Surveys and Links - University of Houston
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Thank you for being a part of Mars Habitation! As a Housing Authority, parent, and community STEM educator (CSE) your participation in this program is valuable. We are here to support you and your communities and appreciate everyone’s participation in what we hope to be an amazing program! These surveys will help us evaluate and improve our program.


After Class Evaluation

This survey is for any community STEM educator (CSE) participating in the program. Please fill this out after EACH class/session you hold. There is a lot of flexibility with how each CSE will lead their groups. We would like to know how each CSE does it and get their reflections on the class and any issues/barriers they might be facing.


Supervision Survey

This survey is for any ROSS coordinators, supervisors, or nonprofits that are supersising a CSE. Please fill out weekly or biweekly. This will help us determine how much time is needed to oversee the CSEs and their classes as well as help us better estimate the total costs of our program.


Weekly Zoom Call Survey

This survey is for undergraduate students participating in the STEM internship and who are facilitating the weekly calls with the CSE. Each student needs to fill this out after each Zoom call.