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Mohamed E. Mohamed Assistant Professor

B.S. in Hotel Management, M.S. in Hotel Management, Fayoum University, Egypt; Ph.D. in Hospitality and Tourism Management, Purdue University
Expertise & Research Interests
  • Food Experience Design and Management
  • Food Tourism
  • Destination Food Image
  • Destination Marketing and Management
  • Human Automation Interaction in Hospitality and Tourism
Career Highlights
Author of peer-reviewed journal articles published in business, marketing, hospitality, and tourism journals that include International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, Journal of Vacation Marketing, and International Journal of Tourism Cities; recipient of Cornell Hospitality Quarterly Best Paper Award at the 9th Biennial Conference GRAN CANARIA ITSA-SSTD, Gran Canaria, Spain in 2022; recipient of several excellence awards that include the 2021-2022 Outstanding Ph.D. Student Award from the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Purdue University, and Excellence Award from the Egyptian Student Association in North America (ESANA) in 2021; currently teaches Marketing Strategies at the undergraduate level.