FED Events Calendar - University of Houston
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FED Events Calendar

EIR Accessibility Consultation

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

1:00 pm - 1:30 pm

The University of Houston System (UHS) is committed to ensuring that all of our community members have equal access to electronic and information resources (EIR). 

All UHS students, faculty, and staff members can help us foster an inclusive environment in which all of our community members can fully participate in educational activities. We can all take proactive steps to ensure that our emails, documents, web pages, and other forms of digital content are accessible. 

UHS has an Electronic and Information Resources Accessibility (EIRA) Coorindator who supports UHS campuses in their efforts to meet accessibility requirements and continually improve user experience. 

If you have any questions related to creating accessible digital content, or if you encounter a barrier to accessing digital content in your classes or on UH web pages, please join us in this meeting for hands-on help.

Learn more about Teams

MS Teams “HyFlex & Online Pedagogy at UH”
HyFlex & Online Pedagogy at UH in MS Teams

Eric Nambo serves as the EIRA Coordinator for the University of Houston System.

4367 Cougar Village Drive
Bldg 526 
Houston, TX 77204