I. Essentials of HyFlex and Online
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
10:00 am - 11:00 am
This is a one-hour synchronous online introductory overview of the key instructional methods and course technologies to support them at UH.
Please RSVP to receive the direct link to the “HyFlex and Online Pedagogy at UH” MS Teams and topic channel where this training will be hosted. To attend the synchronous online session of this training, you will need to join the MS Team “HyFlex and Online Pedagogy at UH” at least 8 hours in advance of the session.
The RSVP form is at https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=vboLF_CikEytSw6PDwxCWVD7aIs2tU5JiCEJOwJGnKFUOEQzVVRGRTUxWUhEWFZCQ1ozQzJHUjA5Mi4u
A download for your calendar appears on the University’s Central Calendar at https://calendar.uh.edu/#!view/event/event_id/52387
Please join the MS Team “HyFlex and Online Teaching at UH” for the training via this direct link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3af0b1d21be54c4aefb518f9357b7bd880%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=6473e555-e35d-43c2-87b1-974f037b7b10&tenantId=170bbabd-a2f0-4c90-ad4b-0e8f0f0c4259
Once you are a member of the team you will be able to set your notifications settings and it should allow you to see the very second that each training recording is available (usually immediately after the training has ended in MS Teams). Each recording will also be posted on the FED channel in MS Stream within 48 hours after the live session is complete, so you can also or instead check there if you prefer:

- Location
- MS Teams “HyFlex & Online Pedagogy at UH”
- Cost
- Free
- Contact
Office of Faculty Engagement and Development (UH FED)
For more information or the Guide to HyFlex and Online Pedagogy at UH, please visit uh.edu/power-on