Developing Open Educational Resources
Thursday, June 11, 2020
10:00 am - 11:00 am
June 11, 10-11 AM: Developing Open Educational Resources with Ariana Santiago (UH Libraries), Emese Felvegi (C.T. Bauer College of Business, Dir. of Digital Learning), and UH Provost TIP Grant Students via Zoom at
Teaching Innovation Program Grant
Focus: Online and Hybrid Courses
The Teaching Innovation Program (TIP) grant is an award opportunity for departments to develop and implement a plan for new and innovative approaches to teaching in the online and hybrid environments. The Provost and Office of Academic Affairs is committed to providing resources and support to departments and faculty who can present a collaborative and innovative plan for accomplishing the TIP program objectives.
The following focus on proposal topics is encouraged:
- To increase student success in learning course material through the integration of new educational technologies
- To increase student ability to use/apply course material through interactive digital tools and media
- To develop curriculum to help students become innovative and self-directed learners in a hybrid or online environment
Proposals will be reviewed for the following:
- Potential to enhance student performance
- Number of students to benefit from the project
- Sustainability and scalability (continuation and replication in future semesters) with a specific departmental plan for maintaining the innovation after the TIP support has expired
- Innovation of the project
- Realistic budget and timeline
- Assessment plan

- Location
- Cost
- Free
- Contact
- This event is graciously hosted for all by the College of Business.
Please contact Professor Emese Felgevi for content specifics.