Lunch and Discuss Session: Reflective Teaching Practices for Wrapping up the Semester
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Meeting ID: 919 8875 7489
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Make some lunch and then join colleagues across the University in a lunchtime conversation around strategies for reflecting on our teaching successes and challenges as we have navigated continuing instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic. Proactive ideas that can be implemented right away to close out the semester will be shared, including ways to gather alternative streams of data beyond student course evaluations to inform our understandings about teaching and learning during this unique time. The session will be led by Susie Gronseth and faculty from the Faculty Senate Community and Government Relations Committee and the “Faculty, Evaluations, Research, and Teaching” ad hoc committee from the College of Education.
Susie Gronseth, Ph.D., is a Clinical Associate Professor in the Learning, Design, and Technology Program, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education. She is an advocate for promoting inclusive educational practices to support diverse learners, particularly in online and flexible learning spaces.
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Susie L. Gronseth, Ph.D. | 713-743-5036
Clinical Associate Professor of Learning, Design & Technology
Co-Chair, Universal Design for Learning SIG – Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE)
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
University of Houston - College of Education