CITE Virtual Office Hour
Friday, April 10, 2020
10:00 am - 11:00 am
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Meeting ID: 108 562 807
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The CITE grant program is the central mechanism for identifying and supporting co-curricular experiences. The CITE program will award around $300,000 in grants each year for five years beginning in the summer of 2019. Interdisciplinary projects and college- or department-level projects that have the potential to impact a large number of students are preferred.
Interested individuals or teams are welcome to submit proposals for review by the CITE Advisory Board.
- Prior to submitting a proposal, applicants are required to submit a preproposal. This document will help the CITE Director evaluate the feasibility of a project and its relevance for CITE. The Director will also facilitate relationships with potential partners on and off campus.
- Grant recipients can reapply for a second year of funding for the same project through the renewal application. However, there is no guarantee that grant recipients will receive additional funding after the initial grant and funding beyond a second year is not available through CITE. Grant recipients can also apply for a no-cost extension if they do not use all of their awarded funds in the first year of the project.

- Location
- Cost
- Free
- Contact
Cougar Initiative to Engage (CITE)
Ezekiel Cullen Building, Room 209
4302 University Drive
Houston, TX 77204-2019
Phone: (713) 743-0534