FED Events Calendar - University of Houston
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FED Events Calendar

Mastering the Craft of Teaching: On-line Teaching

Monday, April 13, 2020

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

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Meeting ID: 984 620 224
Password: 027409

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Meeting ID: 984 620 224
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Mastering the Craft of Teaching is a series of interviews of prior Teaching Excellence Award winners hosted by Dr. Dale Rude (College of Business) and Dr. Dave Shattuck (College of Engineering) (also prior TEA winners) in the Faculty Cafe at Noon on one Monday of the month September through November and January through April.  The Office of Faculty Engagement and Development does record (sound only) the interviews and edits them into podcast preserved on our SharePoint (https://uofh.sharepoint.com/sites/FEDResources27) and SoundCloud (https://soundcloud.com/uhfed) for faculty to access at will.

Lacey L. Schmidt, Ph.D.
Executive Director, Faculty Engagement and Development
Office of the Provost, University of Houston