FED Events Calendar - University of Houston
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FED Events Calendar

Start Time
9:00 am11:00 am
Write In Teams Virtually Together

Meet with colleagues and spend time writing just as you would in the Faculty Cafe. Write for 30 minutes take a 10-minute break and do it again. You can join the meet-up for 30 minutes up to 2 hours.

12:00 pm1:00 pm
Empowered Teaching Toolkit: Beginning to Teaching In No Time 3.0

In these pandemic times…racial injustice times…election times, and….”regular” toxic teaching times….faculty are understandably exhausted, anxious, frustrated, fearful, uncertain, angry, etc. What many faculty need right now are easy-to-adopt effective teaching practices to help them feel empowered in the current chaotic moment (the chaos that unfortunately many marginalized faculty have been familiar with all along).

In this short session, faculty will begin to learn about and implement key practices that will immediately help them to feel empowered in their teaching despite the state of the world.

Watch live with UH colleagues in the UH Virtual Faculty Cafe in MS Teams on Friday, 1/29 at Noon, or watch the recording at https://www.facultydiversity.org/webinars/tint2020 at your convenience.

We encourage you to take advantage of our FREE NCFDD institutional membership and consider attending several free, timely and relevant Faculty Development webinars and workshops (including this one!)