FED Events Calendar - University of Houston
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FED Events Calendar

Start Time
12:00 pm1:00 pm
Cultivating Your Network of Mentors, Sponsors & Collaborators

  • Do you have a reliable and strong network of mentors?
  • Are you struggling to cultivate mentoring relationships?
  • Do you know the difference between a mentor and a sponsor?
  • Are you moving to a new stage of your career and wondering how to find new mentors and sponsors that are appropriate to the next level?

If so, join us for a webinar that will help you:

  • Map your current mentoring network
  • Identify your unmet needs
  • Plan how to expand your existing network to meet your current needs
This is an NCFDD event, it is recorded, but you must log in with your free UH NCFDD membership in order to register for the event or see the recording. Instructions to claim your free UH NCFDD membership are at https://uh.edu/provost/faculty/current/fed/services/ncfdd/ 

1:00 pm2:00 pm
Talking about teaching: The Future of Grading and Assessment

The Chronicle of Education is offering a free webinar on 3/25 at 1PM CST (Register for the Zoom link)

The pandemic brought about many challenges to effective teaching. Chief among them may be assessment.
Many faculty members have had to rethink how they evaluate student learning, from assignments to tests to grading.
Should they stick to midterms and finals or switch to more frequent, lower-stakes quizzes? If they are online, should they consider using proctoring software to reduce cheating? Are there better ways to evaluate student learning beyond tests and papers? All of those smaller questions are often wrapped up in a larger one: What do they want students to learn and remember? And how can they tell?
Join Beth McMurtrie and Beckie Supiano, Chronicle senior writers and authors of our free Teaching newsletter, on March 25 at 2:00-3:00 PM ET for the third installment of Talking About Teaching. This monthly series of roundtable discussions will tackle the topics that concern you most — and answer your questions. Plus, the conversation will continue in the Teaching newsletter.
Register for the third session on the future of grading and assessment to:
  • Consider common challenges to testing and assessment in the pandemic era.
  • Discuss alternate ways to evaluate student learning beyond quizzes and exams.
  • Think through the pros and cons of online test proctoring.
  • Connect with other instructors who face similar challenges.

2:00 pm4:00 pm
Friday Write-in-MSTeams Open Hours

Meet with colleagues and spend time writing in this virtual space on a Friday afternoon. Any and all faculty and post-doctoral fellows are welcome to join at any time using this meeting link. Write for 30 minutes take a 10 minute break and do it again. You can join the meet-up for 30 minutes or for both hours. Join in as you’re able. If the meeting isn’t open, just click the JOIN button and start writing…someone will see you and join in!

Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting
Or call in (audio only)
+1 346-352-9827,,982076872# United States, Houston
Phone Conference ID: 982 076 872#