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Teaching Excellence Awards

Extended Nomination deadline: November 15, 2024

Finalist deadline: February 3, 2025


The Deadline for Submitting all Nomination Material for the first phase of nomination is November 15, 2024.

The University of Houston Teaching Excellence Awards recognizes excellence in teaching for both individuals and groups. Individual Teaching Excellence Awards for outstanding faculty and teaching assistants carry cash prizes of $8,000 for faculty, $3,500 for teaching assistants and $12,000 for the faculty career award. Individual Teaching Excellence Awards will be granted to no more than eighteen faculty and no more than four awarded to graduate teaching assistants. The Distinguished Leadership in Teaching Excellence Award, an award of $25,000 divided into a cash award of $15,000 and $10,000 in departmental support, may be awarded to only one faculty member. Recipients of a Teaching Excellence Award may also be considered for university selection of the UH Piper Professor Program nominee. The Piper Award is a $5,000 prize awarded by the Minnie Stevens Piper Foundation to ten faculty in the State of Texas. The Teaching Excellence Committee will also review and recommend recipients for the Group Teaching Excellence Awards, two awards of $30,000 are presented to no more than two faculty groups.

The TEA committee members who are present for voting will cast their votes. Any absent committee member’s votes will not be counted. The committee will utilize student teaching evaluation scores and comments, among other information, in their in their selections of finalists and winners.

General Nomination Guidelines

Faculty, students, and alumni may make nominations. A faculty member may be nominated in only one of the eight (8) individual award categories (Category 1-8) in any given year. Only one nominee per individual award category will receive an award in any given year. A faculty member is eligible to receive both a Group Teaching Excellence Award and any other award drawn from Categories 1 through 8 in the same year. 

Previous recipients of a teaching excellence award in a particular category are ineligible to be nominated in the same category for a period of six years. However, the faculty member remains eligible to be nominated for a teaching excellence award in any of the remaining categories, with the exception of the Career Award and the Distinguished Leadership Award (Categories 7 ad 8), each of which an individual may receive only once during their career at UH.

See each category of award listed for criteria and directions for nomination.

Nomination Process for TEA Awards

Faculty, students, and alumni may nominate eligible candidates.

Nominations will be submitted electronically as a .pdf file. Please make a single .pdf file (labeled with the last name of the applicant) containing items outlined above and in the exact order indicated on the nomination form. Please include the nominator's address, email (if available) and phone number on the nomination form as requested. Submit the nomination packet by email to

The extended nomination deadline is November 15, 2024

Selection Process and Finalist Guidelines

Based upon materials presented in the nomination portfolio, together with student teaching evaluations and comments, the Teaching Excellence Awards Committee (composed of faculty, students, and alumni) will review the nominations and make recommendations to the Provost. By December 2024, eligible nominees and their nominators will be notified and given additional instructions for completing the final portfolio.

Finalist deadline: February 3, 2025


Individual Awards

Teaching Excellence Award

Nominations accepted for exceptional tenured or tenure-track professors who have demonstrated excellence in teaching.

Individual Award: $8,000

Nominees under this category must be:

  • full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty who have been in residence at the University of Houston for at least two academic years prior to the year of nomination;
  • available for teaching observation during the spring semester so that the committee members may observe their classes or instructional materials; and
  • if a previous award recipient in this category, submitting the nomination no earlier than in the sixth academic year following a prior award.

Nominations under this category must include:

  1. the nomination form;
  2. a one-page letter of nomination;
  3. a one page statement of teaching philosophy by the nominee. This should be a self-reflective statement of the nominee's beliefs and goals concerning teaching and learning and should discuss specifics of how they put their beliefs into practice to achieve their goals;
  4. the nominee’s curriculum vitae, that focuses on teaching-related activities such as course development, advising, mentoring, and other contributions to the teaching program of a department or college; and
  5. the nominee's spring semester anticipated teaching schedule. If possible, include class times and room locations. Committee members will visit the classes of those nominees selected as finalists.

Formatting requirements - Nomination package and all associated materials must include font type of Times New Roman or Calibri, font size of 12 with a 1” header, footer, and margins.

Provost Core Award

Nominations accepted for any faculty who have demonstrated excellence in teaching University Undergraduate Core Curriculum courses.

Individual Award: $8,000

Nominees under this category must be:

  • full-time faculty who have been in residence at the University of Houston for at least two academic years prior to the year of nomination; 
  • available for teaching observation during the spring semester so that the committee members may observe their classes or instructional materials; and
  • if a previous award recipient in this category, submitting the nomination no earlier than in the sixth academic year following a prior award.

Nominations under this category must include:

  1. the nomination form;
  2. a one-page letter of nomination;
  3. a one page statement of teaching philosophy by the nominee. This should be a self-reflective statement of the nominee's beliefs and goals concerning teaching and learning and should discuss specifics of how they put their beliefs into practice to achieve their goals;
  4. the nominee's curriculum vitae, that focuses on teaching-related activities such as course development, advising, mentoring, and other contributions to the teaching program of a department or college; and
  5. the nominee's spring semester anticipated teaching schedule. If possible, include class times and room locations. Committee members will visit the classes of those nominees selected as finalists.

Formatting requirements - Nomination package and all associated materials must include font type of Times New Roman or Calibri, font size of 12 with a 1” header, footer, and margins.

Innovation in Instructional Technology Award

Nominations accepted for any faculty who have demonstrated excellence in innovative teaching using instructional technology, possibly including but not limited to hybrid courses, online courses, and instructional television.

Individual Award: $8,000

Nominees under this category must be:

  • full-time faculty who have been in residence at the University of Houston for at least two academic years prior to the year of nomination;
  • available for teaching observation during the spring semester so that the committee members may observe their classes or instructional materials; and
  • if a previous award recipient in this category, submitting the nomination no earlier than in the sixth academic year following a prior award.

Nominations under this category must include:

  1. the nomination form;
  2. a one-page letter of nomination;
  3. a one page statement of teaching philosophy by the nominee. This should be a self-reflective statement of the nominee's beliefs and goals concerning teaching and learning and should discuss specifics of how they put their beliefs into practice to achieve their goals;
  4. the nominee's curriculum vitae, that focuses on teaching-related activities such as course development, advising, mentoring, and other contributions to the teaching program of a department or college;
  5. a one-page description of the innovative teaching using instructional technology.  This might include mode of delivery, delivery sites, number of students, and any other description of the course that demonstrates how the teaching was accomplished; and
  6. the nominee's spring semester anticipated teaching schedule. If possible, include class times and room locations. Committee members will visit the classes of those nominees selected as finalists.

Formatting requirements - Nomination package and all associated materials must include font type of Times New Roman or Calibri, font size of 12 with a 1” header, footer, and margins.

Instructor/Clinical Award

Nominations accepted for excellence in teaching demonstrated by faculty who do not have tenure or tenure-track positions, including Instructional Faculty, Clinical Faculty, Research Faculty, Artist Affiliates, and Lecturers.

Individual Award: $8,000

Nominees under this category must be:

  • faculty who have been in residence at the University of Houston at least half time for three years prior to nomination;
  • available for teaching observation during the spring semester so that the committee members may observe their classes or instructional materials; and
  • if a previous award recipient in this category, submitting the nomination no earlier than in the sixth academic year following a prior award.

Nominations under this category must include:

  1. the nomination form;
  2. a one-page letter of nomination;
  3. a one page statement of teaching philosophy by the nominee. This should be a self-reflective statement of the nominee's beliefs and goals concerning teaching and learning and should discuss specifics of how they put their beliefs into practice to achieve their goals;
  4. the nominee's curriculum vitae, that focuses on teaching-related activities such as course development, advising, mentoring, and other contributions to the teaching program of a department or college;
  5. one additional letter will be required from the candidate’s department outlining the nature of the candidate’s position and his/her respective role within the department; and
  6. the nominee's spring semester anticipated teaching schedule. If possible, include class times and room locations. Committee members will visit the classes of those nominees selected as finalists.

Formatting requirements - Nomination package and all associated materials must include font type of Times New Roman or Calibri, font size of 12 with a 1” header, footer, and margins.

Graduate Teaching Assistant Award

Nominations accepted for teaching assistants/fellows who have demonstrated excellence in teaching. No more than four awards may be presented.

Individual Award: $3,500

Nominees under this category must be:

  • currently enrolled as graduate students and must have held teaching responsibilities for at least two academic semesters;
  • available for teaching observation during the spring semester so that the committee members may observe their classes or instructional materials; and
  • if a previous award recipient, submitting the nomination no earlier than in the sixth academic year following a prior award.

Nominations under this category must include:

  1. the nomination form;
  2. a one-page letter of nomination;
  3. a one page statement of teaching philosophy by the nominee. This should be a self-reflective statement of the nominee's beliefs and goals concerning teaching and learning and should discuss specifics of how they put their beliefs into practice to achieve their goals;
  4. the nominee's curriculum vitae, that focuses on teaching-related activities such as course development, advising, mentoring, and other contributions to the teaching program of a department or college; and
  5. the nominee's spring semester anticipated teaching schedule. If possible, include class times and room locations. Committee members will visit the classes of those nominees selected as finalists.

Formatting requirements - Nomination package and all associated materials must include font type of Times New Roman or Calibri, font size of 12 with a 1” header, footer, and margins.

Community Engagement Award

Nominations accepted for full-time faculty who involve students in service to the community through service learning activities or community engagement projects related to courses that they teach demonstrating leadership in advancing students’ civic learning, fostering reciprocal community partnerships, building institutional commitments to service-learning and civic engagement, and other means of enhancing higher education’s contributions to the public good.

Individual Award: $8,000

Nominees under this category must be:

  • full-time faculty who have been in residence at the University of Houston for at least two academic years prior to the year of nomination;
  • available for teaching observation during the spring semester so that the committee members may observe their classes or instructional materials; and
  • if a previous award recipient in this category, submitting the nomination no earlier than in the sixth academic year following a prior award.

Nominations under this category must include:

  1. the nomination form;
  2. a one-page letter of nomination;
  3. a one page statement of teaching philosophy by the nominee. This should be a self-reflective statement of the nominee's beliefs and goals concerning teaching and learning and should discuss specifics of how they put their beliefs into practice to achieve their goals;
  4. the nominee's curriculum vitae, that focuses on teaching-related activities such as course development, advising, mentoring, and other contributions to the teaching program of a department or college; and
  5. the nominee's spring semester anticipated teaching schedule. If possible, include class times and room locations. Committee members will visit the classes of those nominees selected as finalists.

Formatting requirements - Nomination package and all associated materials must include font type of Times New Roman or Calibri, font size of 12 with a 1” header, footer, and margins.

Career Award

Nominations accepted for faculty who have demonstrated excellence in teaching over the course of their careers at the University of Houston. The recipient must have been on the faculty at the University of Houston for at least twenty years. No more than one award may be presented. An award in this category may only be presented once to a faculty member.

Individual Award: $12,000

Nominees under this category must:

  • be full-time tenured faculty or NTT faculty with a renewable employment agreement who have been in residence at the University of Houston for at least two academic years prior to the year of nomination;
  • have been on the faculty at the University of Houston for at least twenty years;
  • have been a prior recipient of a university teaching excellence award in some category;
  • have not been a prior recipient under this category; and
  • be available for teaching observation during the spring semester so that the committee members may observe their classes or instructional materials.

Nominations under this category must include:

  1. the nomination form;
  2. a one-page letter of nomination;
  3. a one page statement of teaching philosophy by the nominee. This should be a self-reflective statement of the nominee's beliefs and goals concerning teaching and learning and should discuss specifics of how they put their beliefs into practice to achieve their goals;
  4. the nominee's curriculum vitae, that focuses on teaching-related activities such as course development, advising, mentoring, and other contributions to the teaching program of a department or college; and
  5. the nominee's spring semester anticipated teaching schedule. If possible, include class times and room locations. Committee members will visit the classes of those nominees selected as finalists.

Formatting requirements - Nomination package and all associated materials must include font type of Times New Roman or Calibri, font size of 12 with a 1” header, footer, and margins.

Distinguished Leadership in Teaching Excellence Award

Nominations accepted for full-time faculty who have made sustained and significant contributions to education within the context of their responsibilities as a full-time faculty member. One prize of $25,000, broken into a $15,000 cash award and $10,000 in departmental support, will be awarded in recognition to the finest among the University of Houston’s full-time faculty for demonstrated educational excellence in teaching, and in the scholarship of teaching and learning.

The award committee will look for evidence of a record of superlative teaching, and a strong commitment to impacting student learning and to ultimately fostering the academic success of students.  The award committee will seek evidence that nominees:

  1. Excel at teaching and deeply value learning. This commitment to excellence might be demonstrated through activities that advance the quality and practice of teaching, learning, and advising in the individual classroom, in the department, across the curriculum or discipline, or college- and institution-wide;
  2. Use effective teaching strategies to enhance student learning, including (but by no means limited to), active learning, learning communities, student portfolios, creative assessment, and innovative uses of technology;
  3. Have a significant impact on students’ intellectual development, helping students to develop, for example, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and/or global and multicultural understanding.

This is not a career award as nominated faculty should have the expectation of remaining at the University of Houston. 

The faculty member will also be released from one course during fall and spring semesters in the subsequent academic year in order to mentor other faculty.

No more than one award under this category may be presented in the award year.

Nominees under this category must:

  • be full-time tenured faculty or NTT faculty with a renewable employment agreement at the rank of associate or full professor who have been in residence at the University of Houston for at least two academic years prior to the year of nomination;
  • have been on the faculty at the University of Houston for a minimum of 10 years prior to nomination;
  • have been a prior recipient of a university teaching excellence award in some category;
  • have not been a prior recipient under this category; and
  • be available for teaching observation during the spring semester so that the committee members may observe their classes or instructional materials.

Nominations under this category must include:

  1. the nomination form;
  2. a one-page letter of nomination;
  3. a one page statement of teaching philosophy by the nominee. This should be a self-reflective statement of the nominee's beliefs and goals concerning teaching and learning and should discuss specifics of how they put their beliefs into practice to achieve their goals;
  4. the nominee's curriculum vitae, that focuses on teaching-related activities such as course development, advising, mentoring, and other contributions to the teaching program of a department or college;
  5. one letter from the candidate’s department outlining evidence in support of the candidate’s nomination as posted under the description of evidence of merit for nomination; and
  6. the nominee's spring semester anticipated teaching schedule. If possible, include class times and room locations. Committee members will visit the classes of those nominees selected as finalists.

Formatting requirements - Nomination package and all associated materials must include font type of Times New Roman or Calibri, font size of 12 with a 1” header, footer, and margins.

Group Awards

Group Teaching Excellence Awards

The Group Teaching Excellence Awards recognize groups of faculty in both formal and informal programs who demonstrate a strong commitment to teaching and student success. Two cash prizes of $30,000 will be available for awards to groups of faculty who have worked together collaboratively in the design, implementation and evaluation of a course or a series of courses to improve student outcomes and who demonstrate effective and innovative teaching over a three year period of time.


The award committee will look for persuasive evidence that nominated programs promote, support, and recognize excellence in teaching and in service to students.

Groups must include at least 4 individuals, at least two of whom are full-time faculty members. The others may be instructors, teaching assistants or staff members with instructional duties (such as an advisor). All individuals must have worked at the University of Houston for at least 3 years.

The award must be for instructional efforts that extended over a period of at least 3 years. Applications from groups that span different academic units are encouraged but not required.

The proportions of the total award to be given to each person will be specified in the application form. No individual shall receive more than $8,000.

Nomination Guidelines:

The Teaching Excellence Committee will review applications in two stages. The Teaching Excellence Committee will review nomination files and will choose finalists for the second stage.

Nominations for group awards may come from students, faculty, alumni, or staff. Nominations should follow the guidelines below and be submitted by the deadline.

Nominations under this category must include:

  1. Nomination Form for Group Teaching;
  2. A one-page letter of nomination;
  3. Description of the course(s) covered by the award;
  4. Statement of the group’s activities and accomplishments;
  5. Two letters of recommendation describing the impact of the group on the award’s objectives (One must be from a student; others may be from, faculty, administrators or alumni.);
  6. Curriculum vitae of all group members highlighting their contributions to the project;
  7. Description of why these courses were grouped and what are the targeted student outcomes as the group defines them. In addition, provide an overview of the triggers that motivated the faculty group to collaborate through this group of courses; and
  8. Description of what activities were implemented to achieve targeted student outcomes and what were the results. In addition, clearly state what teaching methods and/or teaching innovations were used. Note that alignment among triggers, objectives, teaching methods, activities and outcomes will be reviewed.  Quantitative and/or qualitative data must be included to support your results.
  9. A schedule of spring class sections related to the award. The Teaching Excellence Committee will schedule a group interview to allow the group to explain their methods and results. Both groups may schedule classroom visits as they deem appropriate. (Requirement for finalist package only)

Formatting requirements - Nomination package and all associated materials must include font type of Times New Roman or Calibri, font size of 12 with a 1” header, footer, and margins.