Global Faculty Award
Nominations accepted for full-time tenured, tenure-track, and promotion-eligible non-tenure track faculty who have demonstrated excellence in the promotion of internationally focused teaching, research, and/or service.
Award: $1,500
Nomination deadline: February 1, 2024
Nominees under this category must be:
- Full-time tenured, tenure-track, or promotion eligible non-tenure track faculty who have been in residence at the University of Houston for at least two academic years prior to the year of nomination;
- And if a previous award recipient, submitting the nomination no earlier than three academic years following a prior award.
Nomination Process
Nominations must include:
- Nomination form;
- Letter of nomination from nominator;
- One-page statement that summarizes the nomination's internationalization philosophy. This should be a self-reflective statement of the nominee's beliefs concerning the UH campus internationalization process and should provide examples on how they have contributed to these UH campus globalization efforts;
- Nominee’s curriculum vitae, that highlights contributions to one or more of the following internationally related activities:
- Leadership in learning abroad
- Development or redesign of curricular, co-curricular, or area studies
- Foreign language immersion
- Recruiting international students and/or visiting scholars
- Promoting or enhancing meaningful strategic partnerships
- Engagement in multicultural campus activities
- Other significant programming initiatives such as international research grants or Fulbright designation
Selection Process
Nomination must be electronically submitted no later than February 1, 2024, to
The Provost has charged the UH Global Advisory Committee with soliciting and evaluating nominees. They will make their recommendations and submit all relevant materials to the Provost in March 2024 and the recipient of the Global Faculty Award will be announced no later than April 2024.