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Maintenance Project Evaluation Committee (MPEC)

Each year, the University of Houston receives approximately $8 million from the state’s higher education fund to finance capital renewal and deferred maintenance needs. Utilizing a formal funding request and evaluation process, allocation of these funds is managed by the University’s Maintenance Project Evaluation Committee (MPEC - formerly known as the CRDM committee).

Projects that can be funded

These funds may be used for deferred maintenance and repairs to public areas of University buildings and grounds, including HVAC systems, plumbing systems, electrical systems, elevators, fire alarms, roofs, window replacements, masonry work, painting, plazas, road/sidewalk repair, and the like. Typically, MPEC projects have a budget between $10,000 and $500,000, with individual work items costing less than $50,000.  

Projects that cannot be funded

These funds may not be used for non-University properties, maintenance or custodial contracts, equipment purchase or rental, software, auxiliaries, travel, or training. Projects that are exclusive to one particular space may not qualify for MPEC funding. An example of this might be an exhaust system that only supports one research lab.

Request and Evaluation Process

Requests come from the campus community, submitted as work orders, which are reviewed by a Facilities Planning and Construction staff triage team.  Based on the triage team’s recommendations, a project manager develops a project from the work order request.  Once the project has been developed, the project manager will then submit it to the Maintenance Project Evaluation Committee for funding consideration. The committee will evaluate the project based on the following criteria:  the facility’s current condition; relevance of the project to the academic mission or business continuity; and life safety considerations, with priority given to those projects that also help support energy and sustainability, safety and the academic goals of the university.  If the request meets all relevant criteria and scores above 50 points, funding is approved and the funding request can move forward.

For more information contact Facilities Project Planning Sr Director Jennifer McPhail  713-743-9329.