Emergency Management Committees

Emergency Management Team (EMT)

General responsibility for the advisory of the Emergency Management Program is the Emergency Management Team, which provides executive leadership on all high level emergency management information, policy and program direction. This group represents executive leaders and administrative and auxiliary departments that provide general information on all emergency management plans, policies, procedures, trainings, and exercising. The EMT reports directly to the Director of Emergency Management and is co-chaired by the Assistant Vice President for Public Safety and Security. In the event the campus UH Emergency Operations Center (UHEOC) is activated, this group may be called upon for support, assistance and for coordination efforts to the incident.

Emergency Planning Committee

Purpose: To improve campus-wide emergency operations through campus-wide collaboration, coordination and the development of specific emergency procedures and processes.           .

Emergency Planning Committee Subgroups:

1.)    Emergency Communications

Chair: Ginger Walker

Purpose: Proposes enhancements and improvements of Emergency Communications for the university as well as the development and distribution of general emergency information.

2.)    Physical Recovery Emergency Planning (PREP)

Chair: James G. Norcom, III

Purpose: The Physical Recovery Emergency Planning Subcommittee supports university emergency planning through the utilization of an aligned and integrated Physical Response Model.  The Physical Recovery Team is charged with the coordination of physical infrastructure response and recovery efforts, to partner with the university and community to effectively and efficiently prepare for, prevent, respond to, and recover from any and all emergency situations impacting the campus.

3.)    Evacuation

Chair: Kelly Boysen

Purpose: To develop a campus-wide mass evacuation plan that outlines the roles and expectations of stakeholders involved.

4.)    Emerging Health Issues Advisory (EHIA) Group

Chair: Dr. Vanessa Tilney

Purpose: (1.) To promote coordination across our university as well as with the Texas Medical Center (TMC), and local public health authorities in the event of a health related emergency and (2.) to assist in determining recommendations for the university response during a health-related emergency.