Welcome to the Environmental Fluid Mechanics Lab Webpage!

Momen Environmental Fluid Mechanics Lab

We are always looking for talented Ph.D. studens. More information about the position can be found below:

Ph.D. Position

Exceptionally talented prospective students who are passionate about coding, mathematical modeling, fluid dynamics, and/or turbulence are encoruaged to send me an email with their CV! We do not currecntly have any openings for Postdoc positions in the lab.

Email: mmomen@uh.edu

Interview with NBC Channel 2, 2024

UH Campus


Offering advanced research program on fluid dynamics with the goal of unraveling the complexities in environmental flows


Computational Fluid Dynamics, Turbulence, Civil and Environmental Engineering, HPC, Big Data Analytics, Predictive Modeling

Research Outlook

Hurricane Boundary Layers, Urban Canopies, Coastal Resilliency, Wind Energy, Reduced Modeling, Machine Learning


LinkedIn, Email: mmomen@uh.edu

Environmental Fluild Mechanics

Addressing the current and future grand challenges of complex environmental engineering by integrating Theoretical, Numerical, and Data Science approaches.

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