2019–20 Annual Report - University of Houston
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Division Achievements

The Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Services has more than 400 professionals who work tirelessly throughout the year to help students at the University of Houston succeed. Their motivation and creativity is endless, as they achieve personal accomplishments and development each year.

Honors and Awards

Chair, Austin Regional Counselors

Ed.D. in Ethical Leadership

2020 ACUI National “Steal This Idea” Graphics Competition

CIVSA Student Development All-Star Award

2019 ACUI Region II Conference Graphics Competition

Top 10 Program: “The Stop, Drop, and Rolls of Programming,” SWACURH, Regional

Region II Director, CIVSA

Top 10 Program: “The Lizards of Leadership,”SWACURH, Regional

2020 ACUI Revis A. Cox Memorial Award

2020 Robert H. Shaffer Distinguished Alumni Award, Indiana University Bloomington
2020 Pillar of the Profession Award, NASPA & NASPA Foundation

Top 10 Program: “Fighting Waste, Feeding People,” SWACURH, Regional

50 of 50 Alumni Recognition, Graduate College of Social Work
GCSW Field Supervisor of the Year Award, Graduate College of Social Work


Ed.D. in Ethical Leadership

M.B.A. in Human Resources Management

HOUmanitarian Award, Mayor's LGBTQ Advisory Board

Marketing Awards (Website Category) Award, ACUHO-I, National

Sustainability Gold Green Office Award

President-Elect, Association of Counseling Center Training Agencies

Ed.D. in Ethical Leadership

Top 10 Program: “Effective
Communication for Problem Solving,” SWACURH, Regional

Bob Cooke Distinguished Service Award, SWACUHO, Regional

Presentations and Publications

A.D. Bruce Religion Center

UH was 1 of 2 schools (out of 90) nationally to be offered two educational session presentations at CIVSA.

Business Services


  • E. Gonzalez, G. Ortega, G. Lizalde, and M. Molina, “What does it Mean to be a Hispanic Serving Institution? Listening to the Latino Voices of Students, Faculty, Parents, and Leaders.” Association for the Study of Higher Education. Portland, OR, November 2019


  • Gonzalez, E.M., Ortega, G., Molina, M., Lizalde, G. (Revise and Resubmit for Journal International of Qualitative Studies) What does it mean to be a Hispanic Serving Institution? Listening to the Latino Voices of Students.

Campus Recreation


  • Joseph Secrest and Claudia Cooper, "Stepping Towards a More Effective New Employee: Utilizing Online Learning in Training," NIRSA Region IV Conference and Student Lead On, October 2019
  • Joseph Secrest, Keynote Speaker, "Leadership is a choice; you can choose to go through or GROW through it," NIRSA Region IV Conference and Student Lead On, October 2019
  • Cara Green, Aquatics Roundtable, NIRSA Region IV Conference and Student Lead On, October 2019 and Texas Facility Summit, September 2019
  • Christine Curtis, Dan Belcher, and Chris Porras, "Transitioning into a Professional Role," NIRSA Region IV Conference and Student Lead On
  • Claudia Cooper, "NIRSA Assembly: What is the future of collegiate recreation?" NIRSA Region IV Conference and Student Lead On, October 2019
  • Cara Green, "Dimensions of Wellness in Aquatics," NIRSA Triventure Conference, November 2019
  • Cara Green, "Aquatics Roundtable," NIRSA Region IV Conference, October 2019
  • Katie Geter, "Talk to a Pro," NIRSA Region IV Conference and Student Lead On, October 2019
  • Katie Geter and Jon Janis, "Summer Camps Roundtable," NIRSA Ideas in Motion, April 2020
  • Katie Geter, Summer Camps Roundtable, NIRSA Ideas in Motion, May 2020
  • Jon Janis, Roundtable Facilitator, State of Texas Sport Clubs Summit, July 2020
  • Courtney Rorex, Young Professionals: Rising and Shining through Transition, Accepted to NIRSA Annual Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, April 2020
  • Joseph Secrest and Claudia Cooper, "Utilizing Articulate as a Learning Management Software and the Process of eLearning," NIRSA Summer of Learning presented by Life Fitness, June 2020
  • Joseph Secrest and Claudia Cooper, "Utilizing Articulate as a Learning Management Software and the Process of eLearning," NIRSA Annual Conference, April 2020

Center for Student Involvement


  • Alyssa Clift, “The Undergraduate HESA Internship: Improving the Pipeline to Graduate Education,” NASPA, National 2019, March 13, 2019.
  • Alyssa Clift and Brianna Smallman, “Event Planning 2.0: Preparing For It All,” NACA, Regional 2019, October 4, 2019.
  • Alyssa Clift and Brianna Smallman, “Throwing Away the Box: Events You Didn’t Know You Needed,” NACA, Regional 2019, October 4, 2019.
  • Michael Crook, “Allyship Best Practices,” NCAA, National, 2020, August 21, 2020

Cougars in Recovery


  • John Shiflet and Leah Singer, “Recovery Ally Training,” ARHE National Collegiate Recovery Conference, June 2020.
  • Leah Singer, “Source of Strength Leadership Program,” ARHE National Collegiate Recovery Conference, June 2020.
  • Leah Singer and Megan Martin, “QUEST Leadership Program,” ARHE National Collegiate Recovery Conference, June 2020.

Counseling and Psychological Services


  • Cecilia Sun, "Post-Internship Panel,” Council of Houston Area Training sites (CHATS), September 6, 2019.
  • Laura Zavala-Membreno, “On the Margins of #metoo: Centering LGBTQ+ Survivors of Sexual Violence,” Texas Counseling Association’s Professional Growth Conference, November 2019.
  • Laura Zavala-Membreno, “Beyond Cultural Competence: Providing Anti-racist, Trauma-Informed Counseling,” Texas Counseling Association’s Professional Growth Conference, November 2019.

Dean of Students


  • R.M. López, M. Honey, H. Pacheco, and E. Valdez, “ ‘What I Wish I Would Have Known’: Latina Faculty and Administrator Mentor Experiences at HSI,” Association for the Study of Higher Education, November 2019.
  • R.M. López, M. Honey, H. Pacheco, and E. Valdez, “Las Comadres: Growing and Sustaining a Latina Mentoring Network in a Hispanic Serving Institution,” Texas Association of Chicanos in Higher Education (TACHE), February 2020.
  • H. Pacheco and K. Robinson, “Stretching the Safety Net: Supporting College Transition for Vulnerable Student Populations,” Texas School Social Work Annual Conference, February 2020.
  • H. Pacheco, R.M. López, E.C. Valdez, “Leveraging Collaboration: A Journey of Transformational Partnerships and Collective Commitment to L


  • López, R.M., Pacheco, H., Honey, M., Valdez, E.C., “’What I wish I would have known’: Latina Faculty and Administrator Mentor Experiences at an HSI,” NASPA Journal Women and Gender in Higher Education, February 2020.
  • López, R.M., Valdez, E.C., Pacheco, H., Honey, M., and Jones, R., “Bridging Silos in Higher Education: Using Chicana Feminist Participatory Action Research to Honor and Support Latina Resilience,” International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, March 2020.

Enrollment Services


  • Kirsten Clark, “Student Recruitment Efforts and Authenticity – Strategies for Reaching and Engaging Prospective Students,” Social Media Strategies Summit for Higher Education, October 16, 2019.
  • Kirsten Clark, “Managing Social Media Tone and Cadence During a Crisis,” Social Media Strategies Summit for Higher Education, October 16, 2019.

Student Centers


  • Eve Esch and Jamie Hotz, Assessment 101, ACUI Region II, October 2019.

Student Health Center


  • Vanessa Tilney, “Corona Virus,” UH Emerging Health Issues Advisory Board.

University Career Services


  • Monica Thompson, “DSAES PD: Conflict Management,” EdD Leadership Summit. May 2020.
  • Tiffany Bitting, “First Generation College Students' Retention and Career Readiness,” EdD leadership summit.
  • Tiffany Bitting and Priyanka Raut, "Increasing Commuter and Non-traditional Students Engagement in Career Counseling through Virtual Chat," NASPA, 2020.
  • Ayo Ogunye, "Salary Negotiation Skills," Genesys Works - Houston Alumni group.
  • Caitlin Deis, “Using MS Teams for Virtual Career Fair,” SoACE.
  • Adalia Espinosa: HACU Ascending Leaders Forum — Transitioning to College; TACHE Conference Proposals 101
  • Monica Thompson, HACU Ascending Leaders Forum, Presenter – “Transitioning to College” February 2020
  • Monica Thompson, DSAES Professional Development Committee, Presenter — Conflict Management, December 2019
  • Monica Thompson, Eye to the Future Internship Career Development program, Presenter, Summer, 2020
  • Monica Thompson, ExCITE Talks Pitch session, Presenter, September, 2019

Urban Experience Program


  • Kolby Robinson, “Leaving the Nest: Preparing Youth for College,” Texas Foster Care Association, October 19, 2019.
  • Kolby Robinson and Hope Pacheco, “Stretching the Safety Net: Model of Success for Underprivileged Students Who Transition to Higher Education,” Texas School Social Workers Conference, February 2020.

Veteran Services


  • Celina Dugas and Fontaine Stegall, “Dealing with a Toxic Environment, Specifically Toxic Masculinity,” Natcon 2020.

Vice President's Office


  • Keith Kowalka, “Supporting minoritized students during COVID-19” May 2020 ACUI Annual Conference
  • Keith Kowalka, Panelist for the Webinar – “COVID-19: Challenges for Auxiliary Services: Residence Halls, Dining, & Unions,” July 2020, APPA
  • Dan Maxwell and Andrea Ward, “Benefits of Promoting Advancement with an AVP Partner in Student Affairs.” 2020 NASPA AVP Symposium, January 2020
  • Dan Maxwell and Andrea Ward, “Student Affairs Collaboration with Advancement to Support Students’ Emergency Needs and Other Emerging Priorities.” Webinar, May 2020.


  • McCready, A., & Radimer, S. (2019). Gender Performativity in College Social Fraternities and Sororities. In P. Sasso, J. P. Biddix, & M. L. Miranda (Eds.), Supporting Fraternities and Sororities in the Contemporary Era: Advancements in Practice. Gorham, ME: Stylus Publishing, LLC.
  • Radimer, S. (2020, January). Using Data to Make Better Arguments. AFA Perspectives, (4), 7-8.
  • Walker, R., Maxwell, D. M., Radimer, S., & Shefman, P. K. (2020, June). Make Your Strategic Plan A Pathway To Success. Leadership Exchange, 18(2), 28–31.

Women and Gender Resource Center


  • Anneliese Bustillo, “The non-traditional employee: Why higher education should embrace different educational backgrounds." National Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) Annual Conference. March 28 - April 1, 2020. Austin, TX. [cancelled]
  • Anneliese Bustillo, “Sexual health and the modern sorority woman.” I Am Enough: Houston Panhellenic Council Annual Conference. November 18, 2019.
  • Anneliese Bustillo, “Four steps to ending sexual violence.” I Am Enough: Houston Panhellenic Council Annual Conference. November 18, 2019.
  • Anneliese Bustillo, “Next level ally: Supporting the t&q in lgbtq.” Fluidity: LGBTQ Resource Center Annual Conference. November 18, 2019.
  • Anneliese Bustillo, “Marketing and masculinity,” Elevate Fraternal Leadership Conference. October 18, 2019.

Strategic Planning

The Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Services is on an exciting path establishing our vision for the future as a Tier One division supporting student success. We are one division with one mission: facilitating student success through learning, discovery, and engagement.

Our strategic plan guides the work that we do throughout the year to stay on our path, and we measure our successes at the end of each fiscal year. At the end of the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year, our departments had made a number of achievements in each area of our strategic plan:

  • 279 Total number of strategic plan initiatives completed

  • 85 Student Success
    Champion exceptional opportunities and services to support all UH students.

  • 58 Division Cohesion
    Create and foster a cohesive division identity, culture, and community.

  • 68 Resources
    Evaluate, actively pursue, and leverage resources to enhance the UH experience.

  • 68 Partnerships
    Forge and strengthen partnerships to expand our reach into the university and greater community.