Reuben Parrish named director of UH Wellness
July 21, 2022
Reuben Parrish has been named the director of UH Wellness, the health and well-being prevention and education outreach of the Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Services.

Parrish, who has served as the assistant director wellness programs — health education for the past six years, has been with the University of Houston since 2011 and has been in health education his entire career.
“I believe everything happens for a reason and to be named director during this pandemic is one of them,” Parrish said. “This is an opportunity to be creative and innovative in developing population level initiatives, implementing myriad health education programs, shaping the campus culture of health and well-being, and bringing a sense of community through strategic partnerships.”
UH Wellness’ slogan for students is to “Choose Well; Do Well; Be Well” — supporting healthy lifestyle choices and living a balanced and healthy life, so each of our students can be their best selves, individually and within the community. In addition to broad programs such as Potty Talks and Tea Tuesday, UH Wellness is hosting a SCoRE resilience program with two of the professional colleges: the College of Pharmacy and the College of Medicine. Students can become peer educators and can join the new Well-Being Influencer network.
UH Wellness recently added the Cougar Cupboard to its services, in partnership with the Houston Food Bank. With Parrish’s leadership, Cougar Cupboard has provided more than 6,800 pounds of food in its first months. Briefly closing because of COVID-19, the Cupboard staff has pivoted and now meets student needs with curbside service.
Dr. Suzy Harrington, who oversees UH Wellness in her role as assistant vice president of student affairs — health and well-being, said she’s thrilled with Parrish’s new position.
“I’m very happy Reuben officially has this leadership role,” she said. “His operational management is strong and will be vital in the growth of this department in the upstream support of our students.”
Parrish obtained his Master of Public Health and Bachelor of Science – Health Sciences (Community Health) at California State University, Fresno. In addition to his personal certifications, he is also a Master Certified Health Education Specialist (MCHES).