Enrollment Eligibility Requirements
Only children and legal dependent of students, staff and faculty of the University of Houston main campus are eligible for enrollment at UHCLC.
A change in eligibility affiliation must be reported to the UHCLC two weeks in advance. The new affiliation will go into effect immediately and the new tuition rate will be applied.
Faculty: In order for faculty parents to be eligible to enroll a child at UHCLC, they must be employed by the University of Houston main campus on a full-time basis.
Staff: In order for staff parents to be eligible to enroll a child at UHCLC, they must be employed by the University of Houston main campus on a full-time basis.
Students: In order for student parents to be eligible to enroll a child at UHCLC, they must be enrolled for a minimum of six credit hours at the University of Houston main campus (both in the spring & fall semesters) and also in a degree-seeking program (or in pre‐requisite classes for a degree plan) as an undergraduate/graduate student.
*Students in their last semester before graduation or enrolling in dissertation classes can petition for an exception to the number of required hours to be enrolled.
**Students with special needs life circumstances can also petition for an exception to the required enrollment hours.
Continuity of Care: When parents/guardians no longer have a University of Houston affiliation they may be eligible, subject to Director approval and space availability, for an extension of enrollment (not to exceed 60 days) for a child currently enrolled at UHCLC. Continuity of Care is offered at a rate of $20 more than the weekly faculty rate. UHCLC annual enrollment agreements cannot be renewed during this extension period; therefore, Continuity of Care will not be offered after the expiration date noted on the annual enrollment agreement.
When student parents/guardians of a currently enrolled child graduates from the University of Houston and changes to alumni affiliation, they are eligible for an extension to pay the student parent rate before the alumni parent rate goes into effect (not to exceed 60 days from the graduation date). The student parent rate will not be offered after the expiration date noted on the annual enrollment agreement.