The CCP concentration typically receives an average of 93 applications per year (range = 63–126) from outstanding candidates from all over the United States. We select between four and six new students annually who are matched with a CCP faculty member based on their experience, training and academic goals. Below are the names of CCP students currently enrolled in the program as well as recent graduates.
First-Year Students

Dania Amarneh
B.A. (University of Houston)
Hometown: Murphy, TX
Advisor: Dr. Andres Viana
Research Interests: Adverse experiences in early life, internalizing psychopathology, risk and protective factors, diverse and underserved populations
Most recent gig: Research Coordinator in the Mood and Anxiety Disorders Program at Baylor College of Medicine
I chose CCP at UH because: "... of the alignment between my research interests and my mentor's work as well as the unique training opportunities available at UH and within Houston.”

Kiran Boone
B.A. (Washington University)
Hometown: San Jose, CA
Advisor: Dr. Carla Sharp
Research Interests: Development of personality pathology; protective factors in childhood; characterizing trajectories of psychopathology and well-being across development
Most recent gig: Research assistant at the Early Emotional Development Program at Washington University in St. Louis
I chose CCP at UH because: "... of the excellent research and clinical training, the commitment to serving the wider Houston community, and the supportive lab and program culture!””

Dan O'Connell
B.S. (Saint Louis University)
Hometown: Geneva, IL
Advisor: Dr. Amanda Venta
Research Interests: Mental health disparities, perceptions based on language, parent-child attachment, training for bilingual therapists, and psychopharmacology
Most recent gig: English Teaching Assistant through Fulbright Colombia
I chose CCP at UH because: "... I am pursuing a career as a fluent English and Spanish speaking psychologist. Through the prevalent opportunities to gain exposure to Spanish speaking populations, the incredible work being done in the Youth and Family Studies Lab, and close proximity to the US-Mexico border, there is no better institution in my mind to attend than UH.”
Second-Year Students

Kennedy Balzen
B.S. (University of Texas - Dallas)
Hometown: Dallas, TX
Advisor: Dr. Carla Sharp
Research Interests: Dynamic processes involved in identity disturbance and difficulties in interpersonal relationships for those with pathological personality traits; transdiagnostic assessment and treatment approaches; development of borderline personality pathology
Most recent gig: Research coordinator in the pediatric psychiatry lab at the University of Texas-Southwestern Medical Center
I chose CCP at UH because: "... of the alignment of my research interests with those of my mentor, the collaborative environment and high productivity of the Developmental Psychopathology Lab, and the overall quality of training provided by the program.”

Kelly Barry
M.S. (Fordham University)
Hometown: Tampa, FL
Advisor: Dr. Johanna Bick
Research Interests: Early life adversity, cognitive neuroscience, neuroimaging methods, and the development of psychopathology
Most recent gig: Lab Manager for Dr. Jamie Hanson's Learning, Imaging, and Family Experiences Lab at the University of Pittsburgh
I chose CCP at UH because: "... of the interdisciplinary training opportunities in Dr. Bick’s lab and the friendly and supportive atmosphere from the faculty & students in the department.”

Mallory Cotton
B.S. (University of Georgia)
Hometown: Dacula, GA
Advisor: Dr. Andres Viana
Research Interests: Adverse childhood experiences, internalizing psychopathological risk and protective factors, neurobiological mechanisms, racial health disparities, child and adolescent populations
Most recent gig: Undergraduate Student at the University of Georgia
I chose CCP at UH because: "... I was really impressed with the opportunities the Clinical Psychology program and the city of Houston had to offer, the work within the CTTE lab, and the commitment to diversity among students, faculty, and research populations at UH!”

Maria Cuervo
B.A. (Swarthmore College)
Hometown: Houston, TX
Advisor: Dr. Amanda Venta
Research Interests: My research interests include the development of psychopathology in youth and the protective effect of attachment security, with additional interest in understanding the effects of trauma and resilience on minority and immigrant child populations
Most recent gig: Research Assistant with the Youth and Family Studies Lab
I chose CCP at UH because: "... of the alignment between my research interests and those of my mentor, the lab's welcoming and supportive culture, and the breadth of clinical opportunities available.”

Tess Gecha
B.A. (Georgetown University)
Hometown: Princeton, NJ
Advisor: Dr. Carla Sharp
Research Interests: Borderline personality disorder and family studies
Most recent gig: Clinical research assistant at McLean Psychiatric Hospital
I chose CCP at UH because: "... of my fit with my PI's interests and with the interests of the lab and the University of Houston's commitment to building close ties with the Houston community.”

Alyssa Vieira
B.A. (Stonehill College)
Hometown: Taunton, MA
Advisor: Dr. Candice Alfano
Research Interests: I am interested in the link between sleep and mental health, particularly its impact on stress and anxiety among marginalized youth populations
Most recent gig: Clinical Research Assistant at Rhode Island Hospital/ Brown University
I chose CCP at UH because: "... the strong sense of community, wealth of clinical and research opportunities, and, of course, my close alignment of research interests with my mentor.”
Third-Year Students

Ashley Bautista
B.S. (University of Texas - Austin)
Hometown: Spring, TX
Advisor: Amanda Venta, Ph.D.
Research Interests: Parent-child relationships, health disparities, immigration, Latinx mental health
Most recent gig: Project Coordinator at the University of Oregon under the mentorship of Dr. Philip Fisher
I chose CCP at UH because: "... of the collaborative atmosphere and emphasis on diversity.”

Breana Cervantes
B.A. (University of California - Irvine)
Hometown: Irvine, CA
Advisor: Carla Sharp, Ph.D.
Research Interests: Parent-child attachment quality, maternal psychopathology, child & adolescent psychosocial outcomes
Most recent gig: Research coordinator in the THRIVE Lab at the University of California, Irvine
I chose CCP at UH because: "...of how impressed I was by the Developmental Psychopathology Lab’s productivity, the abundance of opportunities the program has to offer, and the overall atmosphere of the program and my lab.”

Shira Mattuck
B.A. (McGill University), M.A. (Columbia University - Teachers College)
Hometown: Vancouver, Canada
Advisor: Elena Grigorenko, Ph.D.
Research Interests: I am interested in the intersection of developmental and forensic psychology, and the presentation and treatment of externalizing psychopathology in children and youth.
Most recent gig: Graduate student in the clinical psychology Masters program at Teachers College, Columbia University
I chose CCP at UH because: "I loved the diversity of research being conducted in Dr. Grigorenko's lab, as well as the availability of the Clinical Child Psychology concentration. After living in Montreal and New York, the warmer climate didn't hurt either!”

Annika Myers
B.A. (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
Hometown: Minneapolis, MN
Advisor: Candice Alfano, Ph.D.
Research Interests: the neurobiological and psychological relationships between sleep, emotional regulation, and trauma
Most recent gig: Study coordinator at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
I chose CCP at UH because: "I was drawn to the strong sense of community in the program, and because my research mentor and I have closely aligned views and research interests!”

Megan Rech
B.A. (Rice University)
Hometown: Houston, TX
Advisor: Candice Alfano, Ph.D.
Research Interests: Broadly, I am interested in the relationship between sleep and mental health in children and adolescents. I am particularly interested in the impact of sleep on emotion regulation, as well as the association between sleep disturbances and suicide risk among youth.
Most recent gig: Research coordinator for the Adolescent Treatment Program at The Menninger Clinic
I chose CCP at UH because: "... of the alignment between my research interests and those of my mentor, the lab's welcoming and supportive culture, the breadth of clinical opportunities available, and because I love Houston!”
Fourth-Year Students

Madeleine Allman
B.S., MPH (Tulane University)
Hometown: Rochester, MN
Advisor: Carla Sharp, Ph.D.
Research Interests: I am interested in childhood exposure to trauma and its impact on attachment. I am also interested in treatment development and implementation for high-risk populations.
Most recent gig: Clinical Research Coordinator in the Global Health Center at Baylor College of Medicine under Dr. Sharmila Anandasabapathy
I chose CCP at UH because: "I was very impressed with the productivity of the developmental psychopathology lab and the sense of community within the program as a whole. The Texas Medical Center also provides excellent clinical opportunities.”

Joslyn Cavitt
B.S. (Texas A&M University – College Station)
Hometown: Horseshoe Bay, TX
Advisor: Elena Grigorenko, Ph.D.
Research Interests: effects of early adversity and institutionalization on internalizing and externalizing disorders
Most recent gig: Lab Manager of Brain & Gender Lab at Texas A&M
I chose CCP at UH because: " of the University’s emphasis on community and diversity.”

Anthony Cifre
B.S. (West Virginia University), M.S. (Southern Connecticut State University)
Hometown: Stamford, CT
Advisor: Candice Alfano, Ph.D.
Research Interests: My main research focus is in the bidirectional relationship between sleep and mental illness. Additionally, I’m interested in behavioral interventions for treating anxiety, trauma and sleep disorders.
Most recent gig: Research Assistant at Yale University
I chose CCP at UH: "mostly because my advisor has the same passion in sleep behavioral medicine and also because it will be nice to get away from the Northeast winters!”

Jinu Kim
B.S. (University of Georgia), M.A. (Columbia University)
Hometown: Suwanee, GA
Advisor: Candice Alfano, Ph.D.
Research Interests: Broadly, my research interests lie within the bidirectional relationship between sleep and emotion regulation among the child population. Additionally, I am interested in the neural and psychophysiological correlates of emotional regulation and mindfulness in the context of emotional disorders and sleep.
I chose CCP at UH because: “of my strong connection and research interests with Dr. Alfano. Additionally, the collaborative environment, diversity, guidance and research/clinical opportunities that Dr. Alfano and this program has to offer resonated with me.”

Karina Silva
B.A. (Florida International University)
Hometown: Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil / Miami, FL
Advisor: Andres Viana, Ph.D.
Research Interests: Socioeconomic variables, family factors, treatment efficacy, treatment implementation child and adolescent populations, resiliency, underserved populations, Hispanic communities
Most recent gig: Program Coordinator at Florida International University under the mentorship of Jonathan Comer, Ph.D.
I chose CCP at UH because: “of the access to a diverse population, aligned research interests with my mentor and the variety of practicum opportunities available to students. In addition, the lab and program atmosphere convinced me that this was the place for me!”
Fifth-Year+ Students

Haley Conroy Busch
B.A. (The University of Texas at Austin)
Hometown: Austin, TX
Advisor: Andres Viana, Ph.D.
Research Interests: maladaptive coping behaviors, substance abuse, socioeconomic variables, family factors, treatment efficacy, treatment implementation, child and adolescent populations
Most recent gig: Research Coordinator at The University of Texas at Austin under the mentorship of Jasper Smits
I chose CCP at UH because: “of the close research fit, diverse clinical practicum opportunities within the Texas Medical Center and the collaborative nature of the program.”

Jessica Garcia
B.A. (Northern Arizona University), M.S. (Loyola University)
Hometown: Wickenburg, AZ
Advisor: Elena Grigorenko, Ph.D.
Research Interests: Childhood externalizing disorders (Primarily ODD) as well as emerging personality pathology in early adolescence
Most recent gig: Psychology Associate at Arizona State Hospital
I chose CCP at UH because: “of the diversity of the research conducted in my mentor's lab, and I also love the location.”

Jessica Hernandez Ortiz
B.S. (Prairie View A&M University)
Hometown: Waller, TX
Advisor: Andres Viana, Ph.D.
Research Interests: I am interested in the roles of social cognition and cultural processes in the adaptation of children who have been exposed to trauma/adversity. I am also interested in translational research.
Most recent gig: Data Collector at UTHealth
I chose CCP at UH because: “I was excited about the productivity and research projects in the DPL, and I loved the atmosphere of the program.”

Sophie Kerr
B.A. (Dartmouth College)
Hometown: Houston, TX
Advisor: Carla Sharp, Ph.D.
Research Interests: My interests include borderline personality disorder in parents, parent-child relationships and the development of borderline personality pathology in adolescence
Most recent gig: I spent two years working as a research assistant and diagnostic interviewer at Rhode Island Hospital and Brown University, primarily in the Partial Hospitalization Program
I chose CCP at UH because: “of the alignment in research interests with my mentor, the productive and supportive environment of the lab and the quality of the program as a whole.”

Xinge Li
B.S. (Northeast Normal University); M.S., Ph.D. (South China Normal University)
Hometown: Chengde, China
Advisor: Johanna Bick, Ph.D.
Research Interests: cognitive neuroscience, using neuroimaging methods (EEG, fMRI and fNIRS) to assist assessment and diagnosis and test the efficacy of intervention and therapies
Most recent gig: Research fellow, Neurophotonics Center, Boston University
I chose CCP at UH because: “I like the clinical psy program here, and the studies my future advisor is working on fits with my research experience and interests very well.”

Jesse Walker
B.A. (Clemson University)
Hometown: Charleston, SC
Advisor: Amanda Venta, Ph.D.
Research Interests: My primary research interests involve identifying risk and protective factors of clinical outcomes in the context of adverse childhood experiences. Specifically, I'm interested as to how certain biomarkers and developmental factors influence psychopathology that spans into adolescence and adulthood.
Most recent gig: First-year clinical psychology Ph.D. student at Sam Houston State University (SHSU). Prior to that, I was a clinical coordinator on a federal grant aimed at expanding mental health services for traumatic injury patients.
I chose CCP at UH because: “My faculty mentor at SHSU, Dr. Amanda Venta, is starting a new appointment at UH. Her research is oriented within a community oriented, translational approach, and UH provides access to high-needs populations where our work can have direct impacts.”

Erika Trent
M.Ed. (Boston University)
Hometown: Yokohama, Japan / Boston, MA
Advisor: Andres Viana, Ph.D.
Research Interests: I am interested in the emotional processes underlying childhood/adolescent anxiety and depression, as well as the influences of cultural variables on these processes.
Most recent gig: Lab Manager at the Children's Research Center at UT Austin
I chose CCP at UH because: “of the close match in research interests with my mentor, the opportunities to work with diverse clients in the Medical Center and the collegial atmosphere.”

Rebecca Lipschutz
B.S. (Tulane University), M.S. (Tulane University)
Hometown: Princeton, New Jersey
Advisor: Johanna Bick, Ph.D.
Research Interests: early life adversity, trauma, psychophysiology and how they relate to development of psychopathology
Most recent gig: Lab Coordinator for Sarah Gray and Michael Scheeringa at Tulane University
I chose CCP at UH because: “I was excited about the research opportunities in Dr. Bick’s lab and felt that the students and department as a whole were extremely welcoming and supportive.”

Rogelio Gonzalez
B.A. (California State University, Los Angeles), M.A. (California State University, San Marcos)
Hometown: Los Angeles, California
Advisor: Candice Alfano, Ph.D.
Research Interests: Broadly, current research interests include anxiety disorders, OCD and sleep problems in Hispanic youth.
I chose CCP at UH because: “I felt this would be a great program that would allow me to enhance my research skills, while also providing me with strong clinical training with diverse clients. In addition, my advisor and lab members were extremely warm and welcoming and made me feel at home.”

Veronica McLaren
B.A. (Rice University)
Hometown: Houston, TX
Advisor: Carla Sharp, Ph.D.
Research Interests: emergent personality pathology
Most recent gig: Research assistant at the Developmental Psychopathology Lab and undergraduate student at Rice University
I chose CCP at UH because: “On top of the alignment of research interests, the atmosphere at the Developmental Psychopathology Lab is my ideal atmosphere to work in. Everyone is supportive, kind and enthusiastic about their work.”

Eric Sumlin
B.S. (Baylor University)
Hometown: Houston, TX
Advisor: Carla Sharp, Ph.D.
Research Interests: suicidality and social cognition in adolescents
Most recent gig: Lab Manager at the UH Developmental Psychopathology Lab
I chose CCP at UH because: “My advisor's research interests align with my own; I feel that the highly productive lab environment and program curriculum will provide a strong foundation for my career, and attending UH allows me to remain close to my family.”

Liz Raines
B.S. (University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill)
Hometown: Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Advisor: Andres Viana, Ph.D.
Research Interests: I am interested in cognitive and emotional processes of risk and resilience related to the development and maintenance of childhood anxiety disorders.
Most recent gig: Lab Manager in the Child Temperament, Thoughts and Emotions (CTTE) Lab at UH
I chose CCP at UH because: “of the diverse research and clinical opportunities available and the collaborative nature of the program.”

Kiana Wall Cano
B.A. (University of Houston)
Hometown: Originally Calgary, Alberta; Houston for the past 10 years
Advisor: Carla Sharp, Ph.D.
Research Interests: social cognition, Identity development and interpersonal dysfunction in borderline personality disorder, as well as assessment of personality disorders in adolescents
Most Recent Gig: Research Assistant in the Developmental Psychopathology Lab with Professor Sharp
I chose CCP at UH because: “My research interests match with my advisor, and the clinical child psychology concentrations align with my professional goals.”

Marina Zhukova
M.S. (Saint Petersburg State University, Russia)
Hometown: Saint Petersburg, Russia
Advisor: Elena Grigorenko, Ph.D.
Research Interests: early adversity, language development, psychosocial deprivation, psychophysiology
Most recent gig: Laboratory of Translational Sciences of Human Development, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
I chose CCP at UH because: “of collaborative environment and interdisciplinary approach of Dr. Grigorenko’s lab, as well as unique training opportunities available to clinical students at the Medical Center."

Simon Lau
B.S. (University of Houston)
Hometown: Queens, New York
Advisor: Dr. Alfano
Research Interests: sleep, anxiety, trauma, military
Representative Research: Alfano, C.A., & Lau, S. (2015). Children, sleep, and emotion regulation: What do we know and where should we go? Texas Psychological Association, 69(3), 114-119.
I chose CCP at UH because: “The University of Houston provided the best resources and mentors to help achieve my research and clinical goals.”

Julia Kovalenko
B.A. (Northwestern University)
Hometown: Moscow, Russia/Chicago, Illinois
Advisor: Elena Grigorenko, Ph.D.
Research Interests: child and adolescent externalizing disorders (ODD, CD)
Most recent gig: Northwestern University undergrad and lab manager at the PADlab
I chose CCP at UH because: “I loved Dr. Grigorenko's lab and the great opportunities offered to students at UH. Also, I wanted to be somewhere warm after living in Moscow and Chicago.”

Abigail Hanna
B.A. (The University of Texas at Austin)
Hometown: Austin, Texas
Advisor: Andres Viana, Ph.D.
Research Interests: My research interests primarily lie in utilizing the developmental psychopathology framework to study childhood anxiety disorder prevention and interventions. I am also interested in the effects of trauma on development, specifically the role of family dynamics and resilience factors in the aftermath of trauma
Representative Research: Viana, A. G., *Hanna, A. E., *Woodward, E. C., *Raines, E. M., Paulus, D. J., Berenz, E. C., & Zvolensky, M. J. (in press). "Emotional Clarity, Anxiety Sensitivity, and PTSD Symptoms Among Trauma-Exposed Inpatient Adolescents." Child Psychiatry and Human Development.
I chose CCP at UH because: “our clinical program fits well with my research interests, and Houston is a unique and diverse place to conduct research. I also felt that my advisor's research interests and mentoring style would help me achieve my long-term research and clinical work goals.”

Jessica Meers
B.A. (Texas A&M University), M.A. (University of Houston–Clear Lake)
Hometown: Dallas, TX
Advisor: Candice Alfano, Ph.D.
Research Interests: sleep and women’s health
Representative Research: Nowakowski, S., Meers, J.M., Heimbach, E. (2013). "Sleep and Women’s Health." Sleep Medicine Research, 4(1), 1-22.
I chose CCP at UH because: “I was looking for a program that would allow me to study and apply both my research and clinical interests across different contexts and within diverse populations. UH allows me to do that, as it is situated within a large, diverse city with a thriving medical center.”

Francesca Penner
B.A. (University of Chicago), M.Ed. (Vanderbilt University)
Hometown: Chico, California
Advisor: Carla Sharp, Ph.D.
Research Interests: I am interested in parent-child relationships and social cognition as they relate to adolescent psychopathology and in leveraging these social processes for prevention and intervention in adolescence.
Representative Research: Hill, R., Penner, F., Vanwoerden, S., Mellick, W., Kazimi, I., & Sharp, C. (In press). "Interpersonal Trust and Suicide Ideation Among Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatients: An Indirect Effect via Perceived Burdensomeness." Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior.
I chose CCP at UH because: “of the opportunities for research in the Developmental Psychopathology Lab, the clinical science focus of the program and the successful outcomes of past students, the CCP concentration and the people.”

Emma Woodward
B.A. (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), M.A. (American University)
Hometown: Chagrin Falls, OH; Charlotte, NC; Boston, MA — I’ve moved around a lot!
Advisor: Andres Viana, Ph.D.
Research Interests: intergenerational emotion regulation, parent-child anxiety, emotion socialization, emotion dysregulation in childhood internalizing disorders
Representative Research: Viana, A. G., Hanna, A. E., Woodward, E. C., Raines, E. M., Paulus, D. J., Berenz, E. C., & Zvolensky, M. J. (in press). "Emotional Clarity, Anxiety Sensitivity, and PTSD Symptoms Among Trauma-Exposed Inpatient Adolescents." Child Psychiatry and Human Development.
I chose CCP at UH because: “of the perfect research match and the opportunities offered at the Medical Center.”

Salome Vanwoerden
B.A. (Rice University)
Hometown: Houston, TX
Advisor: Carla Sharp, Ph.D.
Research Interests: social cognition and the developmental correlates within the parent-child relationship
Representative Research: Vanwoerden, S., Kalpakci, A., and Sharp, C. (2015). "Experiential Avoidance Mediates the Link Between Maternal Attachment Style and Theory of Mind." Comprehensive Psychiatry, 57, 117-124.
I chose CCP at UH because: “The collaborative and scientifically productive environment across departments and labs has allowed me to pursue and extend my own line of research that I plan to continue well beyond graduation.”

Jessica Klement
B.A. (Texas A&M University)
Hometown: Mission, TX
Advisor: John P. Vincent, Ph.D.
Research Interests: Jessica's research interests include the development of violence, with a primary interest in adolescence and young adulthood. Her secondary interests include developmental psychopathology and intimate partner violence.
Representative Research: Klement, J. and Vincent, J.P. (2015, August). "Are Dynamic Predictors of Youth Violence Actually Dynamic? An Innovative Approach to Modeling Change." Poster session presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, CA.
I chose CCP at UH because: “of its location within a large and diverse community, as well as excellent research and clinical opportunities.”

Claire Hatkevich
B.S. (University of Delaware)
Hometown: Wilmington, Delaware
Advisor: Carla Sharp, Ph.D.
Research Interests: the interpersonal context of suicidal ideation and behaviors, as well as nonsuicidal self-injury in high-risk adolescent samples
Representative Research: Buitron, V., Hill, R.M., Pettit, J.W., Green, K.L., Hatkevich, C., Sharp, C. (2015). "Interpersonal Stress and Suicidal Ideation in Adolescence: An Indirect Association through Perceived Burdensomeness toward Others." Journal of Affective Disorders, advance online publication.
I chose CCP at UH because: “It's a close match with my long-term professional interests as well as clinical training in a diverse, urban environment. Research mentorship with Dr. Carla Sharp allowed me to further my research development in the area of acute, adolescent psychopathology.”

Michelle Clementi
B.A. (University of Maryland)
Hometown: Columbia, MD
Advisor: Candice Alfano, Ph.D.
Research Interests: the role of sleep in child anxiety disorders and the development, implementation and dissemination of interventions for children and adolescents
Representative Research: Clementi, M.A., Alfano, C.A. (2014). "Targeted Behavioral Therapy for Childhood Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Time Series Analyses of Anxiety and Sleep." Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 28(2), 215-222.
I chose CCP at UH because: "of the extensive opportunities for research collaboration, quality clinical externship placements in medical settings and the overall positive atmosphere among faculty and students.”

Jennifer Cowie
B.A. (Smith College)
Hometown: Huntsville, Alabama
Advisor: Candice Alfano, Ph.D.
Research Interests: the etiology of internalizing disorders in childhood and adolescence and the relationships among psychosocial factors contributing to and maintaining these disorders
Representative Research: Cowie, J., Palmer, C.A., Hussain, H., Alfano, C.A. (2015). "Parental Involvement in Infant Sleep Routines Predicts Differential Sleep Patterns in Children with and without Anxiety Disorders." Child Psychiatry & Human Development, advance online publication.
I chose CCP at UH because: “of the high degree and quality of research activity among the faculty, opportunity for collaboration and unique and competitive practicum opportunities at the Texas Medical Center.”

Josilyn Banks
B.A. (Northwestern University)
Hometown: Abilene, Texas
Advisor: Julia Babcock, Ph.D.
Research Interests: couple's communication, IPV intervention and the interaction between race, ethnicity and gender as it relates to these areas
Representative Research: Banks, J., Babcock, J. (2014). "Effects of Ethnicity on Observational Coding of Affect of Naive and Expert Coders." Poster presented at the 20th annual Black Graduate Conference in Psychology, Washington, D.C.
I chose CCP at UH because: “of my interest in working with Dr. Babcock in the Center for Couples Therapy.”

Allison Kalpakci
B.A. (The University of Texas at Austin)
Hometown: Houston, TX
Advisor: Carla Sharp, Ph.D.
Research Interests: the affective and interpersonal bases of the development of borderline personality disorder
Representative Research: Kalpakci, A., Vanwoerden, S., Elhai, J., Sharp, C. (2015). "The Independent Contributions of Emotion Dysregulation and Hypermentalization to the 'Double Dissociation' of Affective and Cognitive Empathy in Female Adolescent in Patients with BPD." Journal of Personality Disorders, advance online publication.
I chose CCP at UH because: “Collaboration with researchers across multiple disciplines is common, and there are myriad clinical practicum placements available to suit students' particular interests.”

William Mellick
B.A. (Syracuse University), M.A., L.P.A.
Hometown: Allendale, New Jersey
Advisor: Carla Sharp, Ph.D.
Research Interests: social cognition in adolescent depression
Representative Research: Mellick, W., Sharp, C., Ernst, M. (2015). "Neuroeconomics for the Study of Social Cognition in Adolescent Depression." Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 22, 255-275.
I chose CCP at UH because: “of the people, the research, clinical and practicum opportunities, and because I'd never lived south of New York.”

Hannah Sommer
B.A. (The University of Texas at Austin), M.A., L.P.A.
Hometown: Edmond, Oklahoma
Advisor: Julia Babcock, Ph.D.
Research Interests: treatment outcome research, emotions, emotion regulation, interpersonal communication
Representative Research: Sommer, J.M., Iyican, S., Babcock, J.C. (under review). "The Relation Between Contempt, Anger, and Intimate Partner Violence: A Dyadic Approach." Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
I chose CCP at UH because: “of the integration of research and practice in the training model.”

Elizabeth A. Burris Garner
B.A. (University of Oklahoma), J.D. (University of Oklahoma)
Hometown: McLoud, Oklahoma
Advisor: John Vincent, Ph.D.
Research Interests: forensic topics in both the civil and criminal legal areas, specifically, malingering and response distortion, jury decision-making, risk assessments, emotional distress damages, evaluations of competency to stand trial, the efficacy of psychological assessment techniques and instruments in forensic contexts and emerging psychopathology and criminal behavior in adolescence
Representative Research: Vincent, J.P., Stewart, A.K., Hays, J.R., Burris Garner, E.A. (in press). "Mental Health Evaluations and Treatment in the Civil Courts: Current Standards of Practice." In J. Salyards (Ed). The Improvement of the Administration of Justice, 8th Ed., American Bar Association: Chicago, IL.
I chose CCP at UH because: “of the ability to work with a mentor who specialized performing both research and clinical work in the areas of clinical and forensic psychology. Additionally, I chose UH for the unique opportunities available for research experiences due to the diverse population of the city as well as for the accessibility of multiple external practicum sites.”

Andrea Potthoff
B.A. (Kalamazoo College)
Hometown: Traverse City, Michigan
Advisor: Julia Babcock, Ph.D.
Research Interests: marital distress prevention and intimate partner violence
Representative Research: Potthoff, A.L., Babcock, J.C. (2015). "Factors Mediating and Moderating the Relationship Between Abuse and Commitment." Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma, 24, 68-83.
I chose CCP at UH because: “I was interested in getting a balanced training in both research and clinical work.”

Katie Reynolds
B.A. (Vassar College)
Hometown: Boyds, Maryland
Advisor: Candice Alfano, Ph.D.
Research Interests: how sleep and sleep-related problems affect psychopathology and psychological functioning
Representative Research: Reynolds, K.C., Alfano, C.A. (2015). "Things that go Bump in the Night: Frequency and Predictors of Nightmares in Anxious and Non-Anxious Children." Behavioral Sleep Medicine, advance online publication.
I chose CCP at UH because: “of the wide range of clinical and research opportunities available at UH and across the Greater Houston area. As the most diverse city in the country and with the largest medical center in the country, the opportunities for data collection and for training in hospital-based care in Houston are truly unique.”

Carolyn Ha
B.S. (University of Houston)
Hometown: Houston, TX
Advisor: Carla Sharp, Ph.D.
Research Interests: developmental psychopathology and social cognition
Representative Research: Ha, C., Sharp, C., Ensink, K., Fonagy, P., Cirino, P. (2013). "The Measurement of Reflective Function in Adolescents with and Without Borderline Traits." Journal of Adolescence, 36, 1215-1223.
I chose CCP at UH because: “it ranks high as a Tier One Research University and because of it's close proximity to the Texas Medical Center, where students can engage in a diverse practicum of experiences.”