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Faculty Awards

CLASS Distinguished Faculty Award

Purpose of the Award

This award recognizes senior faculty for a national and internationally known innovative and transformative body of scholarship/creative works, coupled with the strong promise of continuing excellence. Candidates for this award must have achieved preeminence in their field. This is a one-time award to honor stellar scholarly production in the areas of research, scholarship or creative contributions.

Award Description

  • Up to 3 faculty are recognized annually: 2 faculty in the humanities discipline and 1 in the social sciences discipline
  • Award: $10,000 one-time award

Eligibility Requirements

  • Eligibility: Associate/Full Professors preferred

Nomination Requirements

  • Nominations must be made by the department chair.
  • Chairs may submit only one nominee and are strongly encouraged to put forth the strongest candidate.

Nomination Materials and Submission Procedure

  • Compile the following nomination materials in the order listed below into a single PDF application file:
  1. Chair’s nomination letter (≤4 pages) to include:
    1. Nominee name, rank and date of faculty appointment at UH
    2. Summary of nominee’s qualifications, as well as specific examples; evidence will vary by discipline but may include publications, performances, inventions, etc. since promotion to associate or full professor.
    3. Other recognition of nominee, especially by disciplinary organizations and external agencies, should be highlighted.
    4. Clear explanations of how the nominee’s accomplishments represent a standard of excellence for this award
  2. Nominee’s curriculum vitae
    1. Submit with nominee's application packet. See application form for instructions.

CLASS Submission Deadline:

  • February 1

Evaluation and Selection Process

A multidisciplinary committee of senior faculty will review the nomination packages. The following items will be evaluated and rated based on persuasiveness of arguments for merit and evidence of the nominee’s outstanding accomplishments:

  • Nomination letter
  • CV

Announcement of Award Recipients

The Dean will publicly announce the award recipients and present the award at the CLASS Fall Faculty Meeting and the Spring Faculty Meeting.




Nominations due from the Chair to the Dean February 1
Review of nominees’ applications March 1
Announcement of award recipients March/April 

If you have any questions, please contact Associate Professor Sally Connolly:

Download Application