Featured Interviews:

Interview with Mrs. Michelle Barnes
Date of Interview: February 27, 2015
Location of Interview: 4101 San Jacinto St, Houston, TX 77004
Interviewer: MC (Malachi Crawford)
Videographer: Malachi Crawford

Interview with Rev. Ray Martin
Date of Interview: July 7, 2015
Location of Interview: 3212 Dowling St., Houston, TX 77004
Interviewer: MC (Malachi Crawford)
Videographer: Malachi Crawford
About the program
This oral history project, recorded on high definition video for a general public and undergraduate academic audience, will examine the dramatic history, socio-economic impact, political influence and cultural relevance of Muhammad Ali's struggle to gain conscientious objector status and a ministerial exemption from participating in warfare on the history of civil rights and social protest in Houston, Texas. This program was made possible through the generous support of a major media grant from Humanities Texas, the state affiliate for the National Endowment for the Humanities.