Frequently Asked Questions
CASA Testing Center FAQ
CASA Account FAQ
Who needs to register with CASA ?
Any student who is required to take an exam at the CASA Testing Center must register with CASA.
How do I register with CASA?
If this is the first time you are scheduling your exam with CASA, you need to log on to the CASA website at http://www.casa.uh.edu/ and register to obtain your login id and password. Click on "NEW USERS: Click here to register" .
Do I need a new CASA account every semester ?
No, you don't need a new CASA account every semester. You can use the same user id and password every semester .
Do I need to register for Photo and Fingerprint every semester ?
No, if you have registered in the past, you don’t have to redo it every semester .
Forgot your Login id ?
If you have already registered with CASA, you can retrieve your login id by going to the CASA website at http://www.casa.uh.edu/ and click on "Login id Reminder" .
Forgot your password ?
If you have already registered with CASA, go to the CASA website at http://www.casa.uh.edu/ and click on "Reset Password", you should instantly receive your new password to the email address that you used to register with CASA .
Forgot the email address you registered with CASA ?
Email Techsupport at CourseWare@uh.edu with your full name and your PeopleSoft ID or come to the CASA front desk for assistance .
Hours of Operation
What are the hours of operation for CASA Testing Center?
Spring & Fall Semester
Monday – Friday: 9:00am - 7:00pmSummer Semester
Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pmSaturday is only open for students with the same Saturday Exam Reservation ONLY.
Reserving Exams or Scheduling Tests
How do I make a reservation for my exam ?
Go to the CCS website, https://ccs.casa.uh.edu/canvas2.html , log in with your Cougarnet credential to make a reservation for your exam.
When can I schedule a test ?
The scheduler for each exam opens as follows: for spring & fall semester, two weeks prior to exam date; for summer & mini semester, one week prior to exam date.
Can I reschedule a test ?
Yes, you reschedule a test the same way as scheduling a test, depending upon the availability of seats, until the last day of the test .
What are the instructions for testing at CASA ?
You will need your Photo ID and your cell phone must be completely turned off when entering the testing area. You will also need a pen or pencil. Scratch papers will be provided. For further instructions, please review the CASA Testing Center guidelines or come to the CASA Testing Center front desk .
What if I forget to make a reservation for my exam before the deadline ?
The latest date/time to make a reservation for any exam is the date/time before the actual exam date/time. However, it is highly recommended that all students schedule their test as soon as the online scheduler is available to avoid the peak time and to maximize your chance of getting reservation .
I’m sure I scheduled for my test but it’s not showing up in my account. What should I do ?
It’s the student’s responsibility to make sure the reservation has been properly saved in your account before exiting the scheduler.
Missed Exam or Test
What if I missed my exam?
If you missed your exam time for any reason, it’s your responsibility to check the online scheduler for another available testing time. CASA staff WILL NOT be able to assist you with rescheduling your missed exam.
What if I missed the last slot to take the test?
You need to contact your instructor. Students who miss their scheduled time or fail to schedule for an exam will be subject to the policy of their instructor.
Grading Exams
How long does it take to grade the free response?
Please contact your instructor since CASA does not grade the written portion of the exam.
Further Questions or Concerns
What do I do if I have questions or concerns regarding CASA?
You can either email CASA TechSupport at CourseWare@uh.edu or to better assist you with your questions/concerns, come to the CASA Testing Center front desk, G207A Susanna Garrison Hall.
Education Testing Center FAQ
Incoming Freshman or Transfer Student
I took AP exams before this year. Where can I see my credit?
Login to your myUH Student Center and click on the Transfer Credit tab to view your posted scores and the corresponding UH credit awarded for those scores. If you do not see your scores, it is possible that you either did not have the official scores sent to UH, or they were sent but have not yet been processed. Please log in to your College Board account to verify that your AP test scores were sent to UH ( UH Institution code is 6870)
I took AP exams this year. When will my scores be posted to my account? What happens if my orientation is scheduled before this time?
AP scores from exams taken in the spring are usually available in early July. If you had your official scores sent to UH, they will be processed by the UH Admissions office and posted electronically to your myUH Student Center on the Transfer Credit tab. If your orientation occurs before your credit is posted, let your academic advisor know that you are expecting this credit. You will not be able to enroll in a course that has as a prerequisite the course for which you are expecting credit, but you can add that course once your credit is awarded.
How do I request that my AP test scores be sent to UH?
Please visit the College Board site and use UH Institution Code 6870 to request your scores, or request archived AP scores (more than 4 years old).
I took IB exams. How can I claim my IB credit?
Begin by reviewing the UH policy regarding IB credit . Once your official scores have been sent to UH, email ets@ uh.edu to schedule an individual appointment to review your credit.
How do I request my IB transcript to be sent to UH?
Please visit the IB website and use UH Institution Code 01409 to order your Official IB Transcripts, or request a replacement order.
How do I know what scores I need on my AP or IB exams to earn UH credit?
Search the UH Undergraduate Catalog for “Credit by Examination” for a full list of approved course equivalencies. When your official AP or IB scores are received and reviewed, your scores will automatically be posted to your myUH Student Center on the Admissions tab and any credit earned will be posted to the Transfer Credit tab.
I need to take the TSI Assessment. How do I find out more about TSI and register for this test?
See the UH TSI website for all TSI information and guidance. When you are ready, 1) sign up for the Pre-Assessment and 2) request a voucher. The TSI Assessment is given remotely with a proctor.
Do I need to take the Math Placement exam for my major?
See the Math Placement FAQ page for a guide to the Math Placement exam.
UH Departmental Placement and Credit Exams
How do I find out what departmental Credit by Exam testing options I have?
Review the Examinations List, under “Departmental Placement and Credit by Examination” to see a list of approved exams offered, along with the cost and examination procedures. Note that some exams on this list are offered for placement only, while some are also available to earn UH credit.
How do I pay for departmental placement and credit testing?
Currently enrolled students will be billed for testing fees to their UH account.
I'm not a UH student. Can I take a Departmental Credit exam?
Departmental Credit exams can only be taken by current UH students because the credit will be posted on the University of Houston transcript.
Does UH Testing Services offer the CLEP test?
Currently, the CLEP test is not given at UH Testing Services. Search for a CLEP testing location that is convenient to you and review the test offerings for that location. After you take the test, be sure to have your official scores sent to UH so the test credit can be posted to your myUH Student Center.
Schedule My Test
This is the first time I'm logging in to the UH Testing Services system. How do I do this?
Click UTS-Online Registration, click on “New UTS-Online User,” and follow the directions to create a user profile.
I don't remember my username or password.
Click “Returning UTS-Online User” at UTS-Online Registration. Under “Password,” click “What is my password?” Type your last name, birthday, and the email address you used when you registered with the UTS-Online system. Your username and password will be emailed to you within 10 minutes.
I cannot find the test dates I'm looking for
You must sign up for a test at least 48 hours prior to the test date. If your selected test date does not appear on the online registration page, the seats for that date may be full or the test is not offered.
I would like to reschedule by test for different a test date.
You may reschedule to a different test date before 48 hours prior to the scheduled test time and date. Login as a Returning User at UTS-Online Registration, and click “View/Change Test Registration.” Select your test and then choose “Transfer Registration.” Most tests require that you pay a reschedule fee. For some tests that are non-refundable, you are required to pay the full amount of the test fee again.
I would like to cancel my test registration. How do I do that, and will I get a refund?
You may cancel your registration, however a refund may only be available for selected examinations, e.g., fees for placement tests are non-refundable. Login as a Returning User at UTS-Online Registration, and click “View/Change Test Registration.” Select your test and then choose “Remove Registration.” If you are not present for the test, you may within 7 business days of the original test date receive up to 50% refund of your test fees. Please download and complete the Refund Request Form and return it to the Testing Office by email at ets@ uh.edu along with your admission ticket. Please allow 3-4 weeks for processing.
What type of payment do you accept?
If you are a currently enrolled UH student, you will be billed to your myUH account. If you are not a current student, you may pay fees by cash, check, or credit card.
How do I make sure I receive my approved accommodations for my exams?
Arrange any needed testing accommodations through the Justin Dart, Jr. Student Accessibility Center in advance of your scheduled test. You must present your accommodations letter prior to starting your test.
Test Day Rules & Procedures
What do I need to know about the day of testing? What should I bring?
For more information, please visit the Testing Services - Policy and Procedure page, then complete the
request form and forward to pdaniel@ uh.edu .
What are the Testing and Tutoring Centers of CASA Rules?
Students in the Testing and Tutoring Centers of CASA are prohibited from possessing any items that can be used as weapons, including, but not limited to, handguns, firearms, ammunition, fireworks, pellet guns, paintball guns, BB guns, knives, clubs or explosive or noxious materials.
I'm a UH Instructor
How do I request proctoring for my course make-up exam?
Please visit Testing Services - Instructor page to submit a proctoring request form.
Tutoring Center FAQ
Tutoring Center Homework
Homework Format
Which form I need to submit homework for my class?
Since Spring 2011, all homework for undergraduate Math classes (13xx, 14xx and others) has been changed to EMCF – Electronic Multiple Choice Form. Log into your courseware account at CASA website http://www.casa. uh.edu/ and access the answer sheet by clicking on the EMCF tab.
Turning In Homework
May I turn in my homework early/late?
Homework due date is written on the syllabus. It is students’ responsibility to enter their answers electronically by the deadline. Late work or early work will not be accepted.
When I submit my homework I receive this message "Your questions are not available". What should I do?
This means you have submitted your homework either early or the time to submit your homework has expired. If you think there is an error, contact your instructor.
Tutoring Center Poppers
Popper Format
Where can I purchase the popper forms?
Students can purchase popper form packets for their enrolled class in the University Copy Center in the Welcome Center (currently available for Math and Chemistry classes only).
Which popper form should I buy?
Each course is designed with different color popper form, make sure you choose the correct section printed on the middle top of the form. Read the syllabus or contact your instructor.
Do I have to fill out the top portion of the popper form?
Yes. Please fill out everything in the top portion of the popper form, your student/peoplesoft ID and popper number. If this information is missing or incorrect, your popper may not get graded. Remember to use a #2 pencil, and bubble as dark and carefully as you can.
Turning in Popper
May I turn in my popper at CASA?
No. Your popper must be turned in with your class. Popper not turned in with your class is considered late and will not be graded. There are no exceptions to this rule.
May I turn in my popper to a different class than that I'm registered for?
No. Even if your instructor has another section in the same course, you must turn in your popper to the section in which you are officially enrolled. If CASA receives a popper that is not in the correct section, it will not be graded.
Is it true that some popper grades are dropped?
Although this is an unofficial policy, in the past a handful of the lowest popper scores have been dropped at the end of the semester. This practice is designed to address popper missed due to personal emergencies. Check with your instructor to determine the number dropped.
Tutoring Center Weekly Online Quizzes
Why do I have to take Course Policy Quiz? Can I skip this quiz?
This first quiz is designed for all Math 13xx classes, you must make a 100 on this quiz to be allowed to use CourseWare for your online assignments, including other quizzes, practice exams, and any online tests.
I didn't do well in my first attempt. May I redo my quiz?
You will have up to 20 attempts on each quiz. The highest grade will be used for your score.
Tutoring Center Grade Posted Online
When will my popper scores be available online?
Poppers turned in will be graded and posted within three working days. However, due to large work load during testing periods, it may take up to a week to post the grade.
Where can I view my graded popper/test?
CASA will scan your popper and upload it to your Courseware account. View your grade and popper form image in the Courseware gradebook.
I'm sure I submitted my popper with the class, but my grade is not posted while my classmates' are. Who should I talk to?
It is possible that your popper could not be scanned. CASA returns all popper forms that are problematic to the appropriate instructor. Please see your instructor regarding to your missing grades.
When will my test scores be available online?
Scores will be posted in the grade book on Courseware approximately one week after the testing period closes.
Tutoring Center Petitioning Popper & Free Response Test Grades
Can I submit a petition regarding popper/test grades?
Yes. If you suspect that there was a grading error on one of your poppers or tests, you should contact your instructor.
I'm sure that my popper/test grade was better that the grade posted. Who should I talk to?
First ask a CASA tutor to explain the problem to you. If the tutor finds that the problem was done correctly, or if you suspect that too many points were taken off, contact your instructor.
I'm sure I submitted my popper with the class, but my grade is not posted while my classmates' are. Who should I talk to?
It is possible that your popper could not be scanned. CASA returns all popper forms that are problematic to the appropriate instructor. Please see your instructor regarding to your missing grades.
Can I talk to a grader about my score?
No. If you think that your work was graded incorrectly, contact your instructor.
Do I need to file a test petition?
No. Contact your instructor directly about any problem you have with your Free Response Test grade as soon as your test is available for viewing.
Tutoring Center Test Grades Supplement
Do I need to show my work on the free response portion of my test?
Yes. If you do not show your work, you will likely receive a zero for that part of the test. Show all your steps in a clear, logical manner.
May I show my work on my scratch paper?
No. The scratch paper will be thrown away after your test and will not be considered. Show all necessary work on the free response sheet.
How can I find out how I did on my test?
You must login to your courseware account to retrieve your score. If there was no free response portion to your test, then the courseware score will be your total score. However, if your test had a free response portion, then the courseware score will only represent the points for your multiple choice portion, not the total. To calculate the total score, you must add the free response portion to your multiple choice portion to arrive at your total.
Where can I pick up the free response portion of my test?
The free response portion of your test will not be returned to the student. However, the free response portion of your test images will be available to view in your Courseware gradebook.
How can I find out how I did on my test?
You must login to your courseware account to retrieve your score. If there was no free response portion to your test, then the courseware score will be your total score. However, if your test had a free response portion, then the courseware score will only represent the points for your multiple choice portion, not the total. To calculate the total score, you must add the free response portion to your multiple choice portion to arrive at your total.
When will my free response portion be graded?
Although it is unlikely to give an exact time, we are usually able to grade and return the exams between 2 to 5 business days after the end of the testing period. We will contact your instructor when they are ready, and you can view it in your gradebook periodically