How to Join


To Become a Member...

Please fill out an application. Applications are available at the office and at every meeting. We are located in the Science Building 120a.

You must be a student of the University of Houston.

You need a G.P.A. of 2.75 or better. Please bring a transcript (official or unofficial). If you are a first time freshman, please attach a copy of your acceptance letter to verify enrollment.

Please pay your membership dues.   $25/year   $15/semester   $10/T-Shirts. Cash or Check.

**Members of AHPS are required to attend at least two meetings a semester and participate in a bake sale (fundraiser) by either donating baked goods or sitting at the sales table. For more details contact an officer or email us at

**Please note only COMPLETE (application form, transcript and dues) applications will be accepted.