Mail Info
A. Department Mailing Card (DMC)
Delivery Services issues cards with a bar coded department account number to improve the accuracy and speed of inputting the charge back transaction. The DMCs are issued at the begining of each fiscal year by Delivery Services.
All bundles of mail, parcels and any mail to be metered must have a "DEPARTMENTAL MAILING CARD" (DMC) attached. A separate card is needed for letter size, oversize and international bundles.
The DMC must contain the following information:
- department name
- date
- name and signature
- telephone number
- number of mail pieces
- certified signatory (if mailing is $100.00 or more. Example: A 1st Class mailing of 200+ letter-size #10 envelopes or 100 oversize envelopes.)
To order a new DMC or have a DMC reissued:
- Go to
- Select Forms
- Select DMC Request Form
- Complete form
- Hit submit button
- DMC Card will be prepared and sent to you via email
B. Campus Distributions
Delivery Services provides two types of campus distribution for flyers, bulletins, notices, etc., as a FREE service to the university community. The organization or group which requests a distribution must be a part of, or connected with, the university. This service is not open to outside vendors.
The minimum size for a distribution piece is 5 1/2" by 8 1/2".
Distributions are NOT done on Mondays or the day after a holiday because of the heavy workload from incoming mail. Incoming mail and interoffice mail are given priority over a campus distribution.
Distributions are done as soon as the workload permits. Please check with our Delivery Services Manager for the approximate delivery time.
Once a distribution has been delivered to a designated mail stop, UH Postal Services is not responsible for the distribution within a department or area. Each department is responsible for seeing that the appropriate action is taken depending upon type of distribution.
The three distributions are:
General Distribution: Requires 700 copies for each department to receive 1 to 3 copies. Each department should copy and distribute to individual employees or post on bulletin board(s) for all to read.
Central Distribution: Requires 4000 copies for each employee to receive one copy. The department staff should distribute to each employee (faculty and staff) within the department.
NOTE: If you want to make sure that your information reaches the intended individuals, the items should be inkjetted with the person's name and mail code. This service can be provided by Delivery Services.
C. Late Outgoing Mail
If your outgoing mail was not prepared in time for the morning pickup, you may bring it to Delivery Services no later than 3:00 pm for same day service.
Note: Outgoing accountable mail (certified, insured, registered, etc.) must be in Delivery Services office no later than 2:00 p.m. if it is to go out that day.
D. Personal Mail
University postage can only be applied to University business mail.
Do not submit personal letters to be metered.
Outgoing personal mail must be sealed and must have the proper postage affixed prior to depositing at a designated UH mail stop. This mail will be picked up by the U.S. Postal Service at 3:30 p.m. from Delivery Services when the other university mail is picked up.
Personal items weighing 16 ounces or more must be taken to the USPS personally by the orignator. This rule went into effect due to heightened security measures in the aftermath of September 11th, 2001.
Stamps and other personal mail needs can be obtained by visiting Copy Print and Delively Serives Located at Entrance 17 in the General Services Building on Elgin accross the street from the Archecture Building.
Other than occasional or incidental use, personal mail interferes with the transfer of official correspondence between campus offices and delays the processing and delivery of university mail. This policy restricts overusing university resources to deliver personal mail and packages to university employees or departments. The University not responsible for loss or damage to personal packages or mail addressed to any of its employees at a university facility.
E. Other Information?
Mail with no postage will be returned to the sender. Mail with partial postage will be delivered to the addressee marked Postage Due.
Correct ZIP codes will help speed your mail at the U.S. Post Office. For the latest zip codes, you can access the U.S.P.S. website.
Improperly addressed mail will be delayed or returned to sender.
All mail should contain a UH return address; if not, and your letter or package is undeliverable as addressed, it will be sent to a dead letter office to determine the sender's name and address, and a fee will be assessed upon return of the mail.
Letter or card should have a rectangular shape and be a minimum of:
- 3.5 inches high
- 5 inches long
- 0.007 of an inch thick.
It is the department's responsibility to forward mail. When a person leaves the University, a change of address should be filed with the department.
All First Class mail or mail marked "Forwarding Postage Guaranteed" can be forwarded by marking through the old address (leaving the name of the addressee) and adding the new address with the words "Please Forward".
For all other mail which cannot be forwarded, it must be destroyed or packaged and mailed to the addressee at the department's expense.
F. Standard Address Abbreviations pdf
G. Standard State Abbreviations pdf
H. Postage Charges on Peoplesoft 1074 Report
Postage charges appear on the PS 1074 report the month after they have been incurred. For example, the charges for the month of June will appear on the 1074 report in July.
On the last work day of the month after all outgoing mail has been processed, Delivery Services closes the departments' postage accounts for the month. An electronic file summary of all postage charges to departmental accounts for that month is generated. It is sent to Financial Accounting by the 5th business day of the month. The information is downloaded into their system.
The postage charges show up on your 1074 report under the account "52800". The entry includes the month the postage was charged (used), the speedtype, total number of pieces mailed and total dollars charged. You can obtain a breakdown by class of mail and number of pieces on the Postage Chargebacks page. Postage information is available each month of the fiscal year.