John P. Vincent, Ph.D.

Professor and
Director of the Center for Forensic Psychology
Co-Director of the Center for Couples Therapy
Ph.D., University of Oregon
Health 2
Dr. Vincent will not be reviewing applications for the coming academic year.
Research Interests
- Forensic Psychology
- Assessment of Psychological Functioning in Civil Litigation
- Methodological Issues in Forensic Evaluations
- Posttraumatic and Acute Stress Disorders
- Families of Divorce
- Marital and Family Therapy
- PSYC 6392: Clinical Psychology Practicum
- PSYC 7326: Professional Problems in Applied Psychology (Ethics)
- PSYC 6392: Psychology and Law
Selected Publications
Vincent, J.P. (1980). Empirical clinical study of families: Social learning theory as a point of departure, in J.P. Vincent (Ed.) Advances in Family Intervention, Assessment and Theory, Vol. I., Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press.
Vincent, J.P., Cook, N.I., & Messerly, L. (1980). A social learning analysis of couples during the transition to parenthood, The American Journal of Family Therapy, 8, 49-68. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press.
Cousins, P.C. & Vincent, J.P. (1983). Supportive and aversive behaviors following spousal complaints. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 679-682.
Vincent, J.P. & Carter, A. (1987). Assessment of family functioning. In K.D. O'Leary (Ed.) Assessment of Marital Discord. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Vincent, J.P. (1990). The family psychologist as scientist-practitioner: Conflicts and compromises. in F.W. Kaslow (Ed.), Voices in Family Psychology. New York: Sage.
Vincent, J.P., Harris, G.E., & Plog, A. (1991). Divorce and children's adjustment: The role of interparental conflict, parenting, and maternal affect. In J.P. Vincent (Ed.), Advances in Family Intervention, Assessment, and Theory, Vol. 5. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Jouriles, E. N., McDonald, R., Norwood, W., Vincent, J. P., Mahoney, A. (1996). Physical violence and other forms of interpersonal aggression: Links with children’s behavior problems. Journal of Family Psychology, 10, (2), 223-234 (also abstracted in D. Snyder (Ed.) Clinical Psychology Digest).
Vincent, J. P., Vincent, C. N., Harris, G. E., & Cross, J. (2000). Juvenile crime victims: Psychological impact and treatment. In J. P. Vincent & E. N. Jouriles (Eds.), Domestic Violence: Research informed practice guidelines. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Jouriles, E.N. & Vincent, J.P. (2000). Research and clinical innovations in domestic violence. Domestic Violence: Research informed practice guidelines. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Mikalsen, E., Vincent, J. P., & Harris, G. E. (2002). Prevention of victimization: Survival Skills for urban youth. Journal of Intervention and Prevention in the Community, 24, (2), 33-44.
Cross, J., Harris, G. E., Vincent, J. P., Mikalsen, E., Inman, T., & Rizzo, L. (2002) Giving Kids a Chance: Helping Victimized Children and Their Families. A Guide For Law Enforcement, and Professionals in Legal and School Settings. Technical report. U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime.
Hays, J.R & Vincent, J.P. (2004) Student satisfaction with a problem-based learning approach in graduate psychology courses. Teaching of Psychology, (31), 124-127.
Vincent, J.P., Hays, J.R., & Inman, T. (2005). Psychological autopsies: Methodological, legal and ethical considerations. The Texas Psychologist.
Clear, P. J., Vincent, J. P., & Harris, G. E. (2006). Ethnic differences in symptom presentation of sexually abused girls. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 15(4), 79-98.
Chasson, G.S, Vincent, J. P., & Harris, G. E. (2008). The use of symptom severity measured just before termination to predict child treatment dropout. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 64(7) 1-14.
Vincent, J.P., Lemond, S.A., & Inman (2008). Evaluating emotional injuries in civil litigation: Not all mental health experts are created equal. Houston Lawyer. [Received Houston Bar Foundation award for the outstanding legal article published in the Houston Lawyer in 2008]
Inman, T., Carter, R., & Vincent, J. P. (2008). High conflict divorce: Psychological and legal considerations. Houston Lawyer.