Professional Resumé 

          Ronald C. Paré

Associate Professor of Mechanical Technology


       Civil, Mechanical and Related Technologies Department      CMRT

Educational Background Academic Experience

University of Houston, College of Technology, Houston, Texas        1983-Present

Program Coordinator (1990-Present), Department Chairman (1985-1986 and 1987-1989)
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Technology (1983-Present)

o     Courses taught include:  Materials and Processes, Static's, Manufacturing Systems,  Strength of Materials, Kinematics, Engineering Graphics, Descriptive Geometry, Computer Drafting and Design I, II and III, Computer-Aided Drafting I & II-AutoCAD &  Microstation, Process Piping Drafting Design, Special Projects.
Taught on  UH Instructional Television Network (4 courses).

    Research emphasis: Application of Computer Graphics to Descriptive Geometry.

o     Service: University Parking and Transportation Committee (1998-Present); University Committee on Committees (1996-1997); President's Athletic Advisory Committee (1996-1999), Chair (1998); Writing Proficiency Exam Grader  (1996);  ROTC Detachment Scholarship Committee (1995-Present); SAC Accreditation Student Life and Athletics Committee (1995-1997), Chair, University Undergraduate Academic Operations and Standards Committee, (1993-1994); College of Technology Faculty Senate Representative (1992-1995); Mentor Program (1988-Present); University Undergraduate Council (1986-1988 & 1992-1995)

Cogswell College, Seattle, WA and San Francisco, CA        1973-1983

Vice President and Dean of Cogswell College North, Seattle, Washington
Vice President and Academic Dean, San Francisco, California
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Technology

o        Administered academic programs in Engineering Technology (2+2) and Architecture at a  small private technical college.

o        Taught at least two courses every year from 1973-1983, including Graphics, Computer  Programming, Statics-Dynamics, Kinematics, Mathematics, Seminars and Senior Project.

California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, California        1968-1973

Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering

      Courses taught include:  Graphics, Engineering Fundamentals, Mechanics, Machine  Design, Structural Analysis, Strength of Materials and Computer Programming.

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Other Full-Time Experience

U. S. Army, Fort Wolters, TX, Fort Rucker, AL, Fort Eustis, Virginia    USA    1965-1968

Commissioned Officer, Pilot, Maintenance Officer

       Highest Rank:  Captain.

       Served 13 months in South Vietnam after one year pilot training.

       Awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross twice plus three other combat valor medals.

Tracy, Brunstrum and Dudley Engineering Consultants, Seattle, WA    1965

Mechanical Engineer (February-March)

Other Experience

Clothes That Fit®, Texmark Chemicals, Inc., TSTI Harlingen        1992-Present
Consultant -  Computer Aided Drafting

Vertical Plane Corpration        1992
Consultant -  Engineering Analysis

Various Publishers and Professional Journals         1986-Present
Consultant - Critique of prospective textbooks and articles

United States Army Reserve    USAR         1975-1997
Retired as Colonel - Exercise Group Branch Chief, Transportation Specialist, Engineer Officer, Pilot

   75th US Army Division (Exercise), Houston, Texas  (1983-1997).

o    United States Army Transportation School, Fort Eustis, Virginia  (1989-1991).

   124th US Army Reserve Command, Fort Lawton, Washington  (1982-1983).

o    6211th US Army Garrison, Presidio of San Francisco, California  (1978-1982).

   820th Engineer Battalion, San Pablo, California  (1975-1978).

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Textbook (adopted at over 140 Universities and Colleges)

Descriptive Geometry, 9th Edition, 1997; Prentice Hall, co-author with E. Pare, R. Loving and I. Hill since 1980.  Co-author since 6th edition, principle author since 8th edition.

Series A Workbook with Computer Graphics, 9th Edition, 1997.
Series B Workbook, 9th Edition, 1997.

Professional Papers (Representative Sample) (* Peer Reviewed):

Instructional Television Tips, ASEE Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration, Palm Springs, CA, February, 1999, with Dr. Sandra Frieden

Clothes That Fit - Using an AutoCAD Computer Graphics Solution, ASEE Gulf Southwest Section Conference, March 1998, with Diana Dai and Gayle Taylor.  Accepted for presentation and publication in the peer reviewed Transactions of the ASME 1998 International Congress and Exposition, November, 1998

* Do Not Forget Graphics When Teaching Mechanics, ASEE Gulf Southwest Section Conference, March 1997.  Submitted for publication to Engineering Technology Journal, February 1997.  Accepted for presentation and publication in the peer reviewed Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Engineering Computer Graphics & Descriptive Geometry, Austin, TX, August, 1998

* Using Instructional Television To Provide A Computer Drafting Design Engineering Technology Program Via Distance Education,  ASEE Gulf Southwest Section Conference, March 1997, Harris County, Texas Focus on the Future 1997 Conference, September 1997 and ASEE Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration, Savannah, GA, February, 1998.  Accepted for publication in the refereed Journal of Technology Studies.

Articulation Between Engineering Technology Two-Year and Four-Year Degree Programs in Texas.  ASEE Gulf Southwest Section Conference, March 1996, with Dr. Farouk Attia.

* Pictorial Graphics to Enhance Descriptive Geometry Instruction. Engineering Design Graphics Journal, Winter 1994.

* Computer Graphics and Computer Programming Solutions to Descriptive Geometry Problems.  Paper presented at Plenary Session of, and published in the reviewed proceeding of, the Fourth International Conference on Engineering Computer Graphics and Descriptive Geometry, Miami, Florida, June 1990.

Directory of Engineering Programs in Arizona, California, Hawaii and Nevada, 9th Edition, ASEE-PSW Section Publication, 1976; Editor.

* Book Review:  Engineering, an Introduction to a Creative Profession, Mechanical Engineering News, May 1973.

* A Modified Self-Paced Course in Descriptive Geometry, Engineering Design Graphics Journal, March 1973.

* MS Thesis:  A FORTRAN Program for the Myklestad-Thomson Method of Analyzing the Coupled Natural Vibration of Beams, California State University - Los Angeles, Library, September 1971.

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Professional Activities/Service

 American Society for Engineering Education ASEE         1968-Present

o       Engineering Design Graphics Division    EDG

 -       Site Host & Facilities Chair 2001 Annual Midyear Conference, General Chairman and Host 1979, 1992 and 1995 Annual Midyear Conferences, Program Chairman 1987 Annual Midyear Conference

 -       Secretary (1973-1974), Award Committee Chairman (1972-1978), Creative Engineering Design Display Committee (1970-1977 & 1992-Present)

o       Engineering Technology Division    ETD

-       Secretary (1980-1982 & 1996-1998),  Member at Large/Section Representative Coordinator (1994-1996)

 -       Nominee for Chairman (1988 and 1992)

 -       Long Range Planning Committee (1985-Present), Vice Chairman (1983-1985)

 -       Program Chairman 1982 CIEC Conference and 1985 Annual Conference

 -       Newsletter Editor (1983-1984), Publications Committee (1977-1985)

      Gulf Southwest Section:

-       Site Arrangements & Finance Committees, 1996-1997 Conference

 -       Newsletter Editor (1988-1989)

American Society of Mechanical Engineers  ASME         1962-Present

o       Board on Engineering Education

-       Member (1993-1995 & 1996-1998)

 -       Member, Scholarship & Loan Committee  (1995-Present), Chair (1998-Present)

 -       Committee on Technology Accreditation (1997-Present)

o       Faculty Advisor of Student Chapter # 1011G (1988-Present)

o       Mechanical Engineering Technology Department Heads Committee

 -       Chair (1993-1994 & 1996-1997)

 -       Vice Chair & Annual Conference Program Coordinator (1995-1996)

 -       Secretary (1992-1993 & 1994-1995)

 -       Regional Representative on Executive Committee (1982-1991)

o       Accreditation Visitor for Engineering Technology

 -       Mechanical Engineering Technology Programs (1975-1985 & 1991-1996)

 -       Drafting Design Engineering Technology Programs (1994-2000)

Society of Manufacturing Engineers   SME         1986-Present

o       Faculty Advisor of Student Chapter # 79, University of Houston College of Technology (1986-1988)

      Panelist, Curriculum 2001 Workshop, 1994, Panel Moderator, Curriculum 2000 Workshop, 1992

National Science Foundation    NSF           1988-1990 & 1996

      Peer Reviewer, Undergraduate Laboratory Equipment Grant Proposals

Reserve Officers Association of the United States ROA            1983-Present

o       Greater Houston Area Chapter 33

-       Executive Committee & State Delegate (1993-Present)

 -       President  (1995), Vice President (1994)

 -       ROTC Liaison and Scholarship Committee (1989-1993)

o       Department of Texas Vice President for Army Affairs

-        National Delegate  (1995- Present)

 -        Host and General Chair, 2000 Convention (1999-Present)

o       National

-        Scholarship Committee (1996-1997)

-        National Rolls and Mission Committee (1998-Present)

Tau Alpha Pi National Honor Society  TAPi     1979-1989

-         Faculty Advisor Cogswell College Chapter (1979-1983)

-        University of Houston Chapter (1984-1989)

University Service

University Parking and Transportation Committee (1998-Present); University Committee on Committees (1996-1997); President¹s Athletic Advisory Committee (1996-1999), Chair (1998); Writing Proficiency Exam Grader (1996); ROTC Detachment Scholarship Committee (1995-Present); SAC Accreditation Student Life and Athletics Committee (1995-1997); Chair, University Undergraduate Academic Operations and Standards Committee (1993-1994); College of Technology Faculty Senate Representative (1992-1995); Mentor Program (1988-Present); University Undergraduate Council (1986-1988 & 1992-1995)

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Community Service

Volunteer Instructor, Houston Community College (1998-Present), Houston Community College Drafting Curriculum Advisory Committee (1996-Present), Science By Mail, Volunteer Scientist (1992-Present), VICA Houston Area High School Drafting Contest, Judging Coordinator (1990-1994), South Montgomery County Science Fair, UH Representative (1989-1991), Montgomery County Food Bank, Advisory Board Member (1988-Present), Houston Area Science and Engineering Fair, Judge (1986, 1988-Present), Little League Baseball Coach (1971, 1982-1988), League Director (1985-1986), Boy Scouts of America Adult Volunteer (1981-1993), City of Montclair, California Community Action Committee (1972), Montclair Jaycees, Charter Member, Treasurer and Vice Chair (1970-1972)

Honors and Awards

American Society of Mechanical Engineers Dedicated Service Award (1998)
United States Army Legion of Merit Award (1997)
Nominated by Students for College Outstanding Teacher Award (1995, 1996 & 1997)
UH College of Technology Distinguished Service Award (1993-1994)
Who's Who in Engineering Education (1977-Present)
Tau Alpha Pi National Honor Society (1979)
Outstanding Young Men of American (1975)
Dow Chemical Outstanding Young Engineering Educator (1974)

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