University of Houston - Wikipedia




Department of Economics












Research Interests


Industrial Organization, Development Economics




(Authors with * are UH students)


[1] “The Value of Free Water: Analyzing South Africa’s Free Basic Water Policy”

Econometrica 83(5), September 2015, 1913–1961.

Online Appendix



[2] “Reducing Nonpayment for Public Utilities: Experimental Evidence from South Africa” (with Gergely Ujhelyi)

Journal of Development Economics 117, 2015, 20-31.

Online Appendix

Supplementary materials and photos



[3] “Choice and Happiness in South Africa” (with Gergely Ujhelyi)

Economics Letters 155, 2017, 28-30.

Online Appendix


[4] “Measuring Firm-level Inefficiencies in the Ghanaian Manufacturing Sector”

Economic Development and Cultural Change 66, 2018, 447-487.

Online Appendix


[5] “None Of The Above: Protest Voting in the World’s Largest Democracy” (with Gergely Ujhelyi and Somdeep Chatterjee*)

Online Appendix

Journal of the European Economic Association 19(3), 2021, 1936–1979.

Featured on the IGC blog


[6] “Net Neutrality and Consumer Demand in the Video On-demand Market” (with Vinh Pham*)

Online Appendix

Information Economics and Policy 61, 2022, 1-20.


[7] “National Parks and Economic Development” (with Gergely Ujhelyi)

Journal of Public Economics, 232, 2024.

Online Appendix

Data Appendix




Working papers


[8] “Bundling to save: Analyzing package size choices in South African grocery stores”

[October 2024 Version]

Online Appendix


[9] “Candidate Selection by Parties: Crime and Politics in India” (with Arvind Magesan and Gergely Ujhelyi)

[June 2024 Version]

Online Appendix



[10] “Evaluating Industry Impacts and Externalities of the US National Park System” (with Gergely Ujhelyi)

[December 2023 Version]

Online Appendix



[11] “Family Financing and Aggregate Manufacturing Productivity in Ghana” (with Gergely Ujhelyi)


[12] Job Search Through Weak and Strong Ties: Theory and Evidence from Indonesia (with Tolga Umut Kuzubas)

Online Appendix



Work in progress



“Dams in the United States”


“Postal Service Reform in Ghana”


“The interaction of the formal and informal sector in Ghana”