Contact Us - University of Houston
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Please allow us to assist you in these ways:

  • For general questions:  
  • Virtual Help Desk (staffed by undergraduate Peer Assistants): in MS Teams, JOIN CODE 57foi73
  • Current Student advising: Appointments are made through the Navigate Student app
  • Orientation Student advising: Admitted students receive advising during Orientation. The day after you enroll in courses, appointments for Integrated Studies and Exploratory Studies majors will open in Navigate.
  • Front desk phone: 832-842-2100 (See our People page for individual advisor contact information.)
  • Fax: 713-743-8998


  • Please check for available appointment times in the Navigate Student app.
  • Be sure to check the Explorers' Guide to Advising before your visit!
  • Advising Notes:
    • Students who arrive 15 minutes late for an advising appointment may be asked to reschedule to serve other students


Connect With Us


4373 Cougar Village Dr. Houston, TX 77204-3023
The Office of Undergraduate Student Success (Integrated Studies and Exploratory Studies) is located in Cougar Village II North, in room N140. We are located on the first floor, north side of Cougar Village II, just across the lawn from the LAUNCH.


Join Our Listserv

Parents and Families

We're glad to have you on our collective support team! To help you stay involved and informed, we will forward the messaging sent to students from this Undergraduate Student Success office as part of our Family Update. 

Please join our parent/family listserv or manage your subscription settings


Your first name and last name:

Your e-mail address:


 For more information about student's ability to delegate access to their student records and resources, see the UH Delegated Access information.