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Investigating in the Energy Transition Series 3 - PART SERIES OVERVIEW

The marketplace is rapidly moving toward investments in the energy transition that will affect the climate and environmental challenges we face in an ever-changing landscape for investors and investments. As the energy sector is in a transformative time, legislative and policy changes stand to affect all segments of the energy market in unprecedented fashion. Investments will be affected by Environmental and Social Governance (ESG) and by global funds driven by carbon intensity metrics and restrictions. The balance sheets of major energy companies will not be sufficient alone as capital markets will be essential.

So, what will it take to realize this energy transition? What will attract investments? What are the opportunities and the risks and how do the many potential investors view the markets short and longer term? And how will energy industries be impacted by what is viewed as accretive, strategic, and perhaps existentially required?

UH Energy's Center for Carbon Management in Energy (CCME) will answer those questions and more in a symposium series titled "Investing in the Energy Transition." Held in three parts on November 3rd, 10th, and 16th, the symposium will primarily focus on four key industrial energy transition markets that will be directly relevant to the de-carbonization of the energy industry. These key markets are CCUS, H2, the electricity grid, and the circular plastics economy.

Sponsored and moderated by UH CCME partners Hunton Andrews Kurth and VC Fuel, stakeholders will have the chance to hear from globally-recognized marketplace leaders and engage in pivotal discussion with experts from all facets of the energy industry in the legal, policy, legislative, investment and ESG worlds. This series will challenge thought leaders with pertinent questions, encouraging much-needed conversation that will lead to solutions-based forward thinking. Additionally, we intend to bring the same panelists back to UH in May to conduct the same discussions six months later as we look back at what was discussed – and look ahead to the future. Please join us for this critical educational series to learn more about what society must do in order to clear this hurdle on the road to a more sustainable future.