Hydrocarbon Influx Behavior within a Deepwater Marine Riser (AKA Gas-in-Riser Detection)

Status: AWARD END DATE: 11/30/2021


The dynamic effects of free‐bubble gas formation within deepwater marine drilling risers are a major issue for the offshore industry and recently emphasized in the CSB Macondo report.

In 2017, SSI received funding from National Academies of Science to study the dynamic effects of free‐bubble gas formation within deepwater marine drilling risers – a major issue for the offshore industry and emphasized in the CSB Macondo report. Over the past four years, researchers have:

  • Elucidated the reason for the destructive potential and seemingly sudden nature of gas kick events
  • Developed a new fast and sensitive detection method
  • Carried out experimental demonstration
  • Developed guidelines for implementation

The work produced several papers and in 2021 was highlighted at SPE, NAS and OTC. Please contact SSI if you’d like more information about this work.