Energy and Innovation Event Calendar - University of Houston
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ETI Pop-up Seminar

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

2:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Michael Wang, Author of the Argonne GREET model (Greenhouse gas Regulated Emissions and Energy use In Transportation) and Distinguished Senior Scholar at UH’s Energy Transition Institute (ETI), and Krishna Reddi, ANL’s Principal Energy Systems Analyst and Developer of HDSAM (Hydrogen Delivery Scenario Analysis Model) will be present to provide introductions and tutorials for Life Cycle and Techno-economic Analysis in energy and transportation systems, and discuss how to partner with Argonne National Labs.

Michael Wang GREET: 2:30 – 3:30 pm GREET model

Krishna Reddi HDSAM: 3:30 – 4:30 pm HDSAM model

Parking and Map: East Garage Visitor Parking & Walk to Cemo Hall

Or: Hilton and walk to Cemo Hall

Open to UH students, faculty, industry partners.

Abstract blur Business Conference and Presentation
Michael J. Cemo Hall - Room 100D