The Texas University Fund - University of Houston
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“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

- Benjamin Franklin

About TUF

Texas needs more nationally top-ranked public universities to fill high-paying jobs and drive economic growth. The Texas University Fund, or TUF, is a permanent $3.9 billion endowment created in 2023. TUF provides reliable funding for faculty, research and graduate studies at rising universities with proven track records in research and innovation.

Four universities currently qualify for TUF. Eligibility criteria includes a university’s research expenditures and doctoral degrees awarded on an annual basis. TUF funds are distributed on a merit-based system that correlates to each institution’s research expenditures.

UH will receive about $1.3 billion of the endowment and is set to receive approximately $50 million in the first year, which will grow annually depending on investment returns.

Funded with No New Taxes

No new taxes have or will be imposed to pay for this permanent endowment, which will benefit future generations of Texans.

TUF — a $3.9 billion endowment — is funded by a one-time, $3 billion allocation from the state’s budget surplus, $896 million from the National Research University Fund and interest-only income, up to $100 million, from the Economic Stabilization Fund.

Which Universities Are Eligible?

Qualifying universities must meet the following objective criteria:

  • Be ineligible for the Permanent University Fund (PUF)
  • Have a portfolio of federal and privately funded research
  • Meet high standards in teaching and academic excellence

Four universities currently qualify for inclusion in the TUF: University of Houston, Texas Tech University, University of North Texas and Texas State University.

5 Benefits of the Texas University Fund

1 Increase Research and Development in Texas
To be global frontrunners in cutting-edge sectors, from energy production to technology, we must increase investments in research directly supportive of our state’s economy. The Texas University Fund is dedicated to bolstering research to make UH and other Texas universities more competitive both on a national and global scale.

2 Drive the State Economy Forward
Increasing research and development, enhancing graduate programs and bolstering faculty excellence will drive our students and economy forward.

3 Raise Our Rankings
Texas lags other states in the number of nationally top-ranked public universities, with California leading all states with nine, and Texas with only two. TUF provides critical funding to help UH and other Texas universities rise in national rankings and increase the number of top-ranked public universities.

4 Filling the Job Skills Gap to Keep Texas Competitive
TUF ensures more Texas graduates can fill high-paying jobs and reduce the state’s reliance on out-of-state and international talent.

5 More Top Ranked Universities for Texas Students
The University of Texas and Texas A&M University are busting at the seams and aren’t able to keep up with the number of Texas students who wish to attend a top-rated public university in Texas. The resources from TUF aim to keep some of the more than 20,000 students who leave Texas to attend a top university elsewhere and who may never return to lead our economy forward.

How The Texas University Fund Helps UH

Enhance Graduate Programs
TUF funding is enhancing graduate study programs to help UH students gain high-paying jobs.

Rise to the Top 50
UH is on a mission to become a top 50 public university.
TUF provides critical funding to increase and enhance its research, which is a key measurement in top public university rankings.

Faculty Excellence
TUF funding is helping UH to attract, retain and enrich top faculty to excel our students and University.

Greater Student Success
With increased research opportunities, enhanced graduate programs and more top faculty, students will be more competitive in their careers.