We rely on the generosity of the Houston community to help share Shakespeare’s gift of stories. Our supporting members and donors are a special group of patrons who are a valued part our mission. Supporters receive a behind-the scenes look at our company and productions. With a donation of $60 or more, you can become a member and enjoy premium assigned seats for this summer's Free Houston Shakespeare Festival season and other benefits.
Your contribution helps support:
- Free summer performances for 20,000-30,000 Houstonians annually
- Artists' wages
- Designers and technical staff during the HSF summer season
- Purchase of costume, building, and crafts materials, wigs and stage weaponry
- Educational outreach in the Houston Public Library, Bard Talks, Curriculum Development, and workshops.
The Houston Shakespeare Festival is the professional arm of the University of Houston. The University provides space for HSF and covers a small portion of other expenses, but this free festival is made possible by the support of Houston community. Contributions are essential to our existence. We very much appreciate your financial support.
For questions about Membership or joining the Bard Circle and the Shakespeare Society, please contact Cori Stevenson at CLSteve3@central.uh.edu
$60 MEMBER ($0 FMV)
- Access to premium-assigned seating for each production (2)
- Program recognition in Festival digital playbill
$120 FRIEND ($0 FMV)
- Includes Member benefits listed
- Access to premium-assigned seating for each production (4)
- Invitation to Java with Jack – coffee and conversation with the HSF Artistic Director
$250 PATRON ($ 20 FMV)
- Includes Friend benefits listed above
- Access to premium-assigned seating for each production (6)
- One (1) HSF t-shirt
- Invitation to all HSF thank you events (Turbo, lectures, and other events)
$500 PARTNER ($20 FMV)
- Includes Patron benefits listed
- Access to premium-assigned seating for each production (8)
- Invitation to a pre-show fight call with the HSF Cast
- Includes Bard Circle benefits listed
- Access to premium-assigned seating for each production (10+)
- Two (2) HSF t-shirts
- Invitation to open HSF rehearsals
- Invitation to other special events throughout the year
$2,500 UNDERWRITER ($60 FMV)
- All benefits as a Shakespeare Society Member
- Named Theatrical Designer Sponsorship (Pick your favorite area, costumes, scenery, lighting, sound)
- Recognition in the curtain speech at all HSF performances
- Program recognition as UNDERWRITER
- Company logo displayed on HSF website
$5,000 BENEFACTOR ($60 FMV)
- All benefits as a Shakespeare Society Member
- Named Director Sponsorship for one production
- Recognition in the curtain speech at all HSF performances
- Program recognition as BENEFACTOR
- Company logo displayed on HSF website
A gift of appreciated securities — either publicly traded or from a private company — may provide greater tax advantages than gifts of cash. With a gift of stock, you can deduct the fair market value as a charitable gift and completely avoid capital gains tax on the appreciation.
IRA Charitable Rollover
If you are aged 70½ or older*, you can make tax-free gifts of up to $100,000 per year, directly from your individual retirement account. These amounts can also count towards your required minimum distribution for the year, reducing your taxable income. Talk with your financial advisor or account administrator about making a tax-saving year-end gift to Houston Shakespeare Festival today!
Legacy Bequest
Making a planned gift is a wonderful way to show your support and appreciation for the Houston Shakespeare Festival and its mission while accommodating your own personal, financial, estate-planning, and philanthropic goals. With smart planning, you may actually increase the size of your estate and/or reduce the tax burden on your heirs. Just as important, you will know that you have made a meaningful contribution to UH.
For opportunities to support the Houston Shakespeare Festival through corporate gifts, sponsorships, and planned gifts, please contact Susana Monteverde at 713-743-9528 or SRMonteverde2@uh.edu