Co-cathedral of the Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart

The massive Co-Cathedral organ is used for recitals held at 12:45 PM on the first Friday of each month throughout the academic year, presented entirely by UH organ majors, faculty, and alumni. The series typically runs September through May. The Co-Cathedral instrument is also used for practice, lessons, and some degree recitals performed by UH organ majors.

Co-cathedral of the Sacred Heart
Pasi Organ Builders (2010)
Mechanical and proportional key actions
IV/Ped 75 stops


16' Principal 16' Quintadena
8' Octave 8' Principal
8' Spitzfloete 8' Gedackt
8' Harmonic Flute 8' Salicional
8' Gamba 8' Suavial (g)
6' Quinte 4' Octave
4' Octave 4' Rohrfloete
4' Nachthorn 3' Nazard
3' Quinte 3' Sesquialtera II
2' Octave 2' Octave
1 3/5' Terz 2' Gemshorn
8' Cornet V c1 1 3/5' Tierce
2' Mixture V 1 1/3' Larigot
3' Rauschpfeife lV 1' Scharff IV
16' Trumpet 16' Dulcian
8' Trumpet 8' Cromorne
8' Trompette 8' Trumpet
4' Clairon 8' Trechterregal

16' Bourdon 32' Principal
8' Principal 16' Praestant
8' Viole de Gambe 16' Violone
8' Celeste 16' Bourdon
8' Rohrfloete 8' Octave
4' Octave 8' Flute
4' Harmonic Flute 4' Octave
4' Violetta 3' Mixtur V*
3 1/5' Gross Tierce 32' Bombarde*
3' Nazard 32' Trombone*
2' Octave 16' Posaune
2' Octavin 16' Bombarde
1 3/5' Tierce 8' Trompette
1' Flageolet 8' Trumpet
2' Mixture V 8' Clarinette
16' Bassoon 4' Schalmay
8' Trompette 2' Cornet*
8' Oboe 8' Trompeta
4' Clairon
8' Voix Humaine

32' Principal
16' Praestant
16' Violone
16' Bourdon
8' Octave
8' Flute
4' Octave
3' Plein Jeu VII+
16' Posaune
16' Bombarde
8' Trompette
8' Trumpet
8' Clarinette
4' Schalmay
8' Trompeta
4'-16' Trompeta

One Tremulant for Positive and Great and two for Swell
Normal couplers
Octave graves couplers
Stops in Pedal and Grand Choir are common except where noted
(*) Pedal only
(+) Grand Choir only
Wind Pressures range between 80 and 100 mm