2022 DOR Staff Excellence Awards
06/24/2022, 10:30:02 AM
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2022 DOR Staff Excellence Award Recipients

The Division of Research is pleased to announce the recipients of the DOR Staff Excellence Awards for 2022. These awards recognize staff for meritorious service, dedication, and contributions to the division. Please join us in congratulating these outstanding staff members.

Darnell Thacker in the Office of Strategic Research Communications received a Staff Excellence Award for his significant contributions to DOR through developing web technology tools to help us create and manage web content more dynamically. Websites that he built have won UH numerous awards, including a Gold CASE award in 2020 and a Silver award in 2021. Darnell has shaped our entire operation through the processes he has developed and by serving through quiet leadership. It's undeniable the impact he has had on the division and the communications team.
Dr. Claudia Neuhauser demonstrates extensive knowledge and skills in all areas of responsibility. She received a Staff Excellence Award for continuously providing outstanding service to individuals and groups both within DOR and across the campus. Examples include taking the lead on the phased reopening of the research enterprise after COVID, serving as the point of contact and liaison with McAllister and Quinn, working with faculty on large funding opportunities, and serving on numerous committees and taskforces. Claudia always looks for ways to streamline operations and has had an incredibly positive impact on the division since her arrival.
Safiya Friday received a Staff Excellence Award for her significant contribution to the HEALTH Research Institute. Safiya is great at managing multiple projects. She is very involved with all the activities of the program she supports, fixing issues and helping others resolve problems. She is a great communicator, ambitious, inspirational and motivational to other staff members in the institute to help move the program forward.

UH Division of Research
Ezekiel W. Cullen
4302 University Drive, Room 316
Houston, TX 77204-2015

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