Nov. 4, 2024 MESSAGE FROM DEAN HORN All — We’re four weeks away from the close of classes; the semester has flown! I hope you are continuing to find joy in the daily opportunities to connect in work with students and colleagues. And I also hope you will hold space in the remaining days to celebrate all the good that has come from our collective efforts. In that spirit, please make sure to join the Dec. 4 C³ social, where we’ll connect over cocoa, cookies, and conversation! For those who have not yet done so, I encourage you to exercise your civic right tomorrow, Nov. 5 and vote. And for us all, I hope that we remember the wisdom of the Dalai Lama for our opportunity to find calm in complicated times. “Peace does not mean an absence of conflicts; differences will always be there. Peace means solving these differences through peaceful means; through dialogue, education, knowledge; and through humane ways.” Please be well and take good care of others. Best,
Cathy Banner caption: What a joy to celebrate Vera Hutchison (CUIN) at the breakfast for 50 years of service! And below: What a great team. Go Coogs!  MARK YOUR CALENDAR
- “Pennies for Charity” – Stop by Michelle Yates’ desk in the Dean’s Suite this week to support the State Employee Charitable Campaign. Note that you can donate to the charity of your choice; visit the giving portal and click on “Charity Guide” to get the org code. Or give online by Nov. 8.
- Thanksgiving Holiday (UH closed) – Thursday, Nov. 28 - Friday, Nov. 29.
- COE C³ Social: Cookies, Cocoa and Conversation – Wednesday, Dec. 4. 2 to 4 p.m. KIVA.
- Fall 2024 Commencement – Friday, Dec. 13. 7 p.m. Fertitta Center.
- COE New Year Welcoming Luncheon – Wednesday, Jan. 8. Noon to 1:30 p.m. KIVA.
- Winter Break (UH closed) – Monday, Dec. 23 - Wednesday, Jan 1.
- Spring 2025 Commencement – Thursday, May 8. 7 p.m. Fertitta Center.
- Science Building moves remain on track to take place in January. Boxes and packing materials (with instructions) will be distributed in late November/early December (four weeks before the TBD move date). Please check with your supervisor if you’re unsure of your building location. Specific office assignments are in progress.
- To make things easier, start unloading items now! The final Recycle Week of the semester starts Monday, Nov. 18. Submit a CITE help ticket for all items except paper (without personally identifiable information) and cardboard. Find details on the Building Transition page.
- Need help visualizing the new space? Visit the model office in Farish 415C (opposite the Asian American Studies Center). If you already visited, see a new look next week!
- Have questions about furniture, classroom assignments, computer labs and more? Check out the updated FAQ section on the Building Transition page.
- For questions about research/lab space, reach out to your department chair. For general questions, email
Get to Know Our New Faculty! Read our newly posted Q&A. Pictured (top row, from left): Monica Adams (PHLS); Deon Brown (PHLS), Katlynn Dahl-Leonard (CUIN), Heeyun Kim (ELPS); bottom: Tres Hinds (PHLS); Hope Rigby-Wills (ELPS), Nate Smith (PHLS), Alison Wilson (ELPS).  OFFICE OF THE DEAN Advancement
- Help us stay connected with our alums! Bookmark our Alumni Updates form to share good news about our graduates. Questions or suggestions? Contact Alumni Relations Director Andrea Mitchen.
Associate Dean for Faculty and Staff Belonging and Success
- Faculty: If you need regalia for December commencement, please complete our regalia request form by this Wednesday, Nov. 6 at noon. Contact Michelle Yates for assistance.
- Interested in a staff training opportunity? Consider applying for an award through our COE Staff Professional Development Fund program! Please review the fund guidelines and application form. If you have questions, contact Associate Dean Mimi Lee and Michelle Yates.
- Open faculty positions: HR is transitioning to a job-posting platform (from Taleo to PageUp). We are updating the COE faculty recruitment webpage with the new posting links as soon as they’re ready.
 Associate Dean for Student Belonging and Success
- Celebrations
- Congratulations to Student Success Coach Laura Lee, who earned a 2024 President’s Excellence Award for Administrative Professional! This award acknowledges staff for their hard work and dedication to the University and its mission. We are so grateful for the difference-making service that Laura has provided, serving as a resource for students, faculty and staff!
- Our second-annual Community Carnival was a blast, drawing more than 110 students, staff and faculty. Thank you to the Student Success team and all the volunteers who assisted with set-up, games, snacks and more to help us continue to grow community.
- Our “What’s Poppin’ in Student Success?” event is starting to become a Wednesday tradition, with about 100 folks stopping by each week. Faculty and staff are invited to pop in for fresh popcorn too! The last event of the semester will be Wednesday, Dec. 4.
- Stayed tuned for an invite to “Desserts with Associate Dean Davis” in the spring.
- Staff Updates
- We’re excited to welcome undergraduate advisor Katrin Potvin! Please stop by 160 to introduce yourself!
- Faculty Reminders
- The Justin Dart Jr. Accessibility Center has created a very useful manual for managing students’ accommodations. We encourage each faculty member to review the guide to ensure we are nurturing inclusive classrooms that support student success.
- Graduate Faculty: Curriculog is open for submitting proposals for substantive graduate course creations, revisions, deletions, and catalog updates for 2024-25. The final priority deadline is Nov. 29. Departmental review must be completed before being reviewed by the College Graduate Studies Committee; email all documents to committee chair Kara Hurt no later than Nov. 15.
- Please complete your annual mandatory training by Friday, Nov. 22.
- Please complete your ePerformance self-evaluations by Monday, Dec. 2.
- Welcome to our newest team members, Adan Ramirez and Itzel Ramirez, familiar faces who have returned to the College, and Aimee Young, who moved into a new role.
- For support, please contact the following:
- CUIN: Aimee Young (DBA); Itzel Ramirez
- ELPS: Jenine Cinco (DBA); Yi Zhang (through January); Adan Ramirez
- PHLS: Thu Nguyen (DBA); Itzel Ramirez
- Dean’s Office/Units: Helen Edwards (DBA); Adan Ramirez
- For questions about the best contact, reach out to Executive Director Lisa Emmite-Baker.
- Important! To email all full-time faculty and staff in the College of Education, use this email address: mycoe1@UofH.UH.EDU. The COE-ALL distribution list via Outlook is being phased out and will no longer be updated. The MyCOE address will be automatically updated when new hires are onboarded (managers should work with their DBAs to fill out the onboarding form for all new hires).
- Welcome Bonnie Buffaloe, who started in September as assistant director of marketing and communications. Buffaloe, who has a master’s in marketing from Bauer, has nearly two decades of experience in communications and journalism and joins us from the UH Law Center.
- Having an event with food? Note the permit rules (forms on MyCOE/Events):
- Items will be warmed (e.g. chafing dish): You must request an open flame permit. This applies to events with anyone (faculty, staff, students, alumni, community).
- Event will involve students, alumni, community members: You must request a food permit. Email the PDF to
- Events with ONLY internal faculty and staff: You do not need a food permit, but you do need an open flame permit if applicable. Potlucks are discouraged.
- Student organizations must request food permits for all events and open flame permits when applicable.
- Check out the latest media clips, most recently featuring Duncan Klussmann (ELPS), Bulent Dogan (CUIN), Sam Brower (CUIN), Toni Templeton (ELPS/ERC) and Virginia Snodgrass Rangel (ELPS).
MEDIA RELEASES AND STORIES DEPARTMENTS Editor’s note: External grants are listed under Office of Research after they are officially logged in the UH system. For publications, additional authors are not included. Curriculum & Instruction Internal Grants
- Sheng Kuan Chung received a UH Teaching Innovation Program (TIP) grant for $10,000.
- Marédil León and Tairan Qiu received awards through the UH Alternative Textbook Incentive Program.
- Justin Burris. “The Equity Committee BookClub: Deepening Comprehension and Elevating Conversations about Equity,” AMTE (Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators) Connections
- Sheng Kuan Chung. “Transformative Paradigms in Art Education: Navigating Technology, Social Justice, and Cultural Change in Complex Times” (special issue guest editor). “Exploring pleasure, ideology, and interplay in students' visual culture: A constructivist inquiry,” International Journal of Arts Education. “Fostering intercultural understanding through the Chinese red envelope: Implementing culturally responsive pedagogy in diverse art classrooms,” International Journal of Arts Education.
- Mikel Cole. “Project TRANSLATE: Collaborative translanguaging in secondary ELA settings,” The English Journal. “Why bother translanguaging? Translanguaging pedagogies for equity in elementary and middle school classrooms,” NABE Journal of Research and Practice. “Teachers as street-level bureaucrats: Navigating language ideologies and restrictive language environments,” Bilingual Research Journal. “Intersecting ideologies: a case study of teachers’ language beliefs and practices with trilingual students,” International Multilingual Research Journal. “Haitians at the Mexican-American Border,” Migration and Diversity. “Multilingual teaching and digital tools: the intersections of new media literacies and language learning,” Journal for Multicultural Education.
- Susie Gronseth, Norma Olvera (PHLS). “AI-FEED: Prototyping an AI-powered platform for the food charity ecosystem,” International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems.
- Vera Hutchison, Jie Zhang. “Examining educators’ perceptions of video demonstration lessons in literacy professional development,” Texas Journal of Literacy Education.
- Xin Li. “The Effect of Ecological Environment on Language-Minority Students’ Math and Reading Development: A Hierarchical Linear Analysis of a Longitudinal Study,” Early Education and Development. “Great Start Readiness Program and Children’s Academic Achievement: A Longitudinal Study,” Early Childhood Education Journal. “The association between teacher-to-teacher relationships and student achievement: a meta-analysis,” Research Papers in Education.
- Tairan Qiu. “Writing bravely: Nurturing student agency through a translingual writing process,” English Journal. “A Conversation with Guofang Li on past, present, and future of literacies research with immigrant communities,” Journal of Education for Multilingualism. “‘We have to be everything at ‘a’ time America tells us that we are nothing’: A collaborative autoethnography on enacting justice as praxis as women of color in education,” International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.
Book Chapters
- Michael Ahlf, Sara McNeil. “Open educational resources: Time, resources and sustainability in an ephemeral digital world” in “Education and the Question(s) of Time.” “Lessons learned in conducting a systematic review in online learning” in “Handbook of Research in Online Learning.”
- Mikel Cole. “Making metalinguistic noticing the norm: Examining lessons learned from supporting educators across diverse schooling and sociopolitical contexts” in “Empowering Multilingual Learners: Innovative Approaches to Foster Equity and Inclusivity in Teacher Education.”
- Tairan Qiu. “Cultivating emancipatory spaces for Black girls’ digital and STEM literacies” in “Teaching for Equity, Justice, and Antiracism with Digital Literacy Practices: Knowledge, Tools, and Strategies for the ELA Classroom.”
- Susie Gronseth received the UH President’s Leadership Award as well as the Educational Technology Research & Development Journal Editors 2024 Reviewer Excellence Award.
- Carrie Cutler received the 2024 Outstanding Teacher Educator Award from the Texas Association for the Education of Young Children.
- Xin Li was elected as program chair of an AERA Special Interest Group, Multicultural/Multiethnic Education: Theory, Research, and Practice.
- Tairan Qiu was selected for the Literacy Research Association’s STAR (Scholars of color Transitioning into Academic Research institutions) Mentoring Program Fellowship. She also was recognized by the National Council for Teachers of English as a Cultivating New Voices among Scholars of Color Fellow.
- Justin Burris presented a workshop on using rehearsals to support instruction at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics annual meeting.
- Carrie Cutler presented at the Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics and also presented a webinar co-sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
- Susie Gronseth presented on design principles for effective technical presentations for the Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica in Mexico.
- Tairan Qiu presented on transnational schooling experiences and writing at the National Council of Teachers of English annual meeting. She also gave several presentations, including on transnational parents and racism and disrupting academic English, at the Literacy Research Association annual meeting.
Community Engagement
- Sheng Kuan Chung was an invited artist at the Art on the Avenue Exhibit and Auction for charity at Spring Street Studios. He also participated in the Collaborative Arts Advancement for HISD Art Educators.
- Carrie Cutler was an invited speaker for the Let the Children Come Early Childhood Conference for Catholic Educators.
- Heather Domjan hosted the Oct. 12 ConocoPhillips STEM ZONE Saturday, giving K-12 students the opportunity to engage with industry experts and STEM activities integrating science through sports.
- Margaret Hale collaborated with her adolescent literacy students to volunteer at the Tweens Read book festival.
- Tairan Qiu, Vera Hutchison, Sunny Stubbs and Xin Li, along with several students hosted an open house on Nov. 2 with Project Row Houses for their Community Literacies Center to be launched in spring 2025.
Educational Leadership & Policy Studies Announcements
- Congratulations to Deborah Gary for becoming the ELPS/PHLS program coordinator 2 (effective in September)! We appreciate you!
- Vincent Carales. “Navigating High School as an Early College Student: How Institutional Agents Support First-Generation College Students,” Journal of First Generation Student Success.
- Virginia Snodgrass Rangel. “The long reach of mentoring: How the benefits of mentoring change over time,” Mentoring and Tutoring: A Partnership in Learning. “Understanding student motivations to attend and experience an optional geoscience field trip at a Hispanic-Serving Institution,” Journal of Geoscience Education. “Males in nurse technician programs: A social cognitive analysis of sex differences in career development,” International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance.
- Virginia Snodgrass Rangel, Keith Butcher. “A synthesis of research on the principal internship,” Review of Education Research. “A descriptive study of the opportunities principal candidates have to engage in equity-oriented work in their internships,” Journal of Research on Leadership Education. “A Comparison of the Internship Experiences of Aspiring School Leaders in a Principal Residency and Traditional Principal Preparation Program in Texas,” Journal of School Leadership.
Books/Book Chapters
- Vincent Carales. “America’s most adaptable institutions: Community colleges” in “Diversity of opportunity and privileged access: Institutional types across American higher education” (editor: Tiffany J. Davis).
- Detra Johnson. “Race, Africana Communication, and Criminal Justice Reform: A Reflexive and Intersectional Analysis of Adaptive Vitality” (editor).
- Heather Dulas was selected to participate in the IES Advanced Training Institute on Single-case Research Methods. She also was chosen for the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disability Delegation to the Czech Republic.
- Special shout-out to Bradley Davis for collaborating and sharing resources across programs in the Ed.D.
- And a big thank you to Jacquie Hawkins for serving with distinction as a program director for the last few decades.
Psychological, Health, & Learning Sciences Publications
- Monica Adams. “Social structural differences in qualitative perspectives on well-being,” Applied Research Quality Life. “Breast Cancer Surgery: A Qualitative Exploration of Concerns over Time,” Journal of Surgical Research. “Interpretation of immediately released health information: Informing patient medical education in breast oncology,” The American Journal of Surgery. “Multidimensional Religiousness and Spirituality are Associated with Lower IL-6 and CRP at Midlife: Findings from the MIDUS Study,” Annals of Behavioral Medicine.
- Blake Allan. “The psychology of precarity: A critical framework,” American Psychologist. “Environmental adversity in thwarting resource accumulation: An uncertainty management perspective,” Journal of Career Assessment.
- Virmarie Correa-Fernández. “Mindfulness as moderator of the association between anxiety and alcohol use severity and drinking motives in professional firefighters,” Substance Use and Misuse.
- Julie Dunsmore. “Motivation to abstain from drinking as a moderator of associations between parent and offspring problem drinking,” Substance Use and Misuse. “Emotion-related processes between parents and adolescents: Evidence for bidirectional effects over time,” Journal of Genetic Psychology. “Adolescent peer relationship difficulties, prosociality, and parental emotion socialization: Moderating roles of adolescent gender,” Journal of Genetic Psychology.
- Leslie Frankel. “Validation of the Adult Eating Behavior Questionnaire (AEBQ) in a young Black Sample in the U.S.: Evaluating the psychometric properties, and associations with BMI,” Current Psychology.
- Elizabeth Jelsma. “The influence of children’s discrimination experiences on parents’ mental and self-rated health: Results from the National Health Interview Survey,” Children.
- Milena Keller-Margulis. “A Study of the Psychometric Properties of the Pediatric Symptom Checklist-17 for Children with Developmental Delays and Disorders,” Clinical Pediatrics.
- Milena Keller-Margulis, Weihua Fan. “A Systematic Review of Early Writing Assessment Tools,” Early Childhood Education Journal.
- Jungeun “Jay” Lee. “Strategies for Integrating Aging and Older Adulthood into Counselor Training,” Adultspan.
- Allison Master, Kristen Hassett, Brad Smith. “Perceptions of academic performance, impairment, and mental health in university students with and without ADHD,” Journal of Attention Disorders.
- Allison Master, Jennifer Thompson. “Causes and consequences of stereotypes: Interest stereotypes reduce adolescent girls’ motivation to enroll in computer science classes,” Journal of Research on Technology in Education [Special issue: Computer science for all].
- Michael Matta, Milena Keller-Margulis. “The role of feedback perception and other writing enablers on writing proficiency among Hispanic students,” School Psychology Review.
Books/Book Chapters
- Julie Dunsmore. “Emotion socialization in the family context: Current research directions and applications to intervention” in “Research Handbook on Couple and Family Relationships.”
- Nate Smith. “Queering connection: Narratives of healing in relational cultural therapy with queer and transgender clients.” “Counseling the rural queer counselor: An ethics reflection” in “Sticky situations: A collection of tales on counseling the counselor.”
- Blake Allan earned the Fritz and Linn Kuder Early Career Award for Distinguished Scientific Contribution, from APA’s Society of Counseling Psychology (Division 17).
- Tres Hinds was recognized by the NIH’s Sexual and Gender Minority Research Office as the featured researcher for September 2024.
- Allison Master presented on the role of belonging in understanding STEM gender gaps at UT-Austin conference. She also gave an invited talk for Indiana University Bloomington.
Community Engagement
- Allison Master partnered with the Rice University Office of STEM Engagement, working with the Rice Space Academy summer camp.
- Norma Olvera’s BOUNCE-PATH interns provided a 26-session community-based diabetes prevention program to 100 participants as well as nutrition education workshops to 600 participants.
- Applications for the Hanover Research grant support opportunity will be reviewed on a rolling basis with priority review starting Nov. 13. Please see Nathan Smith’s Oct. 25 email.
- Note: Some recent awards and proposals may not be listed yet. Stay tuned, and thank you for your patience!
- Urban Teacher Residency Program. Western Michigan University. $16,230 (incl. 2% IDC). Xin Li (CUIN), other personnel.
- Project Support to Codify the Community Teacher Equity Development Programs and Teacher Certification Pathways to Support Local Districts. Houston Endowment. $300,000 (incl. 15% IDC). Conra Gist (CUIN), PI.
- Children/Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN) & Family Support and Community Resources (FSCR) (Families CAN). Texas Department of State Health Services. $181,000 (incl. 8% IDC). Shelley Townsend (PEP), PI.
- Reducing Obesity Through Play: A Randomized Control Trial (FUNPALs). National Institutes of Health. $2,704,576 (incl. 55% IDC). Norma Olvera (PHLS), co-investigator.
- The Untapped Potential of Noncredit Education at Community Colleges: Restructuring Programs and Pathways to Meet Texas’ Postsecondary and Workforce Goals. Greater Texas Foundation. $292,186 (15% IDC). Lyle McKinney (ELPS), PI.
- Unemployment as a Mechanism Explaining Social Class Mental Health Disparities: A Mental Health Focused Employment Group Intervention. NIH. $1,062,299 (57% IDC). Blake Allan (PHLS), PI.
- Region 9 Comprehensive Literacy Strategy and Implementation Support - Louisiana Department of Education. Westat (Department of Education). $1,249,996 (8% IDC). Anne McClellan (ACES), PI.
- Restrictive laws, restricted opportunities: How Texas’s SB17 is re-shaping Latinx students’ opportunities and experiences in higher education. University of Vermont (Spencer Foundation). $120,568 (15%). Virginia Snodgrass Rangel (ELPS), PI.
- Development of a Parent Intervention to Increase Responsive Feeding. NIH. $581,263 (57% IDC). Leslie Frankel (PHLS), PI; Deon Brown (PHLS), Julie Dunsmore (PHLS), co-investigators.
- A Research-Informed Digital Fullness Scaffolding Tool for Parents. NIH. $50,000 (57% IDC). Leslie Frankel (PHLS), PI; Weihua Fan (PHLS), co-investigator.
- Building Family-School-Researcher Partnerships: Fostering an Asian (American) Antiracist Curriculum through Participatory Methods. University of Florida (Spencer Foundation). $33,327 (0% IDC). Tairan Qiu (CUIN), PI.
- CAREER: Harnessing Identity Development Stories to Boost Girls’ Belonging in Computer Science. NSF. $1,116,946 (57% IDC). Allison Master (PHLS), PI.
- 2024-2025 DHH ACP. Texas Education Agency. $346,450 (8% IDC). Jacqueline Hawkins (ELPS), PI; Kristen Hassett (ELPS), Heather Dulas (ELPS), co-PIs.
- Project EBLI: Partnering with Educators to Improve Student Literacy and Science Knowledge Through Evidence-Based Literacy Instruction. Department of Education. $480,175 (57% IDC). Katlynn Dahl-Leonard (CUIN), PI; Vera Hutchison (CUIN), co-investigator.
- Houston Area Principal Residency Program: A Pathway to Improvement. Department of Education. $4,766,184 (57% IDC). Keith Butcher (ELPS), PI; Virginia Snodgrass Rangel (ELPS), Detra Johnson (ELPS), co-PIs; Toni Templeton (ELPS), evaluator.
- Epidemiology, Etiology, and Pathways to DLD: The Role of Late Talking in Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Children. NIH. $11,821,801. Kristi Santi (ELPS), co-investigator.
- Academic Review of K-2 Reading Instruments. Texas Education Agency. $176,070 (15% IDC). Kristi Santi (ELPS), PI.
Questions about the Dean’s Update? Email and