University of Houston
  Development Statistics 2001

Donor Sources (in millions)
Alumni: $5.5 (18%)
Non-Alumni: 3.2 (10%)
Corporations: 8.6 (28%)
Foundations: 9.1 (29%)
Other: 4.7 (15%)

Purposes of Gifts (in millions)
Current Operations: $21.4 (69%)
Endowment: 5.2 (17%)
Building & Property: 4.5 (14%)

UH Support Organizations* (in millions)
Houston Alumni Organization: $ 0.5
Houston Athletics Foundation: 2.5
UH CBA Foundation: 1.1
UH Foundation: 1.9
UH Law Foundation: 1.3
Total Support Organizations: 7.3
Gifts Directly to UH: 23.8
Total Gifts: 31.1

*UH Support Organizations are independent, private
nonprofit corporations that exist solely for the purpose of
supporting UH. Gifts to these support organizations are
reported as gifts to UH in accordance with national
reporting standards.

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