University of Houston

FY01 Private Support

The list below reflects private support at the level of $10,000 or more made solely to the University of Houston main campus during the period of September 2000 through August 2001. Some gifts may represent a pledge payment toward a larger commitment. This list does not reflect gifts made to the other UH System universities or to systemwide projects. Gifts directed to other UH System universities will be included in their individual reports. The Office of Development regrets any errors or omissions and would appreciate notification of corrections.

$1,000,000 and above
The Cullen Foundation
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
Mrs. Rebecca B. Moores (’70, ’74)
  and Mr. John J. Moores (’70, ’75)
The Robert A. Welch Foundation

$500,000 to $999,999
Houston Endowment Inc.
John P. McGovern, M.D.
The Wortham Foundation, Inc.

$250,000 to $499,999
A I M Management Group Inc.
American Heart Association
M.D. Anderson Foundation
Mr. F. Kenneth Bailey, Jr. (’69, ’72)
The Brown Foundation, Inc.
Corporation for Public Broadcasting
ExxonMobil/ExxonMobil Foundation
Mr. David A. Hart*
Elizabeth D. Rockwell (’42)
SBC Communications, Inc.
Shell Oil/Shell Oil Company Foundation
Mrs. Edgar A. (Wilhelmina) Smith (’44, ’88)   and Mr. Edgar A. Smith
United Way of the Texas Gulf Coast
United Distillers & Vintners
Warren Electric Group, Ltd.
Ms. Pauline Yelderman*

$100,000 to $249,999
A I M Foundation
The Alkek and Williams Foundation
American General Corporation
Mr. Michael A. Baker (’68, ’71)
Ruth and Ted Bauer Family Foundation
The Honorable Michael J. Cemo (’71)/
  Michael and Rebecca Cemo Foundation
CFP Foundation
Chevron Corporation
Cultural Arts Council of Houston/
  Harris County
Dow Chemical Company/
  The Dow Chemical Company Foundation
The Duke Energy Foundation
Margaret and J.A. Elkins, Jr. Foundation
Mrs. Jorgina Franzheim and
  Mr. Kenneth Franzheim, II
Mr. Robert H. Graham
Greater Houston Community Foundation
Houston Arts Combined
  Endowment Foundation
Human Frontier Science Program
Inprint, Inc.
The Institute for Rehabilitation
  and Research
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Kleh
Susan G. Komen Breast
  Cancer Foundation
Linda and Ken Lay Family
Mr. John N. Lomonte (’53)
Ms. Thelma Burnett Maresh
Tillie and Tom McDonald Foundation
Mrs. Lucile B. Melcher
Dr. Maconda Brown O’Connor
The John M. O’Quinn Foundation
Pew Charitable Trusts
The Sarofim Foundation
The Spencer Foundation
Texas Air Research Center
The West Endowment

$50,000 to $99,999
Baker Botts, L.L.P.
BASF Corporation
BP Amoco Production Company/
  BP Amoco Foundation, Inc.
Compaq Computer Corporation
The Cullen Trust for the Performing Arts
E & J Gallo
El Paso Corporate Foundation
The Fondren Foundation
George and Mary Josephine Hamman   Foundation
Mrs. Cecile S. Keeper (’78)
  and Mr. Samuel D. Keeper (’47)
Kellogg Brown & Root, Inc.
Lucent Technologies
March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation
Mrs. Gwendolyn Mullins
Muscular Dystrophy Association Inc.
Immanuel and Helen B. Olshan Foundation
Mrs. Jane Blaffer Owen and
  Mr. Kenneth D. Owen
Perry Homes
Ms. Lillie T. Robertson
Mrs. Molly M. Shulman (’72) and
  Dr. Lanny M. Shulman (’81, ’97, ’98)
Dorothy Richard Starling Foundation
Three Amigos Foundation

$25,000 to $49,999
Administaff, Inc.
Andrews & Kurth, Mayor, Day,
  Caldwell & Keeton L.L.P.
Baker Hughes Incorporated
Baker Oil Tools
Banfi Vintners Foundation
Bausch & Lomb
B.M.C. Software, Inc.
Bracewell & Patterson, L.L.P.
George and Anne Butler Foundation
Mrs. Margaret E. Carl and Mr. Emory T. Carl
Conoco, Inc.
The Cullen Trust for Higher Education
Dynegy, Inc.
Mrs. Diane Farb and Mr. Harold Farb
The Fluor Foundation
The Foundation of the National Association
  of Catering Executives
Mrs. Helen B. Foster*
Glazer’s Wholesale Drug Co., Inc.
Halliburton Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Cora Hawley
Ms. Dawn Hawley
W.B. Hirsch Charitable Trust
Hogg Foundation for Mental Health
Hotel Association Group Trust
Houston Alumni Organization
Houston Jewish Community Foundation
Howrey Simon Arnold & White
Jenkens & Gilchrist
Mrs. Belle Griggs Johnson (’51) and
  Mr. Richard J.V. Johnson
Mrs. Jane H. Lerner (’69, ’79) and
  Mr. A. Ronald Lerner (’69)
Life Sciences Research Foundation
Lockheed Martin Missiles
and Fire Control
Ms. Rose Marie Lomonte (’48)
Mr. Ben F. Love
The Edward and Betty Marcus Foundation
Marian and Speros Martel Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Thomas H. Mayor
The Michener 1990 Charitable Trust
Mrs. Cynthia Woods and
  Mr. George P. Mitchell
National Action Council for Minorities
  in Engineering
Mrs. Christie A. Patrick
Petroleum Research Fund
Polish Academy of Sciences
Powell Electrical Manufacturing Company
Reliant Energy
Charles and Betti Saunders Foundation
Mrs. Carey C. Shuart
Sistemas y Procesos Avanzadas
Mr. Richard N. Stabell
Steans Family Foundation
Sterling Bank
Texaco, Inc.
Texas Center for Educational Research
Texas Chemical Council
Texas Teacher Educators
UH Architecture Alumni Association
The Susan Vaughan Foundation, Inc.
Washington Mutual
The Woodlands Center for Performing Arts

$10,000 to $24,999
Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld
Stanford and Joan Alexander Foundation
American and Asian Hotel
  Education Association
American Hotel and Lodging Foundation
American Petroleum Institute
AmeriSource Corporation
The Tina E. Bangs Foundation
Bank United
Mr. John W. Barger
Barrow Foundation
Mrs. Anne Baughman and
  Mr. James C. Baughman, Jr. (’57)
Mr. Frederick Barthelme
The Bechtel Foundation
Mrs. Kathryn Page Berg (’80) and
  Mr. David H. Berg (’64, ’67, ’69)
Beringer Wine Estates
Mrs. Dorothy F. Bettencourt
Beyer Construction, LLP
Bond, Snider, Glaw & Londergan, CPA
The Boston Foundation Inc.
Mrs. Celina Brener and Mr. Alfredo Brener
Brown-Forman Corporation
H.E. Butt Grocery Company
Mrs. Christina Castaneda and
  Mr. Ricardo G. Castaneda (’77)
Lyford Cay Foundation, Inc.
J.P. Morgan Chase
The Robert and Jane Cizik Foundation
Cobb, Fendley & Associates, Inc.
Confrerie De La Chaine Des Rotisseurs   Foundation, Inc.
Conley, Rose & Tayon, P.C.
Mr. Celso Cuellar, Jr. (’65)
Mrs. Rosanette Mary Cullen (’57) and
   Mr. Harry H. Cullen (’58)
Mrs. Sabina David and Dr. Gerson David
The Houston Assembly of Delphian
Chapters Scholarship Foundation Fund
Baron Ugo Di Portanova*
Ms. Lucille M. Dorff
Mr. J. Henry Doscher, Jr.
Equilon Enterprises LLC
Mrs. Pamela S. Fendley and
  Mr. William F. Fendley (’71)
Ray C. Fish Foundation
Foundation for Education and
  Research in Vision, Inc.
Frankel Family Foundation
The Eleanor and Frank Freed Foundation
Food and Beverage Managers   Association—Houston
Fulbright & Jaworski, L.L.P.
Mrs. Linda A. Glaw (’78) and
  Mr. William C. Glaw, Jr. (’77)
Mrs. Phyllis P. Graham and
  Mr. Henry W. Graham (’76, ’78)
Ms. Kathy Jo Hays-Stang (’92)
The Henley Foundation
Dr. William G. Henry, Jr. (’49, ’55)
Mr. David E. Hessel (’81)
Hilton Hotels Corporation
Mrs. Mary H. Hoffman and
  Dr. Philip G. Hoffman
The Holthouse Foundation for Kids
Mrs. Katherine M. Houston and
  Mr. D. Lynn Houston (’68)

Houston Chronicle
The Houston Golf Association
Houston Office Leasing Brokers Association
Mr. Everett J. Hruska (’60)
Huffington Foundation
Ms. Kathleen R. Hurtado (’82)
International Food Policy
Research Institute
International Stellar Technologies
Jones & Carter, Inc.
Kalsi Engineering, Inc.


Mr. Christopher L. Knapp
Ms. Karol Kreymer and Dr. Robert J. Card
Landry Restaurant Corporation
Mrs. Caroline Wiess Law
Lillian Kaiser Lewis Foundation
Mrs. Judith C. Lilie (’68, ’95) and
  Mr. Glenn T. Lilie (’68)
Mrs. Amelia D. Luchsinger and
  Mr. John W. Luchsinger
Ms. Barbara D. Mackey (’89, ’92) and
  Mr. William S. Mackey
Mr. Roger A. Malloy (’68, ’70)

Seymour R. Marco Family Foundation
Marine Insurance Seminars, Inc.
Maxxam, Inc.
Mr. Russell H. McMains (’71)
Merck & Co., Inc.
Mitchell Energy and Development   Corporation
Robert Mondavi Corporation
Moriarty Litigation Group, Inc.
Mrs. Jo Mueller and Mr. Michael Mueller (’74)
N.A.I.O.P. Houston Chapter
Mr. James M. Nolan (’59)
Mr. Alfred Oglesby (’89)
Mrs. Helen B. Olshan
Mrs. Donna O’Neill and
  Mr. Michael John O’Neill (’62)
The David and Lucille Packard Foundation
Par Excellence
Mrs. Carole M. Piperi (’61) and
  Mr. Adrian J. Piperi (’60)
The Powell Foundation
Mrs. Natalie A. Primeaux and
  Dr. Walter J. Primeaux, Jr. (’66, ’67)
Randall’s Food Markets, Inc.
Ms. Cynthia Faye Reibenstein (’75, ’88)
Mr. Don R. Riddle (’66)
Rockwell Fund, Inc.
The Rose Foundation
Mr. David Salinas
Mr. Don A. Sanders
Ms. Louisa Stude Sarofim
Scientific and Technology
  Educational Products
Solvay Polymers, Inc.
The Statler Foundation
Mrs. A. Madelyn Stephens (’70) and
  Mr. Bill Stephens
Sterling-Turner Foundation
Sumitomo Corporation of America
Swalm Foundation
Tarrant County Pharmaceutical Association
Texas A&M Research Foundation
Texas Hotel and Motel Association
Texas Optometric Association
Mrs. Cheryl L. Thompson-Draper
Trotter Education Foundation
UH College of Pharmacy Alumni Association
UH North Texas Area Club
Union Pacific Foundation
USA Wireless, Inc.
U.S. Civilian Research and
  Development Foundation
U.S. Israel Binational Science Foundation
UT Health Science Center at Houston
Mrs. Mary Ann Vela (’75) and
  Mr. Alfredo N. Vela, III (’62)
Vinson & Elkins, L.L.P.
Visible Changes
Weatherford International, Inc.
Mrs. Leslie Nelson Wheless* and
  Mr. Kim D. Wheless
Mr. Gregory S. Williams
Mrs. Shiree L. Willson and
  Dr. Richard Willson, III
Mr. James P. Wiseheart (’61)*

The 1927 Society Members

The 1927 Society is a distinguished group of individuals who have included the University of Houston in their estate plans through some form of planned gift. These gifts can include such contributions as bequests, pooled income funds, gift annuities, charitable trusts, outside trusts, and life insurance policies.

Mrs. Janet Acord (’59) and
  Mr. Kent Acord (’61)
Mr. Charles G. Adair
Ms. Wendy Adair (’90)
Mr. Douglas P. Allen (’56, ’63, ’69)
Mr. Douglas Allums (’52)
Mr. Robert Y. Andrews
Mr. Robert I. Annas
Mr. Charles R. Atkinson (’56)
Mr. William W. Barnes (’75, ’99)
Dr. R. Ray Battin
Mr. Harry Benson (’53)
Mr. Frank Lee Berry (’53)
Mrs. Margaret A. Bock
Dr. Irvin M. Borish (’00)
Mr. W. Joel Braly
Mr. John L. Brandon
Mr. G. Edwin Brooks (’74)
Mrs. Shirley Buckley
Mrs. Antoinette Cali and Mr. S.M. Cali (’59)
Ms. Sharon Chapman (’90)
Ms. Charlese Charlton (’82)
Mr. J. Scott Chase (’68, ’71)
Mr. Robert W. Chester (’58, ’62)
Mr. Jeffrey O. Clarke
Mr. Jeffery A. Collins (’78, ’80)
Mrs. Louise F. Cooksey and
  Mr. William J. Cooksey (’38)
Mrs. Avis Martin Cox (’53, ’57)
Mr. John E. Cruickshank, Jr. (’69)
Mr. Keys A. Curry, Jr. (’67)
Mr. Robert D. Daniels
Mr. Robert Dedman
Ms. Lorna Megan DeLancey
Mrs. Joetta L. Dertinger
Mrs. Lisa Disney and Mr. Brian Disney (’90)
Dr. Patricia Sue Dodds (’84)
Mrs. Joanne Doherty (’85) and
  Mr. Larry Doherty (’68, ’70)
Mr. William T. Downs (’60)
Mrs. Dorothy M. Dudley
Professor Fredell Lack Eichhorn
Mr. Melvin N. Engel (’59)
Mrs. Betty Engstrom
Mr. Bruce Engstrom
Mr. James T. Evans (’65, ’68, ’69)
Ms. Mary Ann Faust (’74)
Ms. Julie Fischer
Mr. Larry Forehand (’95)
Ms. Aggie L. Foster and Mr. H. Joseph Foster
Dr. Donna R. Fox
Mrs. Betty Fulenwider (’50)
Ms. Lynn Abercrombie Gillespie (’94)
Mr. W. Carl Glaw, Jr. (’77)
Mrs. Ruby B. Graff and Dr. William J. Graff
Mr. James H. Greer (’54)
Mrs. Mary Lou Hakansson and
  Mr. Charles V. Hakansson (’50)
Mr. Steven A. Hall (’81)
Mr. Jerry A. Hammer (’70, ’72)
Mr. Tom Hampton (’82)
Mr. Marty M. Harris (’94)
Dr. William Hawes
Dr. William G. Henry, Jr. (’49, ’55)
Ms. Norma Hightower
Mr. Tom E. Horner (’54)
Mr. Donald C. Huggins (’73)
Mrs. Barbara Kroeger Irons
Ms. Sharon Johnson
Mrs. Elizabeth Johnston and
  Mr. Bartlett Johnston (’72)
Mr. Michael H. Johnston
Ms. Beryl Bushnell Kaminsky (’84)
Mr. H. David Kaplan
Mr. David B. Keith (’57)
Mr. Clarence F. Kendall, II (’60)
Mr. Kenneth L. Kirkland (’61)
Mr. John E. Kolb (’55)
Mr. Jerry Labita
Ms. Bobbie Ann Kimmel Larkins (’61)
Mr. Ronald Lassiter (’57)
Dr. Robert W. Lawless (’64)
Dr. Kenneth L. Lay (’70)
Mrs. Dorothy M. Ledergerber and
  Mr. Eduardo Ledergerber
Mrs. Georgette Lee (’67)
Mr. Jennings Lee, Jr. (’57)
Mrs. Jane H. Lerner (’69, ’79) and
  Mr. A. Ronald Lerner (’69)
Ms. Mary Frances Lilley (’50)
Mr. Peter V. Lomonte, Jr. (’52)
Ms. Laura Lee Lomonte (’45)
Mr. Howard S. Lorch (’68)
Mrs. Lisa Love and Mr. George W. Love
Ms. Kathleen O. MacNerney
Mr. Patrick D. Mahoney
Mr. Lewis J. Majors (’67)
Mr. Dan Markman (’65, ’68)
Mrs. Wanda Martin (’75, ’79) and
  Dr. John R. Martin (’50, ’54)
Mrs. Lynn Mason (’80) and
  Mr. Marcel Mason (’78)
Ms. Roche C. Mays
Dr. Lewis B. McCammon
Dr. Tony S. McClung
Mrs. Barbara Parrott McGinity (’74, ’00)
Mr. Arthur W. Meeks (’91)
Mrs. Lucile B. Melcher
Dr. Edwin A. Miles
Dr. Theresa Monaco
Mrs. Bonnie Monsanto and
  Dr. Carlos Monsanto
Mr. John J. Moores (’70, ’75)
Mr. Juan R. Morales (’93)
Mr. Patrick E. Moran (’48, ’49)
Mrs. Juanita Morris
Dr. Victor L. Mote
Mrs. Catherine A. Murphy (’88)
Mrs. Patsy Murray and Mr. Oliver Murray (’60)
Mrs. Tina Nunnellee (’90) and
  Dr. Bill Nunnellee (’52, ’56)
Mrs. Audrey Odom (’72) and
  Mr. Chuck Odom (’68, ’69)
Dr. Susan Snider Osterberg (’80)
Ms. Joan D. Osterweil
Mr. James D. Parrish, Jr. (’64)
Ms. Janis Parsley (’82)
Mr. Richard A. Percoco (’64)
Mr. Wayne A. Phillips (’62)
Mrs. Sharon B. Planck (’70) and
  Mr. Robert D. Planck (’71, ’80)
Mr. Neal E. Pleasant (’59)
Mr. Albert A. Prats (’53)
Mrs. Lucy Price (’79) and
  Mr. Clayton Price (’65)
Dr. William Lee Pryor
Mr. John Puryear
Mr. Timothy Ramirez
Dr. Thurman J. Ray (’56)
Mr. Curtis R. Rich (’67)
Mrs. Minnette Robinson and
  Mr. Jerome Robinson (’51)
Dr. Elizabeth D. Rockwell (’42)
Dr. Shirley E. Rose (’60, ’69, ’73) and
  Mr. Donald Rose
Dr. Mark J. Roy, Jr. (’64)
Ms. Donna Ruth (’69)
Dr. Joel W. Sailors
Dr. Travis L. Sample (’64)
Mr. David Schantz (’66)
Ms. Becky Schergens and Mr. Jack Kinsey
Mr. Michael Schipper (’63, ’64)
Mrs. Patricia Schmidt and
  Mr. Charles Schmidt
Ms. Sarah Pawlowski Schoenfeld (’63)
Ms. Donna Scott (’82)
Mr. Elliott Shane
Mrs. Margaret S. Sheriff and
  Dr. Robert Sheriff
Mrs. Peggy Shiffick and Mr. William Shiffick
Dr. Karin Shipman (’86) and
  Mr. H. Leo Shipman
Mrs. Mary Frances Crabtree Smith (’41)
Mrs. Goldye Spain
The Reverend Frank M. Spindler (’55)
Mrs. Greta Stalsby and
  Mr. Jack E. Stalsby (’49)
Ms. Elizabeth Starkey (’84)
Mrs. Pan Purdy Sticksel (’64)
Dr. Jerald W. Strickland
Dr. Fred Stutzenberger (’65)
Dr. Martha R. Tiller and Dr. Frank M. Tiller
Mr. B.J. Tillinger
Dr. Paul A. Wagner, Jr.
Mr. David A. Wahlstrom
Mr. Michael N. Weingart (’63)
Dr. Moye Wicks, III (’55, ’58, ’67)
Mr. Albert Wiggins
Mr. Melvyn L. Wolff (’53)
Mr. Charles F. Wooldridge (’52)
Dr. Lois P. Zamora and
  Dr. Stephen T. Zamora
Ms. Shara L. Zatopek (’74)

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