Times & Days: 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM, Friday
Room: McElhinney Building 315 (CVL)
Week 1 (January 27): Planning Meeting
Week 2 (February 3):
Title: Cubic Interpolation (gap filling) and Filtering (outlier removal) for Time Series Data Sets
Presenter: Terry Mayes (Research Associate, Hobby School of Public Affairs, University of Houston)
Week 3 (February 10):
Title: Superbloom in California’s Death Valley and Electoral Outcomes: A Natural Experiment Approach
Presenter: Indrajit Sinha Ray (Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Political Science, University of Houston)
Week 4 (February 17):
Title: Describing Global Value Change Using the World Values Survey
Presenter: Damian Ruck (Ph.D. student, Department of Engineering Mathematics, Bristol University and Visiting Scholar, Hobby School of Public Affairs, University of Houston)
Week 5 (February 24): The 2017 Texas Methods Meeting – No Meeting
Week 6 (March 3):
Title: Accountability and Corruption: The Long-Term Effect of Independent Monitoring on Levels of Municipal Corruption
Presenter: Leonardo Antenangeli (Ph.D. candidate, Department of Political Science, University of Houston)
Week 7 (March 10): No Meeting
Week 8 (March 17): Spring Break – No Meeting
Week 9 (March 24): No Meeting
Week 10 (March 31):
Title: The Media Smells like Sulfur!!! Analyzing Chavez’s Verbal Attacks against the Media in Venezuela
Presenter: Jonathan Solis (Ph.D. candidate, Department of Political Science, University of Houston) and Iñaki Sagarzazu (Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Texas Tech University)
Week 11 (April 7): MPSA – No Meeting
Week 12 (April 14):
Title: Trustees or Delegates? Representation and Responsiveness in the U.S. House of Representatives
Presenter: Philip Waggoner (Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Political Science, University of Houston)
Week 13 (April 21):
Title: Randomization Tests with Observational Data
Presenter: Dr. Kelly Rader (Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Yale University)
Week 14 (April 28):
Title: The Heterogeneous Evolution of Obesity and Diabetes Epidemics across the US in the Last 25 years
Presenter: Dr. R. Alexander Bentley (Professor, Department of Comparative Cultural Studies, University of Houston)