Students Learn about Hurricane Preparedness at Hurricane Preparedness Event


Are you prepared for hurricane season?

That’s the first question Ginger Walker, Director of the Office of Emergency Management, asked students at the department’s hurricane preparedness tabling event in September. 

The event, organized by OEM, allowed students to be educated on the importance of being prepared for hurricane season. Joining OEM in the event were Fire & Life Safety and the University of Houston Police Department. 

“One of our biggest responsibilities in Emergency Management is preparedness. It’s one of our emergency management phases and we spend a lot of time preparing the community. Not only does OEM prepare for hurricane season, but we help to prepare the community, the students, faculty and staff,” said Walker on why OEM wanted to have this event. 

While Walker questioned students, the department also welcomed them from the UH community. Some of the questions received included: 

  • How do I evacuate? 
  • What should I do to prepare for evacuation? 
  • Should I evacuate with the university? 

Walker noted that these are excellent questions from students as they are proactively thinking about what they should do in the event of a hurricane and shared with students how they might navigate the process. 

“I like to encourage people to make their own plans. Do your own preparedness,” said Walker. 

One of the ways the campus community can stay prepared is by having an emergency kit. Fellow Campus Safety partners, Fire & Life Safety, had a bucket (homemade emergency kit) on their table, and while some students found it humorous at first, once they learned about its use, their tune changed. 

“We did ask about the bucket because we were confused, and it was a little funny to see a bucket,” said freshman Kayla Cruz. “But then, she explained it to us, and we understood.” 

Walker said a bucket is ideal for an emergency kit because it’s plastic, waterproof, and can fit many items such as MREs (Meals Ready to Eat), water, flashlight, medications, cash, change of clothes, and a first aid kit. 

For finance major Selena Montalvo, the one piece of information she will take from the event is the importance of having an emergency kit and what to put in it. The sophomore said she plans on investing in one after hearing of its importance. 

The UH community also had the opportunity to test their hurricane knowledge in a floor tic-tac-toe game. Players took turns answering general hurricane knowledge questions from OEM Emergency Management Specialist Maia Solomon. Each correct answer allowed them to throw a bean bag on the tic-tac-toe layout. 

“The students were very knowledgeable about general hurricane information and preparedness information,” said Solomon. “Overall, there were only a few missed questions.” 

Students appreciated the opportunity to speak with OEM and the other departments regarding how to best prepare for hurricane season. Cruz added that not every student is from Houston and used to the hurricane season. 

That was the case for Montalvo, an Austin resident now living in Houston. 

“When I saw this event, I [knew] I needed to go because I don’t know anything,” said Montalvo. “It was very helpful, and I feel more relaxed and prepared on what to do.”