Faculty Publications
This list of book publications represents a sampling of the work of CLASS faculty. It is not a comprehensive chronicle of their publications or citations. The publications on this page are updated annually and may not reflect the most current work of an individual faculty member. Click to view lists of publications.
2012 Publications
Transforming literacies and language: Multimodality and literacy in the new media age
Anderson, Katherine
Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics
Collins, Susan
Cuba post-soviética: un cuerpo narrado en clave de mujer
Cuesta, Mabel
Engaging Bach: The Keyboard Legacy from Marpurg to Mendelssohn
Dirst, Matthew
Ready: Why Women Are Embracing the New Later Motherhood
Gregory, Elizabeth
Lost World of the Golden King: In Search of Ancient Afghanistan
Holt, Frank
Negro Comrades of the Crown: African Americans & the British Empire Fight the US Before Emancipation
Horne, Gerald
Hutchinson, Janice
Group cognitive-behavioral therapy of anxiety: A transdiagnostic treatment manual
Norton, Peter
Until Everything is Continuous Again: American Poets on the Recent Work of W. S. Merwin
Prufer, Kevin
Historias que regresan: topología y renarración en la segunda mitad del siglo XX mexicano
Jose RamonPublic Theatres and Theatre Publics
Shimko, Robert
West of Center: Art and the Counterculture Experiment in America, 1965-1977
Sorkin, Jennifer
Branded Bodies, Rhetoric, and the Neoliberal Nation-State
Wingard, Jennifer
The Documentary History of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidency, Volume 17, The Berlin Crisis, part 2: The Geneva Meeting of Foreign Ministers and the Aftermath
Young, Nancy
Atomic Age America
Martin V Melosi
The Annotated Emerson
Ralph Waldo Emerson, David Mikics, Phillip Lopate
Learning and Teaching Chinese As a Second Language
Xiaohong Wen
Relative Justice: Cultural Diversity, Free Will, and Moral Responsibility
Tamler Sommers