Faculty Publications
This list of book publications represents a sampling of the work of CLASS faculty. It is not a comprehensive chronicle of their publications or citations. The publications on this page are updated annually and may not reflect the most current work of an individual faculty member. Click to view lists of publications.
2011 Publications
Between Conformity and Resistance: Essays on Politics, Culture, and the State .
Aboul-Ela, Hosam
Feminism: Transmissions and Retransmissions
Aboul-Ela, Hosam
Neighborhood and Boulevard: Reading the Modern Arab City
Aboul-Ela, Hosam
Social Anxiety Disorder in Adolescents and Young Adults: Translating Developmental Science into Practice
Alfano, Candice
Entre Héroes, Fantasmas y Apocalíptico
Bencomo, Anadeli
La distanza del cielo. Leopardi e lo spazio dell'ispirazione
Carrera, Alessandro
La voce di Bob Dylan. Una spiegazione dell'America. Nuova edizione riveduta e ampliata
Carrera, Alessandro
Infinite Autonomy: The Divided Individual in the Political Thought of G.W.F. Hegel and Friedrich Nietzsche
Church, Jeffrey
Africana Consciousness Past and Present, volume 4
Conyers, James
Perceived organizational support: Fostering enthusiastic and productive employees
Eisenberger, Robert
fighting in paradise: labor unions, racism and communists in the making of modern hawaii
Horne, Gerald
Johnson, Mathew
Hispanic Immigrant Literature: El Sueño del Retorno
Kanellos, Nicolas
Embodied Resistance: Challenging the Norms, Breaking the Rules
Kwan, Samantha
Reversing the Obesogenic Environment
Lee, Rebecca
First Thing We Do, Let's Deregulate all the Lawyers
Maheshri, Vikram
Trance and Modernity in the Southern Caribbean: African and Hindu Popular Religions in Trinidad and Tobago
McNeal, Keith
Precious Commodity: Providing Water for America's Cities
Melosi, Martin
Nelson, Antonya
Sidgwickian Ethics
Phillips, David
In A Beautiful Country
Prufer, Kevin
Wir Wollten Amerika Finden: Ausgewählte Gedichte (a large book of my poems in German translation)
Prufer, Kevin
Making War and Minting Christians: Masculinity, Religion, and Colonialism in Early New England
Romero, Todd
Improbable Worlds: An Anthology of Texas and Louisiana Poets
Serpas, Martha
Mexico, Nation in Transit: Contemporary Representations of Mexican Migration to the United States
Sisk, Christina
Veto Power: Institutional Design in the European Union
Slapin, Jonathan
Relative Justice: Cultural Diversity, Free Will, and Moral Responsibility
Sommers, Tamler
Gael Stack
Stack, Gael
The Documentary History of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidency, Volume 14, The Submerged Lands Act of 1953
Young, Nancy
The Documentary History of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidency, Volume 15, Eisenhower's Heart Attack
Young, Nancy
The Documentary History of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidency, Volume 16, The Berlin Crisis, part 1: Sept 1953-April 1959: Prelude to the Geneva Meeting of Foreign Ministers
Young, Nancy
La Mirada Exuberante
Lois Zamora
The Art of the Sonnet
Stephen Burt, David Mikics