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Undergraduate Student Success Orientation

New Coogs - Welcome to Undergraduate Student Success! 

We can't wait to meet you at New Student Orientation.

There are TONS of things to do in order to begin your first semester at UH. New Student Orientation can be overwhelming - there’s just so much to learn about your new life at UH. No worries! We are here to help you make yourself at home. 

At this point, you should have completed both the Pre-Orientation and Undergraduate Student Success College Modules.

Here are your NEXT STEPS:


How can you have a successful Orientation experience? Prepare ahead of time!  We will expect you to be ready.  You can definitely ask questions about courses and requirements during orientation and make any changes you need, even after you enroll in courses. The important thing now is to get your planning started.

Before Orientation:

  • Review the USS NSO Guidebook
  • Be Enrollment Ready:
    • Submit your college Transfer Coursework
    • Have your AP and IB scores, transfer credit, etc. readily available to share with your advisor to ensure the best course planning. All credit must be evaluated by the UH Admissions office to ensure that proper credit is awarded before you can enroll in next classes. Waiting on updated credit? Let your advisor know, and plan to enroll in next classes later in the summer.
    • Take any placement tests needed
    • Resolve any holds on your record (such as TSI) that will prevent enrollment on your orientation date.
  • Begin Enrollment Now! Complete the first three enrollment steps BEFORE Orientation (Step #4 will be done DURING Orientation)
    • #1 Know your degree requirements:
      • Review the 4-year Academic Maps for your intended major. Download, and even considering printing a copy of the 4-year Academic Map of your intended major - having a paper copy can be really handy at Orientation. Each Academic map will give you a great one-page visual of all the courses that are required to graduate with that major. Consider multiple majors? Looking at the Academic Maps side-by-side is a great way to compare majors you might be interested in.
      • View the Major Previews to learn more about your intended major. Are you leaning toward certain majors? Are you planning to remain in Integrated Studies through until graduation? Do you still want to explore a bit? All options are fine! Review the Major Previews to inform yourself about the change of major requirements for each academic college - these are the requirements you must meet to change your major after at least one semester of enrollment at UH.
    • #2 Plan your courses using the Planner function
      • Choose your first choice, and also second and third choices - having back-up sections ready means
    • #3 Build your ideal schedule with Schedule Builder
  • Make a list of all your questions so that you will be ready to ask them.

Orientation - Day 1 (Academic College Welcome):

  • We welcome you and your family to the Undergraduate Success Family! 
  • Learn about Integrated and Exploratory studies, and the supports we offer toward your success.

Orientation - Day 2 (Academic College Meeting/Advising/Enrollment):

  • On your scheduled date, bring a laptop to enroll in classes. Course enrollment is very difficult to complete on a smartphone. Make your day easier - find a laptop to bring.
  •  During the academic college meeting you will:
    • Have your selected courses confirmed by an Academic Advisor.
    • Have open Q&A to get your pertinent academic questions answered.
    • #4 Enroll in your first semester courses.

After Orientation:

  • If you need additional assistance after attending your college meeting, you may stop by our Virtual Help Desk at any time.
    • Virtual Help Desk on Microsoft Teams Join Code: 57foi73
  • Or you may find more information right here on the  Exploratory Studies Orientation page.
  • We will contact you to ensure that you are enrolled in courses, answer questions, and direct you to resources on campus.


We are excited to welcome you to Exploratory and Integrated Studies and help you on the path to declaring your desired major. 

Go Coogs!