

Graphic Standards FAQ's

The following are the most frequently asked questions about UH graphic standards, logos, branding and more. If you have a question that is not answered here, please check the Graphic Standards for more information on your topis or contact the Office of University Relations at or 713-743-8863.


FAQ’s about the University of Houston logos


Who may use the University of Houston logo?
Only UH faculty, staff, authorized student organizations and authorized vendors may use the University of Houston logo. All others are not permitted to use the logo without prior permission from the Office of University Relations. Logo usage applies to any and all printed, digital, promotional, display, clothing, household item and video communications. When using a UH logo, you are expected to follow the UH Graphic Standards (

How do I get permission to use the logo?
To get permission to use the University of Houston logo, please contact the Office of University Relations at or 713-743-8863.

How do I get the logo?
If you are a UH faculty/staff member or authorized student organization, you may download the logo and other UH images in digital format from our photography Web Site. Log in using your Cougarnet credentials (cougarnet\username).  If you are a vendor or other business partner, you may contact the Office of University Relations at or 713-743-8863.

Can I right click on logos from the website and use them for a print piece?
It is best to contact the Office of University Relations at or 713-743-8863 for logos. Images viewed onscreen are very low resolution—72 dots per inch (dpi) and will appear blurry if used for printing, which requires 300 dpi or greater. If you are a UH faculty/staff member or authorized student organization, you may download the logo and other UH images in digital format from our photography Web Site. Log in using your Cougarnet credentials (cougarnet\username). Vendors and or other business partners should contact the Office of University Relations.

Can I have a UH logo in a different colors?
The current official University of Houston logotype is available only in colors and color schemes that are related to the official UH school colors that have a rich historical tradition and are immediately identifiable by internal and external audiences. The logo is available in the solid colors red (PMS 186), white and black. The two-color logo is available only in the specific combination of red (PMS 186) and silver (PMS 877). The color combination and placement of the two-color logo cannot be altered. The Office of University Relations does not offer additional logo color options at this time.

What marks are considered the current, official, approved logos for University of Houston?
The University of Houston logotype is the graphic depiction of the name University of Houston in a type format. It is a one-of-a-kind signature, which identifies our university and projects our unique identity. Spacing and size relationships between the logotype have been carefully established and calibrated so that the university identity will remain consistent in all applications. There are multiple versions of this logo to adapt it to various branding situations. These versions are called the Primary and Secondary versions of the UH logo. They can be seen with or without the “You Are the Pride” Tagline. See them in the Graphic Standards.

Can I continue to use older UH logos?
The current official University of Houston logos are the only authorized logos representing any college, department, program or business unit affiliated with UH. Please see the answer above for further explanation on why consistent branding is important.

Is the interlocking “UH” an official logo?
The interlocking UH, seen here, is considered a “heritage mark” for the University of Houston. It is no longer considered the official current logo for UH. Going forward, it will not be used in academic or institutional marketing. The Interlocking UH will most often be seen as an Athletic mark, pertaining to sports and school spirit. If you would like to request a digital copy of the photo for appropriate use, please contact the Office of University Relations at or 713-743-8863.

There also is a “thick” interlocking UH that is an official Athletics logo. This image cannot be used in lieu of the official University of Houston logotype on non-athletic pieces of communication, marketing, promotion and signage. If you have questions about this logo, please contact the Office of Athletics Marketing, Promotions and Sales at 713-743-9450 or

Is the Cougar, an official logo?
The official UH cougar mascot photograph was taken by photographer Pam Francis. It is not a logo, but a copyrighted graphic element that is among the pantheon of UH symbols. This photo cannot be used in lieu of the official University of Houston logotype. The Cougar will not be used in academic or institutional marketing as focus is shifted to represent our students, faculty and alumni. More information about this image is available in the Graphic Standards. If you would like to request a digital copy of the photo for appropriate use, please contact University Relations at or 713-743-8863.

There also is a triangular, stylized cougar head logo that is an official Athletics logo. This image cannot be used in lieu of the official University of Houston logotype on non-athletic pieces of communication, marketing, promotion and signage. If you have questions about this logo, please contact the Office of Athletics Marketing, Promotions and Sales at 713-743-9450 or

Is the UH Seal an official logo?
The seal is an official, trademarked academic symbol of the University of Houston. It is not to be used interchangeably with the UH logotype. The seal is reserved for academic use only by the Office of the President and the Provosts Office. Other uses of the UH Seal must be approved by the associate vice president for university relations. If you have questions regarding the proper use of the seal, please contact the Office of University Relations at or 713-743-8863.

What font is used in the new UH logos?
The official University of Houston logotype is based on ITC Avant Garde Gothic, but has been specially formatted to create a unique logo that is specific to University of Houston. The university does not have a site agreement with the vendor to place these fonts on every printer and computer on campus. The logo can be obtained through the Office of University Marketing in digital format free of charge. There is no need to attempt to replicate the logo. To get University of Houston logos, please contact University Relations at or 713-743-8863.

What fonts work well with the new brand?

The official University of Houston logotype is based on ITC Avant Garde Gothic. We do not have a license for the whole university to use them, but we do have a special agreement to use them only in the logos. Recommendations for headlines and body copy are based on what looks best with ITC Avant Guard logos, is most easily readable and helps project the UH brand. For Sans Serif font, the Helvetica font family is recommended. For Serifed fonts, Times New Roman, the Berkley font family (more serifed) and the Trajan Pro font family (a slightly less serifed, capital letter font that is more formal that is nice on invitations) seem to work the best.

FAQ’s about college, department, program or business unit logos


Can I create a secondary logo for my department/program/unit?
To maintain a consistently branded image, the current official University of Houston logos are the only authorized logos representing any college, department, program or business unit affiliated with UH. Individual college, department, program or business units may not create independent logos to be used in place of or in conjunction with the UH logos. Examples of a college logo and more information can be seen in the Graphic Standards. Notice that the name of the college, in this case, the Bauer College of Business, is part of that college’s logo. If your college, department, program or business unit needs logos created, please contact the Office of University Relations at or 713-743-8863.

Why is it important for all logos on campus to be consistent?
As UH strives toward Tier One, having a unified, consistent and easily identifiable brand image is more important than ever. All units within the university and affiliated with it need to draw on one another’s strengths as we engage the Houston community and the higher education community to show that we deserve to be a Tier One university. Research has shown that other top tier universities have consistent branding across all academic and business units. To maintain a consistently branded image, the current official University of Houston logos are the only authorized logos representing any college, department, program or business unit affiliated with UH.

Can I continue to use my college, department, program or business unit’s older logo?
As of Sept. 1, 2010, only the newer college, department, program and business unit logos are permitted for use in all university communications, advertising,and websites. Older style logos that are not in line with current UH branding are no longer permitted. The current official University of Houston logos are the only authorized logos representing any college, department, program or business unit affiliated with UH. Research has shown that other top-tier universities have consistent branding across all academic and business units. If your college, department, program or business unit need logos created, please contact the Office of University Relations at or 713-743-8863.

Can I continue using my college, department, program or business unit’s older logo since audiences recognize it?
As of Sept. 1, 2010, only the newer college, department, program and business unit logos are permitted for use in all university communications, advertising and websites. Older style logos that are not in line with current UH branding are no longer permitted. The current official University of Houston logos are the only authorized logos representing any college, department, program, or business unit affiliated with UH. Research has shown that other top tier universities have consistent branding across all academic and business units. Other research has shown that the individualized logos that many colleges, departments, program and business units at UH used in the past caused confusion to audiences both inside and outside the campus community. Many audience members had trouble telling which organizations were part of the university and which were not.

My department, program or business unit is different from others on campus. Can I have unique branding or continue to use older branding?
As of Sept. 1, 2010, only the newer college, department, program and business unit logos are permitted for use in all university communications, advertising and web sites. Older style logos that are not in line with current UH branding are no longer permitted. The only entities that are exceptions to the regular UH Branding and Graphic Standards are those that are funded 51 percent or more by entities outside of the University of Houston or University of Houston System. Those funds can come from other public organizations, private organizations, private individuals or from services rendered. See the Graphic Standards on UH Entities that may be Exceptions to Graphic Standards for more information. If you think your organization may be an exception entity, please contact the Office of University Relations at or 713-743-8863.

Can I still use my college, department, program or business unit’s old logo internally?
As of Sept. 1, 2010, only the newer college, department, program and business unit logos are permitted for use in all university communications, advertising and web sites. Older style logos that are not in line with current UH branding are no longer permitted. No, the current official University of Houston logos are the only authorized logos representing any college, department, program, or business unit affiliated with UH. Research has shown that the individualized logos that many colleges, departments, program and business units at UH used in the past caused confusion to audiences both inside and outside the campus community. Many audience members had trouble telling which organizations were part of the university and which were not.

How can I still use an image that may be part of my college, department, program or business unit’s old logo?
Some college, department, program or business unit’s logos included an image or graphic that is symbolic of the department or its function. While it is not permitted to use any graphic, image or older style college, department, program or business unit logo or to attach it to any current official logo, an image can be used elsewhere in a marketing or communication piece as long as it is a reasonable distance away from any UH logo and is not being used as a logo or a prominent identifying mark. It can be used as a graphic or image only.

What’s the difference between a logo and a graphic or an image?
A logo is a graphic mark or emblem commonly used by organizations to aid and promote instant public recognition of that organization. It is used as a visual version of the organization’s name or it includes the name. The official University of Houston logo is a symbol that represents the university and what it stands for in the community. An image (picture) or graphic (drawn picture) is somewhat simpler. It does not carry as much meaning and is not used interchangeably with the organization’s name in visual contexts. An example is the image of a cougar. The cougar is the UH mascot. It is an important and revered symbol that is often associated with the university, but it is not synonymous with the name “University of Houston.” Therefore, the cougar image is only an image, albeit an important one. It is not a logo. If you have questions about how to use an image versus a logo, please contact the Office of University Relations at or 713-743-8863.

We have the ability to format the logos at our college; can you send me a template?
UH logos are based on ITC Avant Garde Gothic, but have been specially formatted to create a unique logo that is specific to the University of Houston. It is not based on a template. The Office of University Relations can provide logos quickly and free of charge, please contact the Office of University Relations at or 713-743-8863.

Do I always have to use the “You Are The Pride” tagline?
“You Are the Pride” is the official tagline for University of Houston and all it’s colleges, departments, programs and business units. Colleges, departments, programs and business units are not required to use the tagline and may opt to use one of the UH logos that do not include it. When colleges, departments, programs and business units forgo the use of the tagline, they are not permitted to use any other tagline in its place.

Can I use another tagline besides “You are the Pride”?
When colleges, departments, programs and business do not use of the “You Are the Pride” tagline, they are not permitted to use any other tagline in its place.

FAQ’s about ad approval and formatting marketing pieces


How do I have my marketing and communications pieces approved?
The purchasing department requires all printed ads, digital ads and promotional items to be approved by the Office of University Relations before they can release funds to pay the vendor. The Office of University Relations has designated three marketing representatives to approve ads.  Approvals are required from two designees. To reach all Ad Approval designees easily, please e-mail your ad to at least five business days before it is due. More information about the ad approval process is available in the Graphic Standards.

What type of marketing and communications pieces need to be submitted for approved?
All forms of advertising, particularly those paid for by university or state funds, are subject to pre-approval. This includes advertising created to support student organizations, student research and faculty research. Only advertisements in the Yellow Pages, KUHT or KUHF are exempt from pre-approval. If you are not sure if your ad needs to be approved, it is ok to submit it anyway. To submit your piece for Ad Approval, please e-mail your ad to at least five business days before it is due. More information about the ad approval process is available in the Graphic Standards.

Why do I need to put the EEO/AA Statement on my marketing pieces event if they are not employment ads?
UH General Counsel recommends placing the EEO/AA Statement on ALL marketing and communication pieces produced by the University of Houston as a protective measure. For more information on the EEO/AA Statement, please see the Graphic Standards.

How large and in what place should I put the EEO/AA statement?
The EEO/AA Statement does not need to take up very much space on a marketing or communication piece. It can be as small as 6-point type and can be placed in the corner of an ad or on the back of a brochure. The statement itself can be as short as “The University of Houston is an EEO/AA institution.” For more information on the EEO/AA Statement, please see the Graphic Standards.

Why does the name of the university need to go on top of all pieces of communication, marketing, promotion and signage instead of a college, department, program or business unit name?
As UH strives toward Tier One, having a unified, consistent and easily identifiable brand image is more important than ever. Having the University of Houston’s name displayed prominently helps maintain a consistently branded image and helps make audiences aware of all that UH has to offer to various audiences. It’s important for audiences to know that the successful and honored colleges, departments, programs and business units that touch important communities and industries are part of UH. By the same token, the effort that UH currently is putting into promotion can benefit the colleges, departments, programs and business units at they work to attract more students, faculty and funds.

FAQ’s about the new UH brand


In 2009, University of Houston adopted a new look and feel for the university’s brand, complete with a new logo. The faculty and staff are valued members of the UH community and your support of the new brand will help it be a success.
Why did UH adopt a new brand?
The “Learning. Leading.” campaign was fresh and effective when it was launched, but is no longer an active campaign. The university has new goals, new opportunities and new leadership. It’s time to update our communications to reflect that.

What inspired the new brand?
UH reached out to Fletcher Martin, a top communications firm, to help research and re-imagine a new brand. After months of interviews, focus groups, and more, Fletcher Martin recommended a brand image that emphasizes our strengths: diversity, entrepreneurialism, connection to the City of Houston and accessibility. The overall look is very editorial, with candid photos using actual students, urban landscape and actual UH scenery. The new tagline, YOU ARE THE PRIDE, is influenced by what we learned through research; that UH gets its identity from its students while the students at other Texas universities get their identity from their university.

Will my department have to throw away materials with the old brand and reprint new ones?
Continue to use the materials you have if you wish. UH is implementing a gradual rollout so colleges and departments can use up current supplies. However, when it is time to order new marketing and communications materials, please use the new branding and logos. If you are a UH faculty/staff member or authorized student organization, you may download the logo and other UH images in digital format from our photography Web Site. Log in using your Cougarnet credentials (cougarnet\username).  If you are a vendor or other business partner, you may contact the Office of University Relations at or 713-743-8863.

Where do I go to order business cards and letterhead with the new logo on them?
New university business cards and stationary have been created. Printing & Postal currently produces business cards and letterhead with the new university logo. You can contact Printing & Postal on their website,, or by calling 713-743-5900.