Despite many rounds of reviews and editing, many errors creep into any text as complex as Process Control Instrumentation Technology, 6th Edition. These webpages catalog all reported errors and their corrections for the benefit of users of the text. In many cases these errors will have been corrected in subsequent printings of the book, so that, even though listed here, the error may not appear. The errors are referenced by text page number

If you have found an error which is not listed here please report it using the feedback link, even if you do not know the correction. The error will be corrected and a citation placed on these pages along with credit to you (if you wish).

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72Example 2.14: The load impedance was computed as if resistance instead of reactance so the output attenuation is wrongThe correct output ratio is (Vout/Vin) = 0.33. The value of XL should be 57.75 Ohm and the series reactance should be 115.65 Ohm. This means that Va = 0.45Vin which, when combined with the 0.73 gives the 0.33 factor. (Submitted by Jim Lau)
174Example 4.6: Sign wrong on some percentage errorsAt 60o error is +1% for the linear approximation. At 85o the error is +0.09% for the quadratic approximation (Paul Ricketts)
494In Figure 11.1, R4 does not show a ground Add a ground to the base of R4
626Solutions for Problem 2.3 power dissipation are wrong The power should be 49.98 mW at 520 Ohms and 27.78 mW at 2500 Ohm (Paul Ricketts)