Introduction to the Mind / Philosophy of Psychology
Spring 2008
* * * Final Exam * * *
TA: Deepak Mirchandani
Office: Agnes Arnold 508
Office Hours: Mon 2-2:30, Tues 11:30-1:00, Thurs 12-1
dmirchandani@uh.eduCourse Description
This is a writing-intensive course. You will get practice in the mechanics and style of good writing.
This course is also designed to fulfill a requirement in social science. You will learn some of the principles of science and you will get practice at thinking logically and critically.
Finally, this course is an introduction to the study of the mind. You will discover some facts about the human mind, including facts about how to reason more accurately.
Policies & Grading
· PARTICIPATION and HOMEWORK. You are to read the assignments and think about them before coming to class, you are to attend classes, and you are to write occasional exercises. Failure to participate and do homework may result in a grade reduction.
· GRADED ASSIGNMENTS. You will have two papers and a final exam. Your first paper, of about five pages, will be worth 30% of your grade. Your second paper, of about seven pages, will be worth 45% of your grade. Your exam will be worth 25%. Details will be distributed in class.
· DUE DATES. Papers are due in class on the designated dates. Late work will be accepted according to the following schedule. Slightly late: if you submit a paper within one class period after it’s due, and if it’s the first time you’re late, it will automatically be excused. (For instance, a paper due on Monday will be accepted on Wednesday without penalty unless you’ve used your "free card" on an earlier paper.) Moderately late: if you submit a paper within one week after it’s due, it will be graded down by one full letter and returned without comments. Very late: papers late by more than seven days will not be accepted. Note: the exam dates are inflexible.
· ACADEMIC HONESTY. I do not tolerate cheating, and if you are caught I will penalize you to the fullest extent possible.
Alan Chalmers. What is This Thing Called Science? 3/e. Hackett / Open UP, 1999.
DePaul & Ramsey, eds. Rethinking Intuition. Rowman & Littlefield, 1998.
Edmund Gettier. Article in Analysis 23.6: 121-23, 1963 (available from library).Schedule
Date Reading Assignment Notes
Week of Jan 14 Chalmers ch 1-3 Week of Jan 21 Gettier; D&R ch 3 Week of Jan 28 D&R ch 5; Chalmers ch 4 Week of Feb 4 D&R ch 4 & 1 Week of Feb 11 Chalmers ch 5-7 Week of Feb 18 D&R ch 7 Paper 1 due Thursday Week of Feb 25 D&R ch 9 Week of Mar 3 Chalmers ch 8 Week of Mar 10 Chalmers ch 9 Week of Mar 17 -------- Spring Break Week of Mar 24 D&R ch 10 Week of Mar 31 D&R ch 11 Week of Apr 7 Chalmers ch 10 Paper 2 due Thursday Week of Apr 14 No class Week of Apr 21 D&R ch 14 May 8, Thursday 11
Final exams due, room 201 AH
Syllabus subject to change.
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