Where to begin?

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The simple stuff.......

1) Make a layout! (Before beginning a complicated table, be sure to create a layout to follow by) Example
  a) Design your page on a piece of paper
  b) Figure out how many rows and columns you will need
  c) Measure the width of your table(standard is around 600 pixels)
  d) Design the skeleton of you page with just the table tags but little or no content
  e) Finally, insert it's contents


2) Tables are made up of rows and column (rows go from side to side and columns go up and down) Example
  a) <Table> equals the start of a new table
  b) </Table> equals the end of the table
  c) <TR> equals the start of a new row
  d) </TR> equals the end of the row
  e) <TD> equals the start of a new Column
  f) </TD> equals the end of the Column
***I'm sorry if this sounds a little elementary but some people really do not know this stuff so hang on and I promise it'll get better***

Need more?.......

3) Adding borders and changing border color
  a) Inside the intial Table tag, Type Border example: <TABLE BORDER=10>
  b) To make a solid colored border type: <Bordercolor= "?"> the question mark is the color to be determined by you. Make sure you insert this Bordercolor in the Table tag after the border size is set, see last line.
  c) To make a shaded color border type in the Table Tag:< Bordercolordark="?" Bordercolorlight="?"> Example

Still need more?.......

4) Setting the Width
  a) To set the width of a cell or a table type: <Width=?> in the Table tag or the TD tag, where the "?" equals the desired width


5) Centering a Table on the Page (this can be used to Left align and Right align also)
  a) In the Table tag type: <Align=center>

Okay, what now? You still want to know more? Wow, you're pretty thirsty for knowledge huh? Okay fine, Here we go!....... (This is where it gets a little tricky)

6) Adding text and making it wrap around a table
a) Type <Table Align=Left> or Right
b) Then at the end of the Table type: </Table>
c) Finally start typing the text that will flow around the Table. Example


7) Stoping the Text Wrap

a) place the curser where you want the text to stop wrapping and either type <BR CLEAR=LEFT>, <BR CLEAR=RIGHT> or <BR CLEAR=ALL>, the Left stops all flowing text until there are no more tables aligned to the left margin. The same with the Right and the All stops the flow till there are no more tables on either margin.


8) Adding Space around the Table.
a) Yup you guessed it, in the Table tag type: <HSPACE=?> this is for the space on the left and right of the Table
b) In the Table tag type: <VSPACE=?> this is for the space on the top and bottom of the table.


9) Spanning a Cell across Columns and Rows
  a) When you reach a point in your text which when you need it to span more than one column, Type in the TD tag: <COLSPAN=?>, "?" equalls the number of columns to span, then type in the information and end with </TD>
  b) To make text flow into more then one row is exactly the same as the columns except that <COLSPAN> becomes <ROWSPAN=?>


10) Aligning Cell Contents
  a) Place cursor in the initial tag for the cell, row, or section, after the name of the tag but before the final >.
b) Now type <ALIGN=?> where the "?" equals the direction it is to be aligned (left, right, center)
c) Finally, to vertically align it type: <VALIGN=?> (top, middle, bottom, or baseline)


11) Space in and Around Cells
a) Place cursor in Table tag, again and type: <CELLSPACING=?> (number of pixels desired between each cell)
b) <CELLPADDING=?> (number of pixels desired between the contents and the walls of the cell)


12) Changing the Color of a Cell
a) In the TD tag, type: <BGCOLOR=?> just pick a color! Easy huh?


13) Background Image
a) In the TD tag type: <BACKGROUND=?>
b) In the Table tag type: <BACKGROUND=?>

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