Physical Geology - Student Survey #2

The following questions pertain to the courses that you have had at UH -- not just this course.

Click on the answer bar to see the choices. If you do not make a selection "not applicable" will be entered. Please restrict the number of "not applicable" selections. I think that all of these should be important for students to consider.

As soon as I record a "tick mark" by your SSN, I will remove the SSN from the survey. Your responses will not influence your grade in the course.

If for some reason you can not transmt this response, print out the questions, answer them and put the responses in my mail box in room 312 Science Research.

  1. Last Four Digits of SSN :

  2. I had have approximately _____ courses at UH:

  3. Many faculty believe that a student should spend 2 to 3 hours studying/doing home work, etc. outside of class for every 1 hour in class. In my case:

  4. I probably attend class:

  5. UH has a policy that requires that students have the opportunity to evaluate each course that they take. In my case:

  6. How important is it for you to have the opportunity to evaluate a course and the instructor?

  7. Do you believe that someone other than the faculty member looks at the evaluations?

  8. Are you aware that UH requires the results of course evaluations be made available to all students?

  9. Where do you think these evaluations would be stored for you to review?

  10. Do you (or would you) review course evaluations for a course you are considering taking?

  11. Based on your experiences at UH, do you feel that your instructors care about your academic progress?

  12. Overall, have you felt that your instructors were accessible out side of class?

  13. How important is it that the instructor is well prepared for class?

  14. How important is it that the instructor clearly states the goals of the course?

  15. How important is it that the examinations, homework, etc. relate to the goals of the course?

  16. How important is it that the instructor is enthusastic about the course?

  17. How important is it that the instructor requires you to think for yourself?

  18. Please add any other comments that you would like to make about course evaluations.

    To submit your responses, press this button:

    To reset the form, press this button:
